JBallz and B79 gear up again!

You might want to consider a structure deload to help reduce fatigue levels if you're really in overtraining territory.
Ill look it up... a 50% drop in volume won't fit the bill? We should drop weights we are moving as well, correct?
Ill look it up... a 50% drop in volume won't fit the bill? We should drop weights we are moving as well, correct?
Yes drop the weights as well. I still don't know how you do 2 muscles a day. I was thinking about going to your split but I'm always so exhausted after doing all the volume I do on one body part a day. But, you're seemingly trying to gain strength while I'm just working on hypertrophy pretty strictly and eating at a huge deficit.

If you want to hit 405, why not switch to a 5/3/1 program for a month or 2?
Yes drop the weights as well. I still don't know how you do 2 muscles a day. I was thinking about going to your split but I'm always so exhausted after doing all the volume I do on one body part a day. But, you're seemingly trying to gain strength while I'm just working on hypertrophy pretty strictly and eating at a huge deficit.

If you want to hit 405, why not switch to a 5/3/1 program for a month or 2?
Because I want to get swole too.... I am going to do this reduced volume and tren with lots of food. If that doesn't have me repping 405 soon I will go 5/3/1.
Because I want to get swole too.... I am going to do this reduced volume and tren with lots of food. If that doesn't have me repping 405 soon I will go 5/3/1.
Good luck man, i wish I could still do 2 muscles a day I'm just too wiped out everyday to even try it
Good luck man, i wish I could still do 2 muscles a day I'm just too wiped out everyday to even try it
We kept it up for almost five months... average of almost 40 sets a day five days a week... six for jb. Evidently with an amateur bodybuilder build (being nice to us) 200 sets at over 2000 reps a week there is not enough drugs, sleep and food to keep it up without a deload period. Dialing back will be nice but I am also pleased to hit a limitation of the body- good to know what too much is considering I have this never-ending feeling I am not doing enough in the gym, you know?
We kept it up for almost five months... average of almost 40 sets a day five days a week... six for jb. Evidently with an amateur bodybuilder build (being nice to us) 200 sets at over 2000 reps a week there is not enough drugs, sleep and food to keep it up without a deload period. Dialing back will be nice but I am also pleased to hit a limitation of the body- good to know what too much is considering I have this never-ending feeling I am not doing enough in the gym, you know?
Yeah I'm at the same rep range, usually 2100-2300 per week, without gear it's not even close to possible. Idk, maybe you guys should try a more body builderish split like I do. I'm always fully healed when I go in to work whatever body part I'm working that day. I just hit legs 2 times in the 6 day split, everything else once.

But I do feel you on everything you said, you guys have a full year and change of high level training on me. I hope to get to your level soon enough.
We kept it up for almost five months... average of almost 40 sets a day five days a week... six for jb. Evidently with an amateur bodybuilder build (being nice to us) 200 sets at over 2000 reps a week there is not enough drugs, sleep and food to keep it up without a deload period. Dialing back will be nice but I am also pleased to hit a limitation of the body- good to know what too much is considering I have this never-ending feeling I am not doing enough in the gym, you know?

I haven't hit the gym that hard in a long time. But I know that when I start feeling like I am overtraining it only takes my body a few days of "off-time" and I'm ready for round 2. It's funny how quickly your body adapts and changes with your routines. Keep it up bro, you'll get that 405!

Oh, I wanted to throw out there that what helps me the most when I get stuck on a BP number is old school work outs. I focus on Dumbbells & Barbells; I stay away from the machines and hammer-strength equipment. Seems to work for me.
@brutus79 Also worth noting is not to underestimate the mental aspect of lifting heavy weights. If you don't believe you can bench 405, you won't. It's really that simple.

You can do it. 10 - 20 more pounds is insignificant. You're already there now, you just don't believe it yet. Believe.

Here's some motivation for you. Watch how easy Levrone pushes 5 plates on the flat bench and 455 lbs on the incline. Light as feathers.

Thats absolutley right... You have to not only believe but u have to know you can do it.. Confidence is key.. Thats just like in a fight u cant go into it thinking that this guy is going to kick you ass. No you must believe and know you are the best and that he cant beat you.. If The brain senses even the slightest bit of fear or lack of confidence it will hinder you to perform at your optimal output..imo
Smart move. I couldn't go light enough to be able to handle the volume you guys have been doing. It was working so there was no reason to change.

Now that progress has stalled it is time to make a change. Your new plan may work well if not there are plenty of other options to try which should kick start you both again.
1) work on your set up. Your setup should be so tight that it's uncomfortable. You shouldn't be able to hold it long enough to do a set of 8 or so. Traps should be on the bench and your ass as well. Arch the rest of your back as much as you can and drive your feet back and under you. Hold this position tight throughout. Think about driving your heels down towards the ground (don't do it just imagine it) and it should help with leg drive in the bench. Keep your entire core tight and braced.

2) work on paused bench, floor presses, pin press, and OHP. Even some 1 board presses would do.

3) find which assistance exercises have the highest carryover to your bench. They may be dips, upper back and lat work, CG bench, etc whatever they are that have that carryover....do them and get stronger in them.

This is solid advice and lots of guys who press big numbers follow these form tips. Having said that I have found I can't maintain tightness throughout the rep if I set up like this. This is likely partially due to mobility issues and partially due to unracking the weight myself.

My set up is to put the top of my head at the top of the bench, take my grip on the bar and plant my feet. Then I pull my upper body upward and forward while gripping the bar and drive my traps down into the bench while maintaining my original foot position. I then clinch my ass, take a deep breath and unrack.

Leg drive is very important and if you aren't getting much that can be good for 50 pounds or more added to your press once you get it dialed in. I get a lot of leg drive. In my last meet it cost me a 400+ press because my ass came up slightly off the bench as I pressed due to my leg drive. First time that has ever happened and I think it was just thinking I needed everything I had to make the lift and drove to hard with my feet without concentrating on keeping my ass down.

Some guys get maximal leg drive by tucking their legs underneath them and benching on their toes. I can't pull that off. I bench with my feet slightly in front of my knees and out wide and drive off my heels.

Have someone video you from about 5 to 10 feet directly in front of the bench on a heavy single. We can take a look at it and likely give you some form tips which should help.
This is solid advice and lots of guys who press big numbers follow these form tips. Having said that I have found I can't maintain tightness throughout the rep if I set up like this. This is likely partially due to mobility issues and partially due to unracking the weight myself.

My set up is to put the top of my head at the top of the bench, take my grip on the bar and plant my feet. Then I pull my upper body upward and forward while gripping the bar and drive my traps down into the bench while maintaining my original foot position. I then clinch my ass, take a deep breath and unrack.

Leg drive is very important and if you aren't getting much that can be good for 50 pounds or more added to your press once you get it dialed in. I get a lot of leg drive. In my last meet it cost me a 400+ press because my ass came up slightly off the bench as I pressed due to my leg drive. First time that has ever happened and I think it was just thinking I needed everything I had to make the lift and drove to hard with my feet without concentrating on keeping my ass down.

Some guys get maximal leg drive by tucking their legs underneath them and benching on their toes. I can't pull that off. I bench with my feet slightly in front of my knees and out wide and drive off my heels.

Have someone video you from about 5 to 10 feet directly in front of the bench on a heavy single. We can take a look at it and likely give you some form tips which should help.

Excellent advice. I also un rack the weight myself at my gym so I definitely loosen up some before I even begin to press. At my coach's gym and in a meet this shouldn't be an issue for me but definitely get a spotter to un rack the bar for you Brutus. If you press up to Un rack the weight you have effectively compromised your rigidity and kinetic chain. The spotter should do all the work and all you should do is use your lats to pull the bar down over your chest.

The way I set up sounds slightly like Masters but not much. What I do is plant my feet where I want them to be after moving up on the bench. Basically my head is up where the spotter would be standimg when I set my feet. I grab the bar and lift my torso off the bench and drive it back down while maintaining my foot position. Drive the traps into the bench and have my coach oush on my traps to get tighter. My feet tend to be way under the bench and in my toes. Thinking of Driving the heels down but not actually doing it will help engage leg drive. You'll feel it in your quads when down right. My leg drive lifted my ass off the bench on my 3rd attempt so careful and make sure you're planted.

I also second the video idea. Video of lifts at 90% or more of 1RM will help us find your breakdown points and give you tips and cues to work on.
Excellent advice. I also un rack the weight myself at my gym so I definitely loosen up some before I even begin to press. At my coach's gym and in a meet this shouldn't be an issue for me but definitely get a spotter to un rack the bar for you Brutus. If you press up to Un rack the weight you have effectively compromised your rigidity and kinetic chain. The spotter should do all the work and all you should do is use your lats to pull the bar down over your chest.

The way I set up sounds slightly like Masters but not much. What I do is plant my feet where I want them to be after moving up on the bench. Basically my head is up where the spotter would be standimg when I set my feet. I grab the bar and lift my torso off the bench and drive it back down while maintaining my foot position. Drive the traps into the bench and have my coach oush on my traps to get tighter. My feet tend to be way under the bench and in my toes. Thinking of Driving the heels down but not actually doing it will help engage leg drive. You'll feel it in your quads when down right. My leg drive lifted my ass off the bench on my 3rd attempt so careful and make sure you're planted.

I also second the video idea. Video of lifts at 90% or more of 1RM will help us find your breakdown points and give you tips and cues to work on.
Thursday jb and I are filming deads and tuesday we will film bench and post.. You and mp rock the house.

I didnt get a chance to retool the program yet folks but I will post saturday at the latest.
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Thursday jb and I are filming deads and tuesday we will film bench and post.. You and mp rock the house.

I didnt get a chance to retool the program yet folks but I will post saturday at the latest.

Get vids from a couple different sets at a couple different angles. Make sure you're working with some heavy ass weights ie weights you can only get up for a single, double, maybe a very hard triple. You won't catch form degradation as well with light weights. Then when you attempt to correct any issues you may have, begin correcting them at lower weights and higher reps so your kinesthetic awareness records the movement patterns so to speak. Come up with some cues for the issues and have your training partner yell them at you to reinforce them.

Believe it or not, I agree with CBS here....this is mainly a mental block and technique/setup issue. Once you get these things down I KNOW you'll smash 405 maybe even get a double out of it. Get mad, get angry, think of how shitty that city we share in common is and fire your ass up. Setup tight, use leg drive, etc and get ready to roll with 4 plates big man.
Right on.
I thought maybe injury. Glad its not.
I had back surgery 6 years ago.
I LOVED leg day. No more squats, leg press, deads... my leg day is so unsatisfying now. Fucking discs.

Same boat man. Got a tear in my l4-l5 and ddd. Still do deads and squats but my back doc hates it and i think i might be in line for surgery if I keep it up..
Get vids from a couple different sets at a couple different angles. Make sure you're working with some heavy ass weights ie weights you can only get up for a single, double, maybe a very hard triple. You won't catch form degradation as well with light weights. Then when you attempt to correct any issues you may have, begin correcting them at lower weights and higher reps so your kinesthetic awareness records the movement patterns so to speak. Come up with some cues for the issues and have your training partner yell them at you to reinforce them.

Believe it or not, I agree with CBS here....this is mainly a mental block and technique/setup issue. Once you get these things down I KNOW you'll smash 405 maybe even get a double out of it. Get mad, get angry, think of how shitty that city we share in common is and fire your ass up. Setup tight, use leg drive, etc and get ready to roll with 4 plates big man.

I agree, I think you have the strength to pull the 405 off you just need to visualize it and get pissed. I mean REALLY FUCKING PISSED! I like to have people push me around and smack me in the chest and face to get me all pissed off. Then I go for it.

Sometimes it is hard to remember to focus on form when you're all pissed off and jacked up though...
Here it is. New volume reduced by 50% chest, back and arms and more leg work.


Flat BB Bench

Paused Decline DB Bench

Incline DB Fly

Incline Cable Fly 7 x 12

Close Grip BB Bench

Seated Cable Pullover

Skull Crushers

Tricep P/D drop set

Rope P/D 7 x 12



Hack Squats

Leg press drop set

Extensions 7 x 12

Standing Leg Curl

Laying Leg curl 7 x 12

Standing Calf Raises

Seated Calf Raises 7 x 12


Military Press

Lat Pull Down

Lat Swing Down

Smith Bent Rows

Close grip Seated Rows 7x 12

BB Drop Set Curl

Hammer Curls

Seated Drop set DB

Preacher BB Curl

Cable Curls 7 x 12


Squats 5 x 5


Glute Ham Raises

Weighted Dips

Close Grip Pull Up

Wide Grip Pull Up

Reverse Seated Cable Fly

Bent Fly 7 x 12

Shrugs 45 Plate Fail Set (3)

Arnolds 7 x 12

