JBallz and B79 gear up again!

No clue our gym has one like these

I hope Johnny doesn't see those flip flops. :oops:
The mental side of lifting whether you are bodybuilding or powerlifting is huge. So while as others have pointed out your revised plan still has a ton of sets I say go for it and see how it works.

Both of you clearly like a lot of volume and I think if you cut back as much as I and others would probably suggest you wouldn't be satisfied. Staying happy with your workouts is one of the things which motivates you to keep hitting it hard.
In honor of OGH, I present my meat for the next few days.. :)

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I worked in Iowa during the summer for several years and had a family owned grocery nearby that had several butchers and cut the meat right in front of you to whatever size you wanted. I alternated between porterhouse, NY strip and chicken breasts about six days a week with Italian or Mexican on the seventh day.
I have found nothing stimulates the inner edge of the chest like an incline cable curl.... obviously laying on the bench with the cables low. No? What is best for inner chest development?
More weight.... Better form
Maximum intensity > higher volume
Leg day!
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1
495 x 1
Hadn't pulled in six weeks and all of this went up super smooth.
Hack squats 4 plates
3 sets 12
Leg press drop set 10 plates drop two per set
4 sets
Leg extensions
7 sets 12
Standing leg curls
3 sets 12
Laying leg curls
7 sets 12
Seated calf raises
7 sets 12

Felt good today. Tren is kicking but proviron really seems to be keeping me mellow. Weight hovering around 265 and super dry at 100 a week cyp. Tren is at 100ed. Proviron is at 50mg ed.
Back and bi day
Military bb press
95 lbs
3 sets 20 (10 in front 10 behind)
Lat pull downs
3 sets 12
Lat swing downs
3 sets 12
Smith machine bent rows
4 sets 12
Seated close grip rows
7 sets 12
Bb curl drop set
5 sets 10
Preacher curl
3 sets 10
Cable curls
7 sets 12
Day 17 of Tren... feeling great. Ate a rack of ribs and a half chicken at pollo with rice beans and yucca... about to sit down to salmon, asparagus and fixings of various carbohydrate amounts. When I get home from this dinner and im having steak and eggs. Get it.
Day 15 of tren here. 100mg ed and it's fully kicking now!! Soaking the sheets at night and pretty difficult to bust a nut. Insane biceps pump today from the tbol. I dropped the test ace a few days ago due to a weird sensation in my right nip. 40mg Nolva for a few days and it feels fine now but there is a small spongy lump.. :( Pretty fucking disheartening after dropping money on gyno surgery in August. Blasting this shit with pharm Ralox and nolva, hopefully it's gone soon. I THINK it's already shrinking but can't be sure.

Cannot wait to bench on Tuesday!! 395 mofos!!
Day 15 of tren here. 100mg ed and it's fully kicking now!! Soaking the sheets at night and pretty difficult to bust a nut. Insane biceps pump today from the tbol. I dropped the test ace a few days ago due to a weird sensation in my right nip. 40mg Nolva for a few days and it feels fine now but there is a small spongy lump.. :( Pretty fucking disheartening after dropping money on gyno surgery in August. Blasting this shit with pharm Ralox and nolva, hopefully it's gone soon. I THINK it's already shrinking but can't be sure.

Cannot wait to bench on Tuesday!! 395 mofos!!
damn bruh... i know ur light on ur Test too.. so wtf.. u think the Tbol set of ur estro? least ur a man with a preemptive plan.. ralox and nolva on hand...

395 you got that homie
damn bruh... i know ur light on ur Test too.. so wtf.. u think the Tbol set of ur estro? least ur a man with a preemptive plan.. ralox and nolva on hand...

395 you got that homie

I am normally light on test and I should've stayed that way!! Between cyp, ace, and TNE I was at about 700mg/week in test. I shouldn't have chanced it. Doubt it was the Tbol unless dbol was mixed into it.
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Yesterday is our new "freestyle day" we are feeling out... hitting body parts once a week and doing a quick whole body-ish type thing on Saturdays.
Squats bb
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 5 x 5
Weighted dips 2 45's
3 sets 12
Close grip pull up bw
3 sets 12
Arnold's w 3 45's
3 sets 12
Bent db flys
3 sets 12
Shrugs w 45's
2 fail sets
Jb had to jet and I had a headache so I took the opportunity to not finish... and I am pretty fucking sore today.
Great session.
Yesterday is our new "freestyle day" we are feeling out... hitting body parts once a week and doing a quick whole body-ish type thing on Saturdays.
Squats bb
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 5 x 5
Weighted dips 2 45's
3 sets 12
Close grip pull up bw
3 sets 12
Arnold's w 3 45's
3 sets 12
Bent db flys
3 sets 12
Shrugs w 45's
2 fail sets
Jb had to jet and I had a headache so I took the opportunity to not finish... and I am pretty fucking sore today.
Great session.

I Really like how you guys are implementing the improvised whole body once per week session.Makes things interesting and fun id think.


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