JBallz and B79 gear up again!

I wouldn't know what to do having someone motivating me or pushing me. It always seems to be other way around.
Johnny and Brutus, have you guys videoed any of your sets? Even if no one else sees them you may find something you missed that could help you get the PRa
I am too embarrassed to. I dont use my lower body at all, and when I do it is wrong. I have a pure upper body bench and I think there is so much to pick apart it wouldn't be worth it.
I am too embarrassed to. I dont use my lower body at all, and when I do it is wrong. I have a pure upper body bench and I think there is so much to pick apart it wouldn't be worth it.
I have a pure upper body bench too my man(well maybe not all). I just haven't ran into a great PL that I would take direction from. It's something I would be interested in.

You should think about. Raw power is nice but mixed with proper procedure and form it's next level shit.

I have a pure upper body bench too my man(well maybe not all). I just haven't ran into a great PL that I would take direction from. It's something I would be interested in.

You should think about. Raw power is nice but mixed with proper procedure and form it's next level shit.

I am searching for that person I trust as well.... no powerlifting gyms around here. Tough to revamp my entire way of doing a lift without someone breaking it down as I do it.
I will be signing up for a 30 day trial at a powerlifting/Olympic lift gym in the next week or so. Looking forward to the change of scenery
Leg day! Brutal. Back hurts from a tweak or two- getting my spine strong to start pr time with my deads.
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
475 x 1
475 x 1
405 x 1 with 15 shrugs
405 x 1 with 12 shrugs
405 x 1 with 10 shrugs
Tweaked my back on the first 475 pull. Drifted forward a bit. No biggie but uncomfortable pressure for the rest of the session.
Extensions with a hold at the top of each rep
7 sets 12
Leg press drop set 10 plates drop 2 per set
4 sets
Standing leg curls superset with laying leg curls
3 sets 12
Laying 7 sets 12
Standing calf raises
4 sets 12
Seated calf raises
7 sets 12
Laying in bed after eating two double quarter pounders. What son!
Have you two tried dumping the barbell bench press for dumbbells for a while? Dumbbells presses seem to up my strength faster. Maybe it's that extra stretch at the bottom.
I am too embarrassed to. I dont use my lower body at all, and when I do it is wrong. I have a pure upper body bench and I think there is so much to pick apart it wouldn't be worth it.

It would definitely be worth it. The more things there are to pick apart just means you have that much more weight in you when you get them corrected.

Video it and we will correct one issue at a time. If you are pressing close to 400 you likely aren't doing nearly as much wrong as you think.
Have you two tried dumping the barbell bench press for dumbbells for a while? Dumbbells presses seem to up my strength faster. Maybe it's that extra stretch at the bottom.
We do dumbbells every week.... im going to see how the Reduced volume sits for a month and move on from there.
It would definitely be worth it. The more things there are to pick apart just means you have that much more weight in you when you get them corrected.

Video it and we will correct one issue at a time. If you are pressing close to 400 you likely aren't doing nearly as much wrong as you think.
Jb and I will film tuesday bench session and bring it to dinner tuesday night and you can earn a tax deduction by coaching us, deal? Ha!
Let me know what it's like- do you have a trainer?

No I won't have a trainer but I know a guy that invited me up there. He has his pro card for powerlifting and helps me out from time to time when we cross paths. He has given me some really good form help and some other pointers. I'll definitely let know what how it is. It's a pretty big place. I know Ronnie Coleman is supposed to make an appearance sometime in the next month or so.
I am searching for that person I trust as well.... no powerlifting gyms around here. Tough to revamp my entire way of doing a lift without someone breaking it down as I do it.

What is it that we always say, you gotta check your ego at the door to the gym?

There's nothing to be embarrassed about, he'll we both know most people wouldn't be able to unrack 395 let alone press it. Nothing wrong being an upper body bencher either. For aesthetics it's probably better while for strength it's better to use the whole kinetic chain and leg drive.

You know POB. He does form coaching if you send him vids. PM me if you're interested or just shoot him a message. I can almost guarantee you with some form tweaks you'll get the weight without needing any added strength.
So my back hurts so bad I can't stand up straight. Yea. That's what you get for drifting forward on a pull and not dropping it when you feel your lower back round, and then ignoring the pain and pulling half a dozen times more. Fuck.
So my back hurts so bad I can't stand up straight. Yea. That's what you get for drifting forward on a pull and not dropping it when you feel your lower back round, and then ignoring the pain and pulling half a dozen times more. Fuck.

Been there done that. Best advice take it as easy as you can for a couple days. I know that shit sucks but my lower disks are shot from a back injury a few years ago and the only thing that helps besides prednisone is rest. Prednisone for some reason (maybe mental) fucks with me on cycle.
So my back hurts so bad I can't stand up straight. Yea. That's what you get for drifting forward on a pull and not dropping it when you feel your lower back round, and then ignoring the pain and pulling half a dozen times more. Fuck.

Foam roller, lacrosse ball, and a hot chick (dime piece) to rub your ass down in the nude. Always works for me :D
Take a couple of ibuprofen to reduce the swelling and then foam roll if you have one. I like a lacrosse ball for my shoulders at times but it can be pretty brutal.