JBallz and B79 gear up again!

No 395... :(

Well, I guess my PR streak had to end at some point. Felt awesome coming down, I thought I had it for sure.. NOPE!! Stuck on my chest.. :mad:

Honestly though, it just wasn't my day. On 315 and 365 triceps were tight as hell.. No bueno.

I thought Brutus had it, usually when he gets it to the point he was at he just drives it up.

I'm optimistic for next week.. :)

Doesn't seem like it was your day, but I offer much respect for putting forth the effort by manning up and being a dedicated training partner.

Without seeing video as was mentioned, I might be able to offer something that can help with the sticking point of your bench press. As I read into your posts, it seems like your sticking point is between the end of the first third and beginning of the second third of your bench press movement. By that I mean, touching the chest is the beginning (bottom) of the first 1/3. Full extension with your triceps is the end of the 3/3. If the transitional area between where 1/3 ends & 2/3 begins is your sticking point then we have this in common as it has always been mine.

One technique I learned from a well known strength coach ( without their permission I should keep them anonymous) about bench pressing strengthens the muscles involved with that lower/middle part of the bench press movement. Here it is:
Start with flat bench & barbell (normal), lower the weight to where your clavicles almost meet in the center of your chest. Push the weight in a deliberate motion with no cheating. You'll have to experiment with the weight to find what is best for you. I used to limit my sets to 4 and reps to 8 for each set. It was incorporated into my workout, I didn't eliminate other exercises. However, due to exhaustion, I did sometimes reduce training of my chest by one set per exercise.

The movement will feel unique the first time you try it. When I first began to use the new exercise, it took me about 5-6 chest workouts to "break through".
@brutus79 trust me on this. Ice ice ice ice ice! People always use heat when they hurt their back and that's fine immediately following the injury but after that ice the shit out of it. It sucks but one of those freeze packs with the velcro straps will be your best friend. Anti inflamatories and ice will cut recovery time.

Gently stretching after a hot bath of Epsom salts. If you can try slowly doing the yoga pose:


Like MM from Hell said, then ice the SOB. Bummer to hear Brutus.
@brutus79 trust me on this. Ice ice ice ice ice! People always use heat when they hurt their back and that's fine immediately following the injury but after that ice the shit out of it. It sucks but one of those freeze packs with the velcro straps will be your best friend. Anti inflamatories and ice will cut recovery time.
You never use heat after an injury! Ice only, to reduce the swelling and pain. Heat is used for stretching and loosening muscles before working out.
Just caught up on this and the deadlift thing caught my eye. Yea, if you feel your back round put it down. You can always get it next week. If you ogre through and get it in bad form it doesn't mean all that much if it screws up the next squat,deadlift, and maybe even bench session.

On the injury thing, i was always told to stay away from heat initially, but a few days in you can do whatever you want to alleviate it. Here is an odd tip i got on how to work out a kink after screwing a set up that has worked for me. I sometimes attempt this well after i'm sure the damage is gone/healed if i still have a hitch. Also, it is when nothing else is working. Try standing upright, lock your core down and then power a pelvic thrust while your core is mostly locked down. Sometimes it will pop a hitch, sometimes not. Obviously i don't do this at a gym as you would be labeled "that guy doing weird shit in the corner" .

I usually look to shoulders and traps if my back is rounding. Then again, i start off by going off the top of my legs, so the transition to upright is pretty quick. I can't get started well if i try to go all legs in the upright right off the bat. I think this is just something everyone has to figure out themselves a bit with the different body types. Find someone that looks to be put together somewhat like you are and pattern off them.

Ice is for injuries — calming down damaged tissues that are inflamed, red, hot and swollen. The inflammatory process is a healthy, normal, natural process … that also happens to be incredibly painful and more biologically stubborn than it needs to be. Icing is mostly just a mild, drugless way of dulling the pain of inflammation. Examples: a new case of IT band syndrome or a freshly pulled muscle.

Heat is for muscles, chronic pain, and stress — taking the edge off the pain of whole muscle spasms and trigger points, or conditions that are often dominated by them, like back and neck pain), for soothing the nervous system and the mind (stress and fear are major factors in many chronic pain problems, of course).
The only reason I mention heat at all is most times when I tweek my back, my lumbar area goes into spasm. Heat and pressure relieve the spasm. If i don't relax the spasm I can't even walk. Then I ice it after that. I have a long history of back issues. Herniated discs, surgery, etc...
You never use heat after an injury! Ice only, to reduce the swelling and pain. Heat is used for stretching and loosening muscles before working out.
Thats really great info!! I alsways heard heat to lossen and ice for pain . Ive been doin thr heat shit to much thats for sure. Good stuff guys .i always learn so much here
Thats really great info!! I alsways heard heat to lossen and ice for pain . Ive been doin thr heat shit to much thats for sure. Good stuff guys .i always learn so much here

Try to remember that you never want to bring blood to an injury! Blood to an injuries brings swelling, which you don't want. Ice, elevate, compress the injury, and finally rest. To remember it better I call it the RICE METHOD.

The ice reduces inflammation
Been back on for about 3 weeks now. Just weighed 225lbs, up from 215. Diet could certainly be better and I'm not force feeding so I'm pretty happy with the 10lb gain so far. Still not feeling 100% but not missing any gym time because of it.

20 sets biceps this morning and 20min cardio this afternoon.

Been back on for about 3 weeks now. Just weighed 225lbs, up from 215. Diet could certainly be better and I'm not force feeding so I'm pretty happy with the 10lb gain so far. Still not feeling 100% but not missing any gym time because of it.

20 sets biceps this morning and 20min cardio this afternoon.

Damn bro. Arms looking big.
Been back on for about 3 weeks now. Just weighed 225lbs, up from 215. Diet could certainly be better and I'm not force feeding so I'm pretty happy with the 10lb gain so far. Still not feeling 100% but not missing any gym time because of it.

20 sets biceps this morning and 20min cardio this afternoon.

Show off! Lookin beastly.
Been back on for about 3 weeks now. Just weighed 225lbs, up from 215. Diet could certainly be better and I'm not force feeding so I'm pretty happy with the 10lb gain so far. Still not feeling 100% but not missing any gym time because of it.

20 sets biceps this morning and 20min cardio this afternoon.

Holy Crap!! Huge is all I can say. Great work JB!
Well my back is feeling better... spent two hours in the pool with my daughter so I deadlifted 40 lbs out of the water about 200 times. I will probably do a light chest and bicep workout tomorrow and Tuesday jb and I are meeting @Masters Power for dinner. Siked!
Been back on for about 3 weeks now. Just weighed 225lbs, up from 215. Diet could certainly be better and I'm not force feeding so I'm pretty happy with the 10lb gain so far. Still not feeling 100% but not missing any gym time because of it.

20 sets biceps this morning and 20min cardio this afternoon.

Okay....I'm think I'm one of few that will mess with JB, so here goes.

Shave dem dam legs
Okay....I'm think I'm one of few that will mess with JB, so here goes.

Shave dem dam legs

Hahahaha!! To be honest that pic doesn't even tell the whole story, they're hairy as hell.. I'm just a hairy mofo, I'd look ridiculous if I didn't shave my upper body.. Maybe one day, don't like the idea of the extra maintenance at the moment..
Hahahaha!! To be honest that pic doesn't even tell the whole story, they're hairy as hell.. I'm just a hairy mofo, I'd look ridiculous if I didn't shave my upper body.. Maybe one day, don't like the idea of the extra maintenance at the moment..
That would be WTG my friend.
As in way too gay.

I got a hairy back, chest, all dat.
Okay....I'm think I'm one of few that will mess with JB, so here goes.

Shave dem dam legs

I'll give you a heads up if I ever decide to shave my legs, not likely, so that way you can purchase stock in Gilette beforehand. Their sales will double overnight and you make out like a bandit. Just don't go telling the SEC about this lol