JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Now thats some thing LMAO. Those two playing water polo together lol


LOL not that one.

Let me be a little clearer.

LOL not that one.

Let me be a little clearer.


Haha, I'm sorry to disappoint.. No polo playing of any kind going on here..

My appetite is absolutely insane this weekend.. Motherfucker must know it's time to GROW!!

Two hours after pollo I had to go get me some of this:


About to whip something else up before I grill later.. I think I'm already at 5 strong meals today and it's not even 5pm!! Not sure what's causing this or how long it'll last but it's nice for the moment.
Haha, I'm sorry to disappoint.. No polo playing of any kind going on here..

My appetite is absolutely insane this weekend.. Motherfucker must know it's time to GROW!!

Two hours after pollo I had to go get me some of this:

View attachment 22163

About to whip something else up before I grill later.. I think I'm already at 5 strong meals today and it's not even 5pm!! Not sure what's causing this or how long it'll last but it's nice for the moment.
lol wrong thread ;)


Water polo is a great fun way to get the training in too!
Haha, I'm sorry to disappoint.. No polo playing of any kind going on here..

My appetite is absolutely insane this weekend.. Motherfucker must know it's time to GROW!!

Two hours after pollo I had to go get me some of this:

View attachment 22163

About to whip something else up before I grill later.. I think I'm already at 5 strong meals today and it's not even 5pm!! Not sure what's causing this or how long it'll last but it's nice for the moment.
Hell fuckin ya! Sausage gravy! Bacon!
Yesterday was 16sets delts, 12sets traps. Quick pace, ~30min.

This morning I just fucking missed 385 bench.. Thought I had it locked but then bumped the freaking lip of the rack!! :mad: Brutus grabbed it because there was no way it was going back up with the amount of force that bump generated. Tried it again 5min later, no go. Finished with 315x8.

Felling good and finally shitting normally after getting off the antibiotic but now I have a sore throat!! Hahaha, this shit really needs to end...
Sounds like 385 is definitely there JB.

I catch the upright about three times per meet training cycle when I'm benching heavy 6 days per week. Catches me off guard every time, luckily it has usually been as I'm working up and I'm able to lock it out.
I was squatting 1,000,000lbs. and bumped my head on the moon and dropped it and crushed Mt. Rushmore...but then the effects of the acid wore off and I realized I was on the couch the whole time.
Leg day... probably the first time in 4 or 5 weeks and im not sure if we squatted for a couple weeks before that. Sad really... good to get back to my favorite day, disheartening to see how much strength has evaporated in that time.
135 x 10
225 x 10
275 x 5
315 x 5
Leg press drop set
10 plates drop two per set
4 sets
Leg extensions
7 sets 12
Laying leg curls
7 sets 12
Seated calf raises
7 sets 12
About half what we usually do and got it done in 50 min or so...
Really force feeding right now. Running test at 300wk and tren at 75-100 ed for a week now... night sweats but no anger yet so about five days away from seeing strength results. I have some winny but im going to save it for the end because it makes everything hurt and I also have some provision on the way just for shots and giggles. Helped me with tren anger last time I took it.

Very frustrated with my bemch. Been stuck for a couple months and it is fucking pissing me off.
Life. I was sick, then john got sick, closing month at work so hitting 60-70 a week, daughter switched for a few Wednesdays and I hate picking her up at daycare and putting her in the daycare at the gym. Makes me feel like an asshole dad.
Right on.
I thought maybe injury. Glad its not.
I had back surgery 6 years ago.
I LOVED leg day. No more squats, leg press, deads... my leg day is so unsatisfying now. Fucking discs.
Right on.
I thought maybe injury. Glad its not.
I had back surgery 6 years ago.
I LOVED leg day. No more squats, leg press, deads... my leg day is so unsatisfying now. Fucking discs.
Never say never.
Maybe physical therapy? I know some guys who came back- of course I dont know what your issue is.
I had a knee problem that is gone now with the break so im pretty fucking happy about that!
I ride a stationary bike for at least 5mins prior to leg day. Gotta protect the ole' knees.
Very frustrated with my bemch. Been stuck for a couple months and it is fucking pissing me off.

Have you tried running some sort of programming recently for it? I am using the 5/3/1 scheme again but just for bench after having been stuck forever. I way underestimated my #s so that I would be starting pretty low and hopefully can ramp up and bust through the stall. Hopefully it works... Otherwise... More food and more gear? Lol
Have you tried running some sort of programming recently for it? I am using the 5/3/1 scheme again but just for bench after having been stuck forever. I way underestimated my #s so that I would be starting pretty low and hopefully can ramp up and bust through the stall. Hopefully it works... Otherwise... More food and more gear? Lol
I want to switch to powerlifting... right after I get jacked "enough". In the meantime more food and more gear. I have been force feeding like a motherfucker... I would love to hit 275 this cycle and KEEP it.