JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Shave dem dam legs

Holy fuck! I just shamed Johnny out of wearing those fruity flip flops. Now you're encouraging him to shave his legs.

That would be WTG my friend.

Not way too gay, it's full gay.

Hahahaha!! To be honest that pic doesn't even tell the whole story, they're hairy as hell.. I'm just a hairy mofo, I'd look ridiculous if I didn't shave my upper body.. Maybe one day, don't like the idea of the extra maintenance at the moment..

My legs are hairy as all hell, but I'll never shave them. I've got chicken legs and the hair is the only thing that makes me look evened out when I'm not wearing a shirt. My friends all have a running gag that whenever they see me with shorts on they say "You'd better get off that chicken! You're gonna kill it!"
Did a quick chest and tri workout. Borrowed it from rob.
flat bb bench
225 x 15 close grip
225 x 15 wide grip
225 x 15 normal grip
225 x 15 mid grip
Incline db press
1 set 10 twinged my back- I have shitty db's at home
Dips 3 sets 12
Reverse bench incline with lat pull down bar
4 sets failure
Triceps push down
4 sets 12
Cable pull over
4 sets 12

Felt ok first day after back issue... back is ok-ish.... taking tonight off for sure and probably tomorrow.
Did a quick chest and tri workout. Borrowed it from rob.
flat bb bench
225 x 15 close grip
225 x 15 wide grip
225 x 15 normal grip
225 x 15 mid grip
Incline db press
1 set 10 twinged my back- I have shitty db's at home
Dips 3 sets 12
Reverse bench incline with lat pull down bar
4 sets failure
Triceps push down
4 sets 12
Cable pull over
4 sets 12

Felt ok first day after back issue... back is ok-ish.... taking tonight off for sure and probably tomorrow.

I saw this bench routine over on Rob's Cycle thread, I was curious about it myself. Were you able to get a good burn in your chest? My biggest problem seems to be my triceps & delts do most of the pushing for me. It's hard to get my pecs to feel a good pump.
I saw this bench routine over on Rob's Cycle thread, I was curious about it myself. Were you able to get a good burn in your chest? My biggest problem seems to be my triceps & delts do most of the pushing for me. It's hard to get my pecs to feel a good pump.
It worked because with the two sets of closer grip you burn out tris and then I did the wide third and burned delts... by the time I did my regular grip my arms and delts were not in it as much.

Always keep your shoulder blades pushed together- a retraction of the scapular area is a must for pec recruiting.
Yesterday was 22sets delts/15sets traps, 10min elliptical.

Today was 20sets chest/19sets tris, 10min elliptical. Feeling fucking good for the first time in 6 weeks!! :)

A lot going on tomorrow so I'll probably take it off and hit legs Thursday, abs/cardio Friday and reunion with brutus Sat/Sun.

I gotta say I'm loving this new GH protocol from @mands.. Diet is not on point, been drinking beer on the weekends and I've just been getting leaner and leaner. Tren usually starts cutting me up after 5 weeks, then it's really gonna be on!!!!
Yesterday was 22sets delts/15sets traps, 10min elliptical.

Today was 20sets chest/19sets tris, 10min elliptical. Feeling fucking good for the first time in 6 weeks!! :)

A lot going on tomorrow so I'll probably take it off and hit legs Thursday, abs/cardio Friday and reunion with brutus Sat/Sun.

I gotta say I'm loving this new GH protocol from @mands.. Diet is not on point, been drinking beer on the weekends and I've just been getting leaner and leaner. Tren usually starts cutting me up after 5 weeks, then it's really gonna be on!!!!
Great workout but you over did the elliptical.
Met up with the boys for dinner tonight. Brutus is bigger in person than he looks in pictures which was already plenty big. JB says his arms are under 20" but they look at least that big.

Made me feel pretty damn small but it was cool meeting in person. Wish I was staying closer and could have gotten to their gym.
Met up with the boys for dinner tonight. Brutus is bigger in person than he looks in pictures which was already plenty big. JB says his arms are under 20" but they look at least that big.

Made me feel pretty damn small but it was cool meeting in person. Wish I was staying closer and could have gotten to their gym.
Should a taken some vidio.
Met up with the boys for dinner tonight. Brutus is bigger in person than he looks in pictures which was already plenty big. JB says his arms are under 20" but they look at least that big.

Made me feel pretty damn small but it was cool meeting in person. Wish I was staying closer and could have gotten to their gym.

Was worth the drive for sure.. Would've loved to have you critique my bench in person though!! Maybe next time.
Met up with the boys for dinner tonight. Brutus is bigger in person than he looks in pictures which was already plenty big. JB says his arms are under 20" but they look at least that big.

Made me feel pretty damn small but it was cool meeting in person. Wish I was staying closer and could have gotten to their gym.
Nice meetin ya mp- next time we have to hit the gym!
So first day back yesterday for me. Disappointed to say the least... didn't want to update the log because I am sick of sounding like whiny bitch, but here I am. So now I am excruciating pain in my inside elbow tendon which I believe is called golfers elbow? Where the fuck did that come from? I tweaked it a few weeks ago when a barbell was slipping during a squat and I caught it with my fingertips. I have trained with it half a dozen times and forgot it even happened, and yesterday it was frozen in pain after a week and a half off... so I did some squats and had to stop after a few sets.
Weighted dips (2 45's)
4 sets 10
Close grip pull ups
3 sets 10
Ab raises
3 sets 10
Lat swing downs
3 sets 10
Arnold's (t bar rows 2 and 3 45's)
7 sets 10
Reverse cable flys seated
7 sets 10
One arm bent rows
3 sets 10

I started serostim at 4iu ed and winny at 40 mg ed. Still running tren 700 ed and cyp around 200 wk and proviron at 50mg ed. Trying to get ripped for a trip back home. Trying not to kill my ex that is still living with me
So first day back yesterday for me. Disappointed to say the least... didn't want to update the log because I am sick of sounding like whiny bitch, but here I am. So now I am excruciating pain in my inside elbow tendon which I believe is called golfers elbow? Where the fuck did that come from? I tweaked it a few weeks ago when a barbell was slipping during a squat and I caught it with my fingertips. I have trained with it half a dozen times and forgot it even happened, and yesterday it was frozen in pain after a week and a half off... so I did some squats and had to stop after a few sets.
Weighted dips (2 45's)
4 sets 10
Close grip pull ups
3 sets 10
Ab raises
3 sets 10
Lat swing downs
3 sets 10
Arnold's (t bar rows 2 and 3 45's)
7 sets 10
Reverse cable flys seated
7 sets 10
One arm bent rows
3 sets 10

I started serostim at 4iu ed and winny at 40 mg ed. Still running tren 700 ed and cyp around 200 wk and proviron at 50mg ed. Trying to get ripped for a trip back home. Trying not to kill my ex that is still living with me

If your joints and tendons are hurting that winny probably isn't helping the cause. I took inject winny about 4-5 years ago and it was brutal. I couldn't do shit.
Been back on for about 3 weeks now. Just weighed 225lbs, up from 215. Diet could certainly be better and I'm not force feeding so I'm pretty happy with the 10lb gain so far. Still not feeling 100% but not missing any gym time because of it.

20 sets biceps this morning and 20min cardio this afternoon.

Looking swole JB. That arm cracked my screen. I'll be sending you a repair bill ;)
This has been a rough cycle for many reasons but things are starting to come together!!





No pump in the start pic, a little pump in the 2nd pic so not a completely fair comparison but whatever!!

