JBallz and B79 gear up again!

So, yea. Here is the log anti climax style
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 2
365 x 1
390 x 1 pr for both of us. Took six months for that to move for me from 385
315 x 8 (jb for 14)
Incline dB bench
110's x 12
100 x 10
2 sets
Dips bw leaning forward
4 sets 10
Cable Flys
4 sets 12
Close grip bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3 (pr for me)
225 x 8
Push down drop set 5 plates
4 sets
Seated cable pullover 4 sets 12 with 130 (jb did seven sets and some skullcrushers)

Inside elbow tendon bothering me the whole time but obviously not affecting performance. After a talk with @mands I will be listening to my body more- if it hurts, don't do it. Already seeing improvement backing off volume. Don't know if I mentioned- bumped test to 500 (have zits to prove it) lowered tren to 500 and seros 5 iu at night. Feeling much better lowering tren. Body changes are significant these days- muscles filling out, back, shoulders getting wider. Very pleased with aesthetics and pr's are icing on the cake. Been eating 12-18 hardboiled eggs a day and a gallon of milk- add a couple shakes and I can just eat 2 or 3 normal meals. Much easier bulk/recomp menu for me.

Off to boil some eggs my friends!
Glad to hear my man. Keep up the hard work you two.

Damn you guys are goin all Double Dragon kicking ass & taking names. A good lifting partner is an awesome key to success. Good job guys.

Nice mid workout pump (post pr. Feeling myself at 268)

Nice mid workout pump (post pr. Feeling myself at 268)

Damn brutus your looking like a fucking tank that's on a mission to destroy anything an everything in its path. You both are looking straight up beastly. I hope to achieve half the level of boss status that you all are already at. Seeing you two an the accomplishments that have been made along with the hellishly hard work an dedication that's being put in keeps me motivated bro. Continue killin that shit;):cool:
Damn Boyee thats a big Mofo there. I once again take my hat off to the progress y'all are making, truly inspiring.
If you guys ever get the time, it would be kinda cool if you laid out your whole program for the last year. Training, diet, supps etc... Both of you guys have had dramatic changes and I'm sure I'm not the only one that wants to know how it done.
not quite Brutus or jballz by no means..its my first time seeing ballz and brutus via this thread holy shit they fucking Jacked..GOOD INSENTIVE .. I just hit 205 which I thought I'd never get back to..June 11 cutting vocal cords to remove trach.Then I may progress a Lil faster although Dr seem to think I'll not be able to work out like an animal after surgery. but I'm satisfied with comeback..15 lbz off reg.weight..YOU GUYS GAVE ME MORE DRIVE LOOKING AT YOUR PICTURES. MAYBE SOME DAY THANX