JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Leg day... probably the first time in 4 or 5 weeks and im not sure if we squatted for a couple weeks before that. Sad really... good to get back to my favorite day, disheartening to see how much strength has evaporated in that time.
135 x 10
225 x 10
275 x 5
315 x 5
Leg press drop set
10 plates drop two per set
4 sets
Leg extensions
7 sets 12
Laying leg curls
7 sets 12
Seated calf raises
7 sets 12
About half what we usually do and got it done in 50 min or so...
Really force feeding right now. Running test at 300wk and tren at 75-100 ed for a week now... night sweats but no anger yet so about five days away from seeing strength results. I have some winny but im going to save it for the end because it makes everything hurt and I also have some provision on the way just for shots and giggles. Helped me with tren anger last time I took it.

Very frustrated with my bemch. Been stuck for a couple months and it is fucking pissing me off.
Damn you are down big time with the weights!

If you reach 275 my hats off to ya. Let me know if you do
Quick back day on lunch break w jb
Lat pull downs letting arms straighten fully... read that it enhances trap development and improves shoulder mobility- burns traps for sure.
4 sets 12
Lat swing down... had a tough time activating lats well today... strange. Perhaps it was the new form on pull downs
4 sets 12
Bent rows
4 sets 12 quick up, slooooow down. Great lat and trap activation on smith machine
Wide grip pull up
3 sets 10ish
Seated rows... started wide grip but irritating a little pull I have in my forearm from the bar slipping while squatting so switched to close grip
7 sets 12
John did bicep work but I had to get back to work
Eating a lot. Made a box of elbow macaroni, 5lbs ground beef and tomato sauce and another 5 lbs ground beef with cream of mushroom soup and rice.... minimal chewing so maximum feeding. Shoveling it in.
Great session today. Jb got up 385 for a pr! Congrats jb!

More important to me after failing to get 385 again today was realizing what my problem is. I have been stuck at 385 since fucking November! Fucking infuriating. It cam to me when I hit 385 the first time I got so excited I decided to hit chest twice a week to double my progress... makes perfect sense- and I havent been able to add even five pounds since. Sooooooooo- chest twice a week is done for me. I decided to have a "freestyle" day on saturdays doing thing I really can't fit in on other days- something like
Weighted dips 4 sets
Incline cable flys 4 sets
Lunges 4 sets
Box squats 4 sets
Good mornings 4 sets
Close grip pull ups 3 sets
Wide grip pull ups 3 sets
Bent flys 4 sets
Seated reverse cable flys 4 sets
Shrugs heavy 4 sets
Shrugs 45's fail sets 4 sets.
Get in some rear delt and trap work and ancillary leg activity... and still getting blood to chest but staying away from shit that really breaks me down. Thoughts?
Chest day jb hit 385 for pr!
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 1
385 x 0
225 x 20
225 x 15
Decline db bench
3 sets 12 paused
Incline cable flys
4 sets 12
5 sets 12
Close grip bench
135 x 10
225 x 6
135 x 10
Seated cable pullover
120 lb with v bar
2 sets 12
1 set 20
4 sets 12

Is that it jb? I feel like it was more than this.
Great session today. Jb got up 385 for a pr! Congrats jb!

More important to me after failing to get 385 again today was realizing what my problem is. I have been stuck at 385 since fucking November! Fucking infuriating. It cam to me when I hit 385 the first time I got so excited I decided to hit chest twice a week to double my progress... makes perfect sense- and I havent been able to add even five pounds since. Sooooooooo- chest twice a week is done for me. I decided to have a "freestyle" day on saturdays doing thing I really can't fit in on other days- something like
Weighted dips 4 sets
Incline cable flys 4 sets
Lunges 4 sets
Box squats 4 sets
Good mornings 4 sets
Close grip pull ups 3 sets
Wide grip pull ups 3 sets
Bent flys 4 sets
Seated reverse cable flys 4 sets
Shrugs heavy 4 sets
Shrugs 45's fail sets 4 sets.
Get in some rear delt and trap work and ancillary leg activity... and still getting blood to chest but staying away from shit that really breaks me down. Thoughts?
Maybe consider more regular Intervals of rest big guy. Refer to mentzer's work if it helps. I could help you in finding it if you need
I think that was it. Not sure if it's called a pullover though. Seated cable overhead tricep extension?

Was a killer workout. My chest was having spasms while I was brushing my teeth!!
Great session today. Jb got up 385 for a pr! Congrats jb!

More important to me after failing to get 385 again today was realizing what my problem is. I have been stuck at 385 since fucking November! Fucking infuriating. It cam to me when I hit 385 the first time I got so excited I decided to hit chest twice a week to double my progress... makes perfect sense- and I havent been able to add even five pounds since. Sooooooooo- chest twice a week is done for me. I decided to have a "freestyle" day on saturdays doing thing I really can't fit in on other days- something like
Weighted dips 4 sets
Incline cable flys 4 sets
Lunges 4 sets
Box squats 4 sets
Good mornings 4 sets
Close grip pull ups 3 sets
Wide grip pull ups 3 sets
Bent flys 4 sets
Seated reverse cable flys 4 sets
Shrugs heavy 4 sets
Shrugs 45's fail sets 4 sets.
Get in some rear delt and trap work and ancillary leg activity... and still getting blood to chest but staying away from shit that really breaks me down. Thoughts?
Congrats on the PR JB!!!
And brutus i think your on to something with your idea of training chest once per week, sometimes more is less. I bet you hit 385 within two weeks with a reduced load. After all we recover when we rest, not enough rest...no recovery!!!!
I know its in your soul to be a crazy bastard in the gym. But if your seeing stalled strength increases. I recognize that a mile away. Take more days off. Less volume. Its too much
It cam to me when I hit 385 the first time I got so excited I decided to hit chest twice a week to double my progress... makes perfect sense- and I havent been able to add even five pounds since. Sooooooooo- chest twice a week is done for me.

Keep in mind your rate of recovery has a limit. When you were weaker, you could subject your muscles to more volume and they'd still adapt because you weren't strong enough to to do enough work to hurt recovery. Now your strength has caught up to recovery and your body needs more time to adapt to the workload.

[Man, that's an awkward sentence - I'm in a hurry. Hope it makes sense.]
Congrats JB, major steps forward since getting back. Nice work!

Brutus once a week is definitely a good idea for now. JB missed training entirely for nearly 2 weeks came back and immediately PR'd and hit that same weight for a double the next week indicating he was overtraining prior to his sickness.

Everyone's body is different but given that you were doing the same sessions as JB there is a good shot it was a bit too much for you as well.
Hey JB .. was wondering .. on ur Gyno , did scar tissue flair up on ya around 5 weeks out, and if so when did it reduce? Also did first few chest days flair you up, or bruise the affected area around the areolas on ya? Thanks and congrats on the 385 . I know both of yall are on ur way to 405 for reps. only a matter of time
I love it when two guys are helping each other achieve their goals.Then logs it for everybody else to witness .
Great log and have subscribed!
I think all you need to do to hit 405 is to get your nervous system used to a heavier weights and in no time i can see it smashed!
Hey JB .. was wondering .. on ur Gyno , did scar tissue flair up on ya around 5 weeks out, and if so when did it reduce? Also did first few chest days flair you up, or bruise the affected area around the areolas on ya? Thanks and congrats on the 385 . I know both of yall are on ur way to 405 for reps. only a matter of time

Don't remember exactly. Remember though, I had the hematoma complication I had to deal with for a couple months. I also took 5 or 6 weeks totally off from training so I was healed up by the time I got back to it.
Trained delts (20sets) and traps (15sets) for 45 min followed by 30min cardio today.

Still not feeling 100% but at least I'm feeling good enough to train!! Really hate being sick.

Diet was sit all weekend, will be clean all week until Saturday maybe. Getting back into the cardio routine as well, haven't been doing it for the past 3.5weeks except for 20min on Friday.
@brutus79 have you tried heavy negatives? It is easy with two spotters so they can really pull the weight off you when you get to your chest, but with one strong spotter I am sure it could be done. I do not do them anymore just because I do not really worry about strength, but in the past they seemed to help me some.
Yes, runner is right. At least in my experience. When I was struggling to get 315. I did a month straight of negatives at 365, 5 sets to failure, got me over the hump


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