JBallz and B79 gear up again!

This has been a rough cycle for many reasons but things are starting to come together!!





No pump in the start pic, a little pump in the 2nd pic so not a completely fair comparison but whatever!!
Looking beastly bro. Wow very impressive no homo lol. All tjat hard work is paying off. Hey are you still doing the 100 reps of straight arm an hammer curls everynight before bed. Just wondering your thoughts on how that's working out? Im been trying it myself. Cant get to the 100 reps like he says but wow the swell from getting as close as i can is insane lol.
Looking beastly bro. Wow very impressive no homo lol. All tjat hard work is paying off. Hey are you still doing the 100 reps of straight arm an hammer curls everynight before bed. Just wondering your thoughts on how that's working out? Im been trying it myself. Cant get to the 100 reps like he says but wow the swell from getting as close as i can is insane lol.

I actually haven't started yet, going to tomorrow night. It sounds easy but from what I've read no one has gotten all the reps yet!!
I actually haven't started yet, going to tomorrow night. It sounds easy but from what I've read no one has gotten all the reps yet!!
Haha I didn't even get close. I even dropped weight an did them with lighter dumbbells. The burn an swell is what gets ya lol. Its killer. I could imagine anyone doing that everynight for a year would deff gain something from it.
This has been a rough cycle for many reasons but things are starting to come together!!





No pump in the start pic, a little pump in the 2nd pic so not a completely fair comparison but whatever!!
I'm missing 2 bottles of baby oil. Now I know who's got them....lol

So first day back yesterday for me. Disappointed to say the least... didn't want to update the log because I am sick of sounding like whiny bitch, but here I am. So now I am excruciating pain in my inside elbow tendon which I believe is called golfers elbow? Where the fuck did that come from? I tweaked it a few weeks ago when a barbell was slipping during a squat and I caught it with my fingertips. I have trained with it half a dozen times and forgot it even happened, and yesterday it was frozen in pain after a week and a half off... so I did some squats and had to stop after a few sets.
Weighted dips (2 45's)
4 sets 10
Close grip pull ups
3 sets 10
Ab raises
3 sets 10
Lat swing downs
3 sets 10
Arnold's (t bar rows 2 and 3 45's)
7 sets 10
Reverse cable flys seated
7 sets 10
One arm bent rows
3 sets 10

I started serostim at 4iu ed and winny at 40 mg ed. Still running tren 700 ed and cyp around 200 wk and proviron at 50mg ed. Trying to get ripped for a trip back home. Trying not to kill my ex that is still living with me

I will add some bro science and agree with Rob that you should drop the whinny. About 20 years ago a guy at a gym I was at came up with a supply of pharma grade whinny from a vet. 5 guys started running it and 3 of them stopped using it before the end of the cycle due to joint issues.

The two who didn't have any problems with were young guys with no pre existing joint issues. It was enough to convince me that whinny wasn't for me.
I will add some bro science and agree with Rob that you should drop the whinny. About 20 years ago a guy at a gym I was at came up with a supply of pharma grade whinny from a vet. 5 guys started running it and 3 of them stopped using it before the end of the cycle due to joint issues.

The two who didn't have any problems with were young guys with no pre existing joint issues. It was enough to convince me that whinny wasn't for me.

I was in my mid 20s and had decent joints. No major issues prior or anything like that. After about 2.5-3 weeks in I could barely do curls/squats/leg extensions/leg curls without being in brutal pain. Not to mention it was water base and the injections were crazy painful. Being stubborn I finished the bottle and within a week or so of being off everything went back to normal. I put full blame on the winny
This has been a rough cycle for many reasons but things are starting to come together!!





No pump in the start pic, a little pump in the 2nd pic so not a completely fair comparison but whatever!!

Is that about 15lbs difference? Very impressive!!

What would you say your bf is 7-8%?
So first day back yesterday for me. Disappointed to say the least... didn't want to update the log because I am sick of sounding like whiny bitch, but here I am. So now I am excruciating pain in my inside elbow tendon which I believe is called golfers elbow? Where the fuck did that come from? I tweaked it a few weeks ago when a barbell was slipping during a squat and I caught it with my fingertips. I have trained with it half a dozen times and forgot it even happened, and yesterday it was frozen in pain after a week and a half off... so I did some squats and had to stop after a few sets.
Weighted dips (2 45's)
4 sets 10
Close grip pull ups
3 sets 10
Ab raises
3 sets 10
Lat swing downs
3 sets 10
Arnold's (t bar rows 2 and 3 45's)
7 sets 10
Reverse cable flys seated
7 sets 10
One arm bent rows
3 sets 10

I started serostim at 4iu ed and winny at 40 mg ed. Still running tren 700 ed and cyp around 200 wk and proviron at 50mg ed. Trying to get ripped for a trip back home. Trying not to kill my ex that is still living with me

Voodoo floss!!!! Get it from rogue fitness and google Kelly Starrett and golfer's elbow. He has WOD stuff on YouTube to help with it. Also shoulder dislocations with a broom stick or PVC pipe, lacrosse ball into the scapula, lat, tricep, and pec insertion points. Take a PVC pipe or dough roller and have someone work that into your lat, touch your palms together and try to push your elbows to touch at the same time. Sit down and use your knees to help drive elbows together. On squats use a wide thumbs around grip.
Wow I can't believe I stayed out of this thread so long. What great read, I can't tell y'all how many things I screen shotted out of here. Good job fellas. JB I hate you for surpassing me by a long shot. You are a beast my friend.
Is that about 15lbs difference? Very impressive!!

What would you say your bf is 7-8%?

Around 15lbs.. I'm not sure on the BF, I was thinking maybe 11%??

Wow I can't believe I stayed out of this thread so long. What great read, I can't tell y'all how many things I screen shotted out of here. Good job fellas. JB I hate you for surpassing me by a long shot. You are a beast my friend.

Pffffftt, I'm not sure about that Odie.. Still have a ways to go to catch you on the strength side of things as well..
Around 15lbs.. I'm not sure on the BF, I was thinking maybe 11%??

Pffffftt, I'm not sure about that Odie.. Still have a ways to go to catch you on the strength side of things as well..

Shitt boyeee you'll be beating me in that department soon to. Look at what you have accomplished in less then a years time. My hat is off to you bud. I reached out to brutus and I wanna learn more about this fst7 deal. I need to get on yalls level for sure.
You have really put in some good work my friend. You have had quite a bit of Shit to go through to get to this point. Keep it up.
Voodoo floss!!!! Get it from rogue fitness and google Kelly Starrett and golfer's elbow. He has WOD stuff on YouTube to help with it. Also shoulder dislocations with a broom stick or PVC pipe, lacrosse ball into the scapula, lat, tricep, and pec insertion points. Take a PVC pipe or dough roller and have someone work that into your lat, touch your palms together and try to push your elbows to touch at the same time. Sit down and use your knees to help drive elbows together. On squats use a wide thumbs around grip.

Brutus if you decide you want to try the Voodoo floss let me know. I bought a roll last year and can cut off a section and send it to you.
Brutus if you decide you want to try the Voodoo floss let me know. I bought a roll last year and can cut off a section and send it to you.

How long is yours? Mine is whatever length they sent me, I got the thick red voodoo floss, but it's just long enough. I like to begin wrapping above my elbow, work down to the tendon below the elbow and then back up cross cross and it's just long enough for that. I couldn't imagine cutting mine in half. I also use mine for the knees and shoulder so I would rather have it longer than shorter.
How long is yours? Mine is whatever length they sent me, I got the thick red voodoo floss, but it's just long enough. I like to begin wrapping above my elbow, work down to the tendon below the elbow and then back up cross cross and it's just long enough for that. I couldn't imagine cutting mine in half. I also use mine for the knees and shoulder so I would rather have it longer than shorter.
Mine is a shade over eight inches.... but I kill it in the girth department.

Ill just buy some my friends. Just as soon as I can get over pretending I am still young.

As an aside does anyone know about the adidas powerlift 2's? I am looking at those and the inov8 lifters.
Mine is a shade over eight inches.... but I kill it in the girth department.

Ill just buy some my friends. Just as soon as I can get over pretending I am still young.

As an aside does anyone know about the adidas powerlift 2's? I am looking at those and the inov8 lifters.

Don't know much on those but I broke down and bought the Nike romaleos 2 about a month or 2 ago. Love them for squats and DL

The stability in my stance on squats is unreal compared normal gym shoes
Mine is a shade over eight inches.... but I kill it in the girth department.

Ill just buy some my friends. Just as soon as I can get over pretending I am still young.

As an aside does anyone know about the adidas powerlift 2's? I am looking at those and the inov8 lifters.

I'm currently using Adidas Powerlift 2.0. They're a pretty decent shoe for the price. 5/8in heel, metatarsal strap, wooden sole so no compression and they fit standard Adidas sizes. A PL buddy says the sole will start to compress around the 500-600lb squat. My fav lifting shoes, and ones I plan on getting next, are the Adidas Adipowers and Ristos. Adipowers are expensive but very worth it. Ristos are about 30-40$ cheaper and handmade. Great shoe. Only drawback I hear is no vent holes so feet will get sweaty for sure.
I'm currently using Adidas Powerlift 2.0. They're a pretty decent shoe for the price. 5/8in heel, metatarsal strap, wooden sole so no compression and they fit standard Adidas sizes. A PL buddy says the sole will start to compress around the 500-600lb squat. My fav lifting shoes, and ones I plan on getting next, are the Adidas Adipowers and Ristos. Adipowers are expensive but very worth it. Ristos are about 30-40$ cheaper and handmade. Great shoe. Only drawback I hear is no vent holes so feet will get sweaty for sure.
Do you wear the powerlifts for everything in the gym or just compound lifts? Are they good for benching drive when I figure it out (if)?


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