JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Great day today!! I think maybe 19 sets chest and 16 sets tris. I already feel like I'm going to be sore as shit tomorrow, hopefully not..

Bench: 365, my previous PR went up like nothing. Said lets go and put on 375!! A fucking PR while still being sick and zero training for over 2 weeks!! I guess rest does a body good, eh?

Went for a post workout meal after, my plate is the bottom right.. Brutus put down the other two before I was even done!!

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Brutus is definantly my kind of eating partner!!! Eat big get big.
Love you guys training program as well ' hard core' the only way i like to train!! Good luck on the remainder of your cycles.
Congrats on the PR JB. Nice work.

The fact that you did it after being off for two weeks is a pretty good indication that you had overtrained a bit prior to getting sick.
Congrats on the PR JB. Nice work.

The fact that you did it after being off for two weeks is a pretty good indication that you had overtrained a bit prior to getting sick.
Ya its definitely possible to over train even when on alot of gear.

I know, I just hate the whole idea of overtraining... I love training!! Brutus and I were talking about toning it down a bit earlier today...
It will be good for you to take a big chunk out. The body does and will adapt but its never real obvious you were that deep in the hole until you take a little time off.
I know, I just hate the whole idea of overtraining... I love training!! Brutus and I were talking about toning it down a bit earlier today...

You can definitely overtrain if strength is your main goal. I'm not as convinced regarding overtraining and muscle building.
Yesterday's breakdown
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 1
385 x 0
Obviously didn't attempt 400 as planned. No sleep the night before... girlfriend is moving out next weekend and it makes for a tense environment.
Jb hit 375 for a pr!
Incline db bench
100's x 10
105's x 10 x 2 sets
Weighted dips
70 lbs
3 sets 10
Push ups
3 fail sets
Cable flys
7 sets 12
Close grip bench
225 x 10,8,5
5 plate triceps p/d
4 sets in a drop set
Cable pullover seated
Set of 20, 12, 15
Triceps pull down
7 sets 12
Lots of food
Yesterday's breakdown
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 1
385 x 0
Obviously didn't attempt 400 as planned. No sleep the night before... girlfriend is moving out next weekend and it makes for a tense environment.
Jb hit 375 for a pr!
Incline db bench
100's x 10
105's x 10 x 2 sets
Weighted dips
70 lbs
3 sets 10
Push ups
3 fail sets
Cable flys
7 sets 12
Close grip bench
225 x 10,8,5
5 plate triceps p/d
4 sets in a drop set
Cable pullover seated
Set of 20, 12, 15
Triceps pull down
7 sets 12
Lots of food

Women are so fucking dfficult to live with... I have this 20 something in my house for the past few weeks, everything is fine until they start trying to move shit around or ask questions....
I guess I am just a loner, but over my years I haven't found one I can put up with longer than 6 months... Variety is the spice of life?
I hope you are moving to greener pasteurs... AKA better pussy;)
Women are so fucking dfficult to live with... I have this 20 something in my house for the past few weeks, everything is fine until they start trying to move shit around or ask questions....
I guess I am just a loner, but over my years I haven't found one I can put up with longer than 6 months... Variety is the spice of life?
I hope you are moving to greener pasteurs... AKA better pussy;)
Women are easy to deal with for the first 90-120 days. Then the warranty runs out and it is time to trade them in. I also prefer to have a few different girls in the garage for difficult weather and such. Not sure how this one worked her way into my life but I won't be making this mistake again.
I completely understand t be tension. I have more stress I can't get anything up I my workouts lately. I am going to come down and move in. @brutus79 I need a place to stay. Lol.
I know, I just hate the whole idea of overtraining... I love training!! Brutus and I were talking about toning it down a bit earlier today...
This old power lifter I used to know always said; " work up to overtraining, that is when you will get your best results!"
And what he meant is over time is add to your load per workout. Gradually. I have half ass'ed tried it, but I am more on an instinctual type of trainer. If I feel like a nut walking into the gym, no holds bar. If not, nice and easy.
You can definitely overtrain if strength is your main goal. I'm not as convinced regarding overtraining and muscle building.

I fully agree with this. Looking purely at strength I think you can run into periods where the CNS is over stressed and needs time to adapt. For building muscle with proper rest and nutrition over training is not much of a worry. Every time you lift you are stimulating protein synthesis in that muscle, and that is really the goal.
Back and bi's
Lat pull down
3 sets 12
Lat swing down
3 sets 12
Smith machine prepay bent rows
3 sets 12
Seated close grip rows
7 sets 12
Close grip pull ups bw
Bb curl drop sets
4 sets 12
Preacher curls
3 sets 12

I hit the shower because I had to work- jb did 7 sets 12 cable curls. We then went to pollo and I ate my usual 2 meals of ribs, half chicken, double portion boiled yucca, rice and rolls.

Really focusing on muscle contraction and mind/muscle connection especially with back
Really focusing on muscle contraction and mind/muscle connection especially with back

I hear you. When my back day is over im wincing near the end and in quite a bit of pain. The back muscles can be quite difficult to isolate from the pulling motion of the biceps. But when done correctly you'll know it;)

Thats one of the reasons a lot of weight isnt necessary when rowing.

I can easily row the whole stack on the cable row and pack an extra 45 on each side when doing barbell bent rows but its not the back im working then.

I love pulldowns In between heavy rows of any sort. Mostly because it allows you to tax the back even more and keep them under tension.

Good job