JBallz and B79 gear up again!

I fill two shakers and pound a shaker and a half down... every other meal is one of the shakers and it REALLY cuts down on chewing.
Ya thats a great idea! I just pound all of it in the morning! Ill get another shaker and split the other 2 with my snacks between
I was surprised it went up. Do you recommend going max effort on both my bemch days mp? Or should one day be for speed work?

I don't like speed work for the bench. I never felt like it helped me much.

Your body can definitely handle max effort benching twice a week or more. If you are going that route then you need to drop out most of the accessory chest work. If you want to keep the accessory work in then I would recommend 3 sets of 10 at 245 for bench on the second day.
I don't like speed work for the bench. I never felt like it helped me much.

Your body can definitely handle max effort benching twice a week or more. If you are going that route then you need to drop out most of the accessory chest work. If you want to keep the accessory work in then I would recommend 3 sets of 10 at 245 for bench on the second day.
Three Sets of 10 at 275 it is then!

Quick back workout in the garage
Military press
3 sets 25 (alternating in front and behind head)
Lat pull down
4 sets 25 (alternating in front and behind head)
Lat swing down
4 sets 12
7 sets 12

Feeling about 100% and just waiting for my buddy
Cooking some chicken stir fry, worked all day and worked every day this month- and will continue to do so.
Seeing B79s numbers on bench we are at the same place. I'm not sure your technique is on that lift or anything like that but I finally hit 405 on my last cycle. The key for me was doing 5 sets 315 for as many as possible. On heavy days and the 275 for 10+ reps for sets on rep days. As for the 315 I was doing 7-8 reps the first couple sets dropping down to 5-6 on sets 3-5 then killing incline Dumbbells after. I found foot placement made the final extra I needed. I always pushed on my toes and a friend suggested pushing with my heals which helps keep your butt down and gives you a huge drive
Seeing B79s numbers on bench we are at the same place. I'm not sure your technique is on that lift or anything like that but I finally hit 405 on my last cycle. The key for me was doing 5 sets 315 for as many as possible. On heavy days and the 275 for 10+ reps for sets on rep days. As for the 315 I was doing 7-8 reps the first couple sets dropping down to 5-6 on sets 3-5 then killing incline Dumbbells after. I found foot placement made the final extra I needed. I always pushed on my toes and a friend suggested pushing with my heals which helps keep your butt down and gives you a huge drive
What's really pissing me off is that I think this is 90% mental at this point. I have been doing 5 x 5 w 315 on non max days... I know I do waaaaaaay to much accessory work but I want to be beach sexy. I start pinning tren this saturday- I will make 405 my bitch within 14 days. I will be repping it in two months. I mean fuck- I missed the 400 and still pegged 385 with no trouble. Stupid mind games I play under the bar hurting me.
Well when I said my footing was the final push it could have been the 600mg of tren and 750mg of test a week that could have had the deciding factor.
Well when I said my footing was the final push it could have been the 600mg of tren and 750mg of test a week that could have had the deciding factor.

As far as mental goes that fourth plate does mind fuck you. I started in early October and finally hit it after working with a powerlifting friend for 4 weeks in early December. He helped me mostly with my footing and used boards to work on my sticking spot.
I got over the hump at my last meet but unfortunately got red lighted because my butt came up about an inch according to the side judges. It will fall before my next meet.
I got over the hump at my last meet but unfortunately got red lighted because my butt came up about an inch according to the side judges. It will fall before my next meet.
You'll get it. My problem is when I bring it down and pause my friend said I use my chest to launch which I guess isn't allowed. I'm not a powerlifter so I don't know all the rules. I know shoulders and ass have to be down and I know your not allowed to bounce but I guess when the weight is sitting and you take a deep breath for the extra launch isn't allowed either
You know I got 425 right:oops:...with a tweaked shoulder.

I know what your issue is...and it ain't mental. Back in the day I would max 450 (natty) after a pretty decent workout. If you reduce your total chest sets and lower your rep range some...you'll get what your looking for. You'll have enough power to blast past any mark you set.

*Try this

Warm up with a few sets of pushups (10-20)
Do some shoulder dislocation mobility stretches. (3 sets of 5-10)

Get on the bench....bench 225, then 315, then your 385 max, after that, put on 4 plates and bench that turd. (Only do this on max day)

After that the do your chest workout. Your killing yourself with the extra stuff on max day.

If you think it's mental, then imagine THAT weight is about to fall on your most precious thing in life...you know what I mean.

Stop bullshitting....I need you to join me into the 5's

Edit: powerlifters don't do a complete workout before they compete. I might be wrong though.
LMAO..... I like that thinking MG.... I'm also thinking most of this is mental Brutus, especially when you are 15lbs within a target... Of Course adding in the Tren never hurts ;)
LMAO..... I like that thinking MG.... I'm also thinking most of this is mental Brutus, especially when you are 15lbs within a target... Of Course adding in the Tren never hurts ;)

I imagine that a car fell on my back (or something heavy)...while I'm in the push-up position. My son is under me smiling. I need to lift what ever it is up high enough for my son to get free.....

I was on test p when I recently did 425, the tren should have been out of my system at that time. Guess you need test p then....lol
You'll get it. My problem is when I bring it down and pause my friend said I use my chest to launch which I guess isn't allowed. I'm not a powerlifter so I don't know all the rules. I know shoulders and ass have to be down and I know your not allowed to bounce but I guess when the weight is sitting and you take a deep breath for the extra launch isn't allowed either

You can let the bar sink in to your chest as far as you want and then press. The only issue is you can't let it sink in after the press command. Anyone taking a deep breath after they have 400+ on their chest is in trouble. The breathe needs to be taken before starting the rep to get tight.
You know I got 425 right:oops:...with a tweaked shoulder.

I know what your issue is...and it ain't mental. Back in the day I would max 450 (natty) after a pretty decent workout. If you reduce your total chest sets and lower your rep range some...you'll get what your looking for. You'll have enough power to blast past any mark you set.

*Try this

Warm up with a few sets of pushups (10-20)
Do some shoulder dislocation mobility stretches. (3 sets of 5-10)

Get on the bench....bench 225, then 315, then your 385 max, after that, put on 4 plates and bench that turd. (Only do this on max day)

After that the do your chest workout. Your killing yourself with the extra stuff on max day.

If you think it's mental, then imagine THAT weight is about to fall on your most precious thing in life...you know what I mean.

Stop bullshitting....I need you to join me into the 5's

Edit: powerlifters don't do a complete workout before they compete. I might be wrong though.

MG is on the right track. I would classify you and JB's workout as focused about 80% towards bodybuilding and 20% towards strength. Nothing wrong with that but as mentioned above it isn't ideal programming if your goal is a 1-rep bench max.


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