JBallz and B79 gear up again!

40mg/day for 5 days. I stopped pinning, I know things are going downhill. What do you mean by "dulling" though? Less effective?

It alway seemed to counter my aas making them less effective. It last for about a week or so after im done with the prednisone. But he has you on a short run so I'd say 5-7 days after you finish it it will be completely out of your system. I have no scientific proof of this and actually started a thread a while ago about it trying to get more info. Plus I got sick as hell too because my immune system was shot. But I was on them for 3 full weeks. Since your not pinning now you may not notice anything though.
So brute? You officially a strongman in training or dare I say bodybuilder?
No way. Jb is all that... I just got the inside track on a powerlifting gym close to my house. Semi private that has a team who meets on sundays- serious if I can get me a trainer. Y'all can look strong- I want to be strong. Im going sunday to scope it out. With john. Don't tell him yet- he might sweat out his spray tan ;-)
Well I stopped playing doctor on myself and went in to get checked out today. Doc convinced me to take amoxicillin and also prescribed prednisone which he says should relieve the pressure in my ears/head pretty quick.

I'm supposed to take the antibiotic for 10 days!!! Why?! I'm always hesitant to take antibiotics because they kill protein synthesis. Do I really have to take this shit for 10 days??
I had strep for about 5 days about a month ago. They shot 5cc of penicillin into my glutes. I got better in 3 days, but ib lost almost 14 pounds during that week. You're lucky it isn't bad enough that you needed to take the injection, worst pip I've ever had. The orals aren't as harsh and generally are given to treat things that aren't as severe. You'll start feeling better in 3 or 4 days, but make sure you take all 10 days worth and don't workout until the course of antibiotics is done. I've made that mistake before, trust me on this one.
They each have a little give and take. Often looking strong still means your plenty strong just not necessarily in a 1rm. Being strong often means you will look smaller. Or at least look less strong. But whatever. Is what it is.
No way. Jb is all that... I just got the inside track on a powerlifting gym close to my house. Semi private that has a team who meets on sundays- serious if I can get me a trainer. Y'all can look strong- I want to be strong. Im going sunday to scope it out. With john. Don't tell him yet- he might sweat out his spray tan ;-)

I'm not big enough to call myself a bodybuilder.. Yet.. But yes I'm more focused on my physique than being strong, it's a great side effect though.. Sunday might actually work, talk to you about it later..
I'm not big enough to call myself a bodybuilder.. Yet.. But yes I'm more focused on my physique than being strong, it's a great side effect though.. Sunday might actually work, talk to you about it later..
What do you mean your not big enough? Im confused? What do you think your supposed to look like?
They each have a little give and take. Often looking strong still means your plenty strong just not necessarily in a 1rm. Being strong often means you will look smaller. Or at least look less strong. But whatever. Is what it is.
Unless you are ronnie coleman. Then you have both.
I just got the inside track on a powerlifting gym close to my house. Semi private that has a team who meets on sundays- serious if I can get me a trainer. Y'all can look strong- I want to be strong.

Im moving in a couple months and was looking at gyms in the area where I'm moving. In my searching I found this amazing gym that is a "Westside" certified gym. The equipment they have is all amazing. Checked the place out last week they've got power racks out the ass, mono lifts, deadlift platforms, reverse hyper, some machine developed by Louie Simmons for thigh/hip, chains, sleds, you name it. So stoked to be joining there and can not wait. Oh yeah and they have db's up to 175lbs
Im moving in a couple months and was looking at gyms in the area where I'm moving. In my searching I found this amazing gym that is a "Westside" certified gym. The equipment they have is all amazing. Checked the place out last week they've got power racks out the ass, mono lifts, deadlift platforms, reverse hyper, some machine developed by Louie Simmons for thigh/hip, chains, sleds, you name it. So stoked to be joining there and can not wait. Oh yeah and they have db's up to 175lbs
Bad ass!
Don't tell him yet- he might sweat out his spray tan ;-)

I hope he took his flip flops off.

I'm not big enough to call myself a bodybuilder.. Yet.. But yes I'm more focused on my physique than being strong, it's a great side effect though.. Sunday might actually work, talk to you about it later..

JB ur arms scream meathead bodybuilder bro! dont fool yourself although i know the feeling intimately
Diet yesterday
Vanilla protein powder

4 eggs

Pesto chicken and goat cheese wrap from fresh market

Couple apples

Four cups cottage cheese

Half gallon milk

1 box chocolate cinnamon toast crunch. Fuck it. 11 min

Just had lunch with jb... doing chest max effort day tomorrow with a friend after work and legs hopefully with jb saturday... back bi sunday with someone or in my garage. Still feel dizzy weak but not as bad as jb. I want golden graham
I'm not big enough to call myself a bodybuilder.. Yet.. But yes I'm more focused on my physique than being strong, it's a great side effect though.. Sunday might actually work, talk to you about it later..
Of course...none of us will ever be as big as we would like. Does that mean these shrimpy 200lb amateur light weights aren't bodybuilders? C'mon man. Your eyes deceive you.

JB has chronic body dysmorphia , poor guy just cant see it :confused:...lol
....if he ever gets really cut he"ll see his potential ;)
I feel like jersey shore... every day is chest day!
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5 paused
315 x 2
400 x 0 spotter touched it. Motherfucker.
385 x 1
315 x 6
Weighted dips 45
4 sets 12
Incline db bench
3 sets 12
3 push up fail sets
Cable fly
7 sets 12
Triceps push down 6 plate drop set
5 sets
Cable pull over
4 sets 10
Triceps pull down
7 sets 12

Either john is real sick or he is breaking up with me. Either way it's real sad.
I feel like jersey shore... every day is chest day!
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5 paused
315 x 2
400 x 0 spotter touched it. Motherfucker.
385 x 1
315 x 6
Weighted dips 45
4 sets 12
Incline db bench
3 sets 12
3 push up fail sets
Cable fly
7 sets 12
Triceps push down 6 plate drop set
5 sets
Cable pull over
4 sets 10
Triceps pull down
7 sets 12

Either john is real sick or he is breaking up with me. Either way it's real sad.

I cannot wait to get back on the schedule!! Antibiotics are tearing up my stomach a bit, one of the many reasons I hate taking them. Feeling a little better but no energy and just feel weak.. Need to get back in action!


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