JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Freestyle day
135 x 10 2 second pause at bottom at
225 x 10
5 sets
Weighted dips 2 45's
4 sets 12
Close grip pull ups
3 sets 10 bw
Ab raises 3 sets 10
Reverse Flys cables
Slow contraction
7 sets 12
We both were dragging ass... not sure if I missed anything. Went to eat some BBQ after

Back bi
Lat pull downs
Elbows in close grip slow contractions
3 sets 12
Lat swing downs
3 sets 12
Bent rows smith
3 sets 12 w 45's 1 second hold at the top
Drop to 25's fail set with 2 second hold at top
Seated rows
Heavy contraction 1 sec hold
7 sets 12
Bb curl drop set
I do 8 5lb plates, Jb does 8 10lb plates
Strip two per set no rest down to bar
5 sets
Hammer curls across chest
3 sets 12
Cable curls
7 sets 12

Great fucking session. Right at an hour insane pump back and bi. Went to Pollo and smashed two meals to jb's one.

Dropping tren to 500wk and raising test to 500 wk. Dropping winny. Running seros at 4.5iu a day... just weighed in at 268.1 and leaning out like crazy. sick of feeling tren poisoned but want to avoid bloat from seros and test. Going to eat a dozen eggs for breakfast and lunch tomorrow- hardboiled eggs have been my savior lately. Eating the fuckers like juju bees.
I was just about to bump this to get an update lol. You guys are killing it, can't wait to see more pics. Thanks for keeping us little guys motivated.
20 sets delts, 15 sets traps.. I haven't been doing any cardio and still leaning out like a mofo which is awesome.

I was going to start the Piana arm feeder workout tonight. Felt great up until a few hours ago then bam!! Took my temp, 101.. :eek: I just freaking missed 2 weeks in the gym a month ago being sick, what the fuck is wrong with me!!!!

Hoping it's gone by the morning so I don't miss max effort Tuesday with brutus.
I have a fucking cold, jb is sick. No gym this morning. I gave my ex a deadlift clinic in my garage since she sucks at it and did some pulls. Felt decent considering.

135 x 10 1 second pause at bottom. No setting down weight
225 x 5 1 second pause at bottom no setting down weight
315 x 5
405 x 2
455 x 2
455 x 1
505 x 1
505 x 1
505 x 1
505 x 0
405 x 1 with 10 shrugs
405 x 1 with 8 shrugs
405 x 1 with 4 shrugs
Back feels great. Got a new elitefts belt and dip belt... only going to use belt for squats over 405- I just always feel shaky on the core and I am hoping it will help a bit on first pr attempts. I am at 455 max on squats and not itching to go higher- see if a belt pushes me a bit.
PR city today!!! Both hit 390 bench for the first time, whoop whoop!! I was able to follow that up with 315x14. Awesome night.

Felt like shit yesterday and a bit this morning but all good now.. Must've been something of the 24hr variety thank goodness.

-Sorry brutus, you took too long to post. ;)
PR city today!!! Both hit 390 bench for the first time, whoop whoop!! I was able to follow that up with 315x14. Awesome night.

Felt like shit yesterday and a bit this morning but all good now.. Must've been something of the 24hr variety thank goodness.

-Sorry brutus, you took too long to post. ;)

Nice lifts man. You guys need to stop with intermediate weight. Just throw 405 on and close your eyes and push that shit. As for 315 for 14 that's nuts. If you can do 390 405 isn't any different
So, yea. Here is the log anti climax style
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 2
365 x 1
390 x 1 pr for both of us. Took six months for that to move for me from 385
315 x 8 (jb for 14)
Incline dB bench
110's x 12
100 x 10
2 sets
Dips bw leaning forward
4 sets 10
Cable Flys
4 sets 12
Close grip bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3 (pr for me)
225 x 8
Push down drop set 5 plates
4 sets
Seated cable pullover 4 sets 12 with 130 (jb did seven sets and some skullcrushers)

Inside elbow tendon bothering me the whole time but obviously not affecting performance. After a talk with @mands I will be listening to my body more- if it hurts, don't do it. Already seeing improvement backing off volume. Don't know if I mentioned- bumped test to 500 (have zits to prove it) lowered tren to 500 and seros 5 iu at night. Feeling much better lowering tren. Body changes are significant these days- muscles filling out, back, shoulders getting wider. Very pleased with aesthetics and pr's are icing on the cake. Been eating 12-18 hardboiled eggs a day and a gallon of milk- add a couple shakes and I can just eat 2 or 3 normal meals. Much easier bulk/recomp menu for me.

Off to boil some eggs my friends!
Nice lifts man. You guys need to stop with intermediate weight. Just throw 405 on and close your eyes and push that shit. As for 315 for 14 that's nuts. If you can do 390 405 isn't any different

I know I have it in me, brutus too. I would just throw that shit on and push if I wasn't terrified of getting an injury!!
Progress pics fellas? Jb mentioned getting leaner, unleash the beast! Yall are heavy weights, fun to see from a 190 lb dude
Nice job fellas. Yall really should go straight to 405. I literally go straight to the bench and drop down and bust out 20 push ups just to get the joints to pop and then it's go time.

More power to yall. The way yall worked up from 135 to 390 is fucking insane.
I know I have it in me, brutus too. I would just throw that shit on and push if I wasn't terrified of getting an injury!!
Good luck to both of you. Right now, you've got the advantage on the bench with the shorter arms. Brutus will gain on you if you're not careful. ;) Very impressive for both of you in such a short time span.