JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Don't know much on those but I broke down and bought the Nike romaleos 2 about a month or 2 ago. Love them for squats and DL

The stability in my stance on squats is unreal compared normal gym shoes
Those are nice but nights is broke these days!
I wear them for everything except deadlifts. Some ppl love to pull in a heeled shoe but I prefer flat foot and no heel. Most of my lifts are compounds but I wear them for squats, front squats, pause squats, box squats, standing OHP, bench press, Pendlay rows, etc. On,y time I take them off is when doing deadlifts. Heck I even do box jumps in these things hahaha.

Oly shoes will help with bench drive if you use a flat foot setup AND like to maximize your back arch. If not yes to both of those then any shoe will work for you bench. My lifting fed doesn't require the whole foot to be on the ground, only part if the foot must remain in contact with the floor, but I do arch as much as I can. I like the Oly shoes to bench with but don't think they add much to my bench bc I don't bench flat footed.
As an aside does anyone know about the adidas powerlift 2's? I am looking at those and the inov8 lifters.

I have a pair of inov-8 shoes. Not the lifters, the bare-xf. Overall I would say good shoe. Maybe 1/2 size to big. Going to get another pair, cross-trainers this time. Idk if that helps.

Chest day
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 1
365 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 5
Decline bench db
3 sets 12
Dips bw leaning chest spreader superset with wide grip pull up
3 sets 12 dips
3 sets 10ish pull ups
Cable flys
7 sets 12
Triceps push down 5 plate drop set
4 sets 10.
Inner elbow tendon got aggravated with push down sets. I tried close grip bench and no bueno-
Went to pollo tropical and got my usual post workout rack of ribs, half chicken, rice, beans, double boiled yucca.

Decent session. I am stepping down from this crazy volume so all these aches and pains can heal up- this cycle has been mediocre with time out of the gym, but I am shedding fat and still holding at 264. I look so fucking skinny in the mirror I have been avoiding the scale- I was shocked yesterday to see my weight maintained.

Hurry up serostim- get some water In me so this doesn't all hurt so bad.
I also use a rehband elbow sleeve which helps a little. It applies pressure to the area the pain is which helps minimize it somewhat for me
Yesterday was 22sets delts/15sets traps, 10min elliptical.

Today was 20sets chest/19sets tris, 10min elliptical. Feeling fucking good for the first time in 6 weeks!! :)

A lot going on tomorrow so I'll probably take it off and hit legs Thursday, abs/cardio Friday and reunion with brutus Sat/Sun.

I gotta say I'm loving this new GH protocol from @mands.. Diet is not on point, been drinking beer on the weekends and I've just been getting leaner and leaner. Tren usually starts cutting me up after 5 weeks, then it's really gonna be on!!!!
Good to hear my man. Looking good too buddy.

As an aside does anyone know about the adidas powerlift 2's? I am looking at those and the inov8 lifters.

I don't have any experience with the powerlift 2's, but I know a few guys at my gym who have the Adipowers. Excellent shoes. I would almost always give my recommendation to Oly shoes when it comes to shoes for lifting. I went with the Nike Romaleo's 2, and I fucking love them.

Terrific shoes, I wouldn't squat in anything else. I wear them every time I train. I only really 'need' them when I'm training front squat but I have noticed slightly better leg drive on Incline Barbell Bench too. I'm sure you would notice it on flat, but I replaced flat bench with weighted dips quite a while back in my programming so I can't comment on that.

The Risto's Doc mentioned earlier are pretty cool too. Handmade leather. My recommendation would be either the Adipowers or the Romaleos. Can't go wrong with those.
How long is yours? Mine is whatever length they sent me, I got the thick red voodoo floss, but it's just long enough. I like to begin wrapping above my elbow, work down to the tendon below the elbow and then back up cross cross and it's just long enough for that. I couldn't imagine cutting mine in half. I also use mine for the knees and shoulder so I would rather have it longer than shorter.

I bought the 28 foot roll and cut a 7 foot section for my elbow and an 8 foot section for my should so I still have quiet a bit left.
Do you wear the powerlifts for everything in the gym or just compound lifts? Are they good for benching drive when I figure it out (if)?

I have a pair which I use for squatting only. I tried to use them for benching but never got anything out of them. Definitely not to be used for deadlifts IMO.
Leg day! Did some lighter pulls and zero back pain carryover!
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 2
455 x 1
455 x 1
405 x 1 x 15 shrugs
405 x 1 x 10 shrugs
Hack squats
2 plates x 12
4 plates 3 sets 12
Leg press
10 plates drop set 2 plates each drop
4 sets 10
Leg extensions
7 sets 12 w 1 second pause at top each rep
Leg curls laying
7 sets 12
Standing calf raises
3 sets 12
Five guys bacon cheeseburgers and hot dog w jb. Good session.
Fatty protein shake and 4.5iu seros an hour and half later. Nite nite. Got an elitefts belt, dip belt and bag coming this week. Their belts are fucking nice- I want my squat over 500 and I am going to use the belt sparingly to get there. Jab not decided on shoes yet. I really want deadlifts shoes but converse are out of the questiin with size 14 feet. They look fucking retarded.
Great leg day, I'm glad brutus was fine with the deads after a scare 2 weeks ago.

Wanted to note in the log for future reference that I hit 315x12 on bench yesterday. Previous best was 9 reps. Was weird considering I hadn't slept and felt like shit. 365 felt heavy as hell so decided not to max then surprisingly banged out the 12 reps.. Maybe I should've maxed?! haha

Things are moving along better than I expected after a horrible start to this cycle.. ~3.5 weeks of tren left I think, need to step it up with my diet and finish strong!!


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