JBallz and B79 gear up again!

JB from the pics I could b wrong but ur physic reminds of Gaspari. Brutus lookin good too, its harder for us taller longer limb guys to give off that illusion that smaller guys have.
I'm sure you've explained it a few times ; but what exactly is your freestyle day? Just do whatever the f sounds fun that day?
I'm sure you've explained it a few times ; but what exactly is your freestyle day? Just do whatever the f sounds fun that day?

He spits rhymes to no music between sets. Sometimes during the sets. Depends on how free he's feeling.
JB from the pics I could b wrong but ur physic reminds of Gaspari. Brutus lookin good too, its harder for us taller longer limb guys to give off that illusion that smaller guys have.

Illusion?!?! This shit is real, son!! Illusion?! :confused: What the fuck!!

Haha, I'm just messing with you. :)
That's what long limb guys say to feel better about themselves when they feel inferior. It's all relative. ;)
how do u guys from up north say it, "get outta here". I never had any brothers so its good to have y'all give me a hard time. ur n good shape Jb, n have that classic look. that's what a bodybuilder is supposed to look like, small waist always. both of y'all r n way better shape than my fat ass. anyways thanks for all the info I will b referring back to it when I start my cycle.
Leg day- switched it to our morning workout

135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 2
365 x 2
Knee not bothering me at all last few squat sessions.... going for a couple 405 sets next week and hopefully I will be back where I was a fe months ago. Discouraging taking time off, seeing numbers plummet and tough getting back to it, but very pleased with injury free progress.
Hack squats
4 sets 12
Leg extensions
7 sets 12 1 second hold at top each rep.
Standing leg curl
7 sets 12 each leg
Standing calf raise
2 sets 12
Seated calf raise
7 sets 12
Good session. Very strange to not be able to lay out after a leg job- kicked 10 hours at work instead.
whoop whoop!!
