JBallz and B79 gear up again!

@brutus79 Also worth noting is not to underestimate the mental aspect of lifting heavy weights. If you don't believe you can bench 405, you won't. It's really that simple.

You can do it. 10 - 20 more pounds is insignificant. You're already there now, you just don't believe it yet. Believe.

Here's some motivation for you. Watch how easy Levrone pushes 5 plates on the flat bench and 455 lbs on the incline. Light as feathers.

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@brutus79 Also worth noting is not to underestimate the mental aspect of lifting heavy weights. If you don't believe you can bench 405, you won't. It's really that simple.

You can do it. 10 - 20 more pounds is insignificant. You're already there now, you just don't believe it yet. Believe.

Here's some motivation for you. Watch how easy Levrone pushes 5 plates on the flat bench and 455 lbs on the incline. Light as feathers.

Fucking crazy. Good shit.
Heavy negs are the way too go for pushing through plateaus. One caveat though, make sure you are totally warmed up. I saw a pretty mean pec tear from a heavy negs.
Tenga Cuidado, me amigo!
About an inch off the chest. I was failing higher, but the more I push it the quicker I die out. Last fail didnt even move. Died on my chest.

1) work on your set up. Your setup should be so tight that it's uncomfortable. You shouldn't be able to hold it long enough to do a set of 8 or so. Traps should be on the bench and your ass as well. Arch the rest of your back as much as you can and drive your feet back and under you. Hold this position tight throughout. Think about driving your heels down towards the ground (don't do it just imagine it) and it should help with leg drive in the bench. Keep your entire core tight and braced.

2) work on paused bench, floor presses, pin press, and OHP. Even some 1 board presses would do.

3) find which assistance exercises have the highest carryover to your bench. They may be dips, upper back and lat work, CG bench, etc whatever they are that have that carryover....do them and get stronger in them.
1) work on your set up. Your setup should be so tight that it's uncomfortable. You shouldn't be able to hold it long enough to do a set of 8 or so. Traps should be on the bench and your ass as well. Arch the rest of your back as much as you can and drive your feet back and under you. Hold this position tight throughout. Think about driving your heels down towards the ground (don't do it just imagine it) and it should help with leg drive in the bench. Keep your entire core tight and braced.

2) work on paused bench, floor presses, pin press, and OHP. Even some 1 board presses would do.

3) find which assistance exercises have the highest carryover to your bench. They may be dips, upper back and lat work, CG bench, etc whatever they are that have that carryover....do them and get stronger in them.
I just started on paused again.

The leg drive confuses me. I have been doing a bodybuilders bench so long I feel like a fucking retard with heavy weight trying to drive with my legs. What should I read/watch?
I just started on paused again.

The leg drive confuses me. I have been doing a bodybuilders bench so long I feel like a fucking retard with heavy weight trying to drive with my legs. What should I read/watch?
If you get 405 with a bodybuilders bench then you are the man!:cool:
Awesome. Thanks dd

I know you got some shoulders issues. Don't know if you do a rotator cuff program but three sets each of internal and external cable rotations after upper body workouts.

The more tight and stable the humeral head is in the scap, the more force and stability your gonna get out of pecs, delts, tris and back.

Between that and docs PL form you got 415 in the next month. I guarantee it.

Needa get mad bro, your too big not to move that. I seen the pics. Get that big bitch off ya :)
I know you got some shoulders issues. Don't know if you do a rotator cuff program but three sets each of internal and external cable rotations after upper body workouts.

The more tight and stable the humeral head is in the scap, the more force and stability your gonna get out of pecs, delts, tris and back.

Between that and docs PL form you got 415 in the next month. I guarantee it.

Needa get mad bro, your too big not to move that. I seen the pics. Get that big bitch off ya :)
Thanks man!. Ima fuck that shit up.
About an inch off the chest. I was failing higher, but the more I push it the quicker I die out. Last fail didnt even move. Died on my chest.

Have you ever worked with boards before. If not they look like 2x4s and you sit they on your chest and stack them to your stinking point. Bring the weight down and sit it on the board and just practice exploding off. I had a buddy work with me on that along with form. It helped me. I may have already mentioned this now that I think about it. But CBS is right on this. The mental part is key
You need to periodize your next attempt as well. I know nothing about it but @Docd187123 or @Masters Power can tell you how to peak in next month

A PL peaking cycle is about one of the most grueling things one can do in the gym. There's an adage among PLers, something like "if you're feeling good during a peaking cycle you're doing it wrong". It's an effective way to take advantage of the super compensatory training effect and keep fatigue levels low and thus fitness levels peaked for a set date.
I know you got some shoulders issues. Don't know if you do a rotator cuff program but three sets each of internal and external cable rotations after upper body workouts.

The more tight and stable the humeral head is in the scap, the more force and stability your gonna get out of pecs, delts, tris and back.

Between that and docs PL form you got 415 in the next month. I guarantee it.

Needa get mad bro, your too big not to move that. I seen the pics. Get that big bitch off ya :)

I wasn't aware he had shoulder issues but if bench aggravates your shoulder then lower where the bar touches your chest. Instead of at the nipples or high on the chest bring it down closer to the rib cage or couple inches below the nipple. Between a lower touching point and keeping your elbows from flaring, tuck them in closer to the body, it should help ease stress off the shoulders.
About an inch off the chest. I was failing higher, but the more I push it the quicker I die out. Last fail didnt even move. Died on my chest.

That makes me think it's psychological even more, especially considering the fact that you've been stuck there for months. Crossing that 400 lb threshold for the first time plays mind games with everyone. Just looking at those 4 plates on the bar is daunting and you're beat before the it even leaves the rack. As soon as you feel that weight on the decent your confidence goes out the window.

Don't think about those 4 plates on the bar. Don''t think about how heavy 400 lbs is. Think about how you're only adding 10 extra pounds to the bar. You're not lifting 400 lbs, you're only lifting 10 extra pounds. That's two tiny 5 lb plates. Your 3-year-old daughter could lift those little plates. Ignore how heavy it feels on the decent. Focus on how you're going to drive that bar up no matter what.

400 lbs is nothing. It weighs less than you and Johnny combined. It's not even double your body weight. Of course it is heavy but that's the mindset you need to lift it. You're there now. You just need to realize it. I know you can do it. Now go do it.
Switching to once a week everything now. CNS is taxed, progress is halted after 5 month twice a weeks with this volume. Chest/tri day, back/bi, legs, shoulders/upper compound exercises day. Im building the program today and will post it later.

Today was chest/tri day and coming off max efforts saturday so today was hypertrophy based. Body is pretty shot- jb feels the same. Dialing it back as tren kicks in should lead to strength gains and at the very least less popping and grinding when I wake up and get out of bed.

Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 21
315 x 5
225 x 14

Incline db bench
105's x 10
100 x 7 x 2

Push ups
3 fail sets

Incline cable flys
7 sets 12

Hammer strength push down drop set
5 1/2 plates
4 sets

Seated cable pull over
7 sets 12

Everything was still sore from saturday so effort was there... strength was not. I will be posting new program we will start thursday.

Pollo trop for two meals and halfway through a gallon of milk and my morning beast shake. Eating has been forced but very high volume. That is all.
You might want to consider a structure deload to help reduce fatigue levels if you're really in overtraining territory.