JBallz and B79 gear up again!

More pr's today for both of us!
Jb pr at 435
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1
485 x 1
535 x 1 pr by 10lbs- and more than double bw. Good pull got it on video but my face is in it so no meso.
Weighted dips
2 45's
4 sets 10
Pull ups
2 sets 10 elbow hurt. Jb did 4 sets.
Seated cable reverse flys
7 sets 12
Solid workout... deads gassed me but finally passed 525 after a lengthy deload. I love the end of cycles.
Great job! These gains will carry over to the next cycle and more good things to come. Both of you stay healthy and injury free!
More pr's today for both of us!
Jb pr at 435
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1
485 x 1
535 x 1 pr by 10lbs- and more than double bw. Good pull got it on video but my face is in it so no meso.
Weighted dips
2 45's
4 sets 10
Pull ups
2 sets 10 elbow hurt. Jb did 4 sets.
Seated cable reverse flys
7 sets 12
Solid workout... deads gassed me but finally passed 525 after a lengthy deload. I love the end of cycles.

Have u seen this? Balls to the wall pyramid
Stoping in to say whats up . Jb n Brutus hope all is well been busy working and nursing a back strain from hell - therefor meso has been ignored . Anyway hope all is well with u muscle meat eating , pr breaking , 5 guy burger eating , mutherfuckas
Stoping in to say whats up . Jb n Brutus hope all is well been busy working and nursing a back strain from hell - therefor meso has been ignored . Anyway hope all is well with u muscle meat eating , pr breaking , 5 guy burger eating , mutherfuckas
Gotta stay strong to get strong- hang in there brutha! The tough times make me work that much harder when I feel good.
I would have to make another friend... I'm no good at that!

Pretty crazy shit
I'll be your other friend. Just don't expect me to match your guys kind of weight lol. That would be physically impossible for me:D
Usually at 4-5 weeks. By week 8 I just feel like absolute shit 12 hours after a pin and I pin EOD so just when I am starting to feel ok I have to pin again.
My headaches started at week 5-6 but it was when i was lifting real hard i would get a spliting headache.
That's what I'm talking about Brutus holding down for the long limbed. 400 ain't no punk, did u feel those vessels on the side of ur head pulsing, oh shit making me want to pick up my snap on tool box and slam that shit.
Hulk Smash style hahaha...ya that's one awesome feeling though!
Hey !Where you guys at ? Nursing wounds still ? lol .Time to get back in the game !

Oh I'm still in the game!! Been busy with work, the gym, and spending time with the family. Brutus usually logs our training but he's been away this week.

Cycle started off absolutely horrible. Shitty gear then sick for a month.. BUT I ended at a lean/veiny 228lbs. I think I was 207 at the start of this one right after my cut? AND finally hit 400lbs on bench.

My last pin was this morning so cycle is officially over. Going to stay on 200mg/week test c, GH, and t4. Toying with the idea of upping from 6 to 9iu/ed and 150mg t4 to 225mg.

Thanks for following along and all the advice along the way!!
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I'm in the northeastern part of the country right now with my baby girl... I had an awesome training session with @Docd187123 . Awesome to meet him- decided I am signing up for a powerlifting meetin next March with him and half a dozen guys from another board. I haven't told Johnny he is competing too- so keep it quiet until I break the news.

Nice to meet you doc- you are good people#
I'm in the northeastern part of the country right now with my baby girl... I had an awesome training session with @Docd187123 . Awesome to meet him- decided I am signing up for a powerlifting meetin next March with him and half a dozen guys from another board. I haven't told Johnny he is competing too- so keep it quiet until I break the news.

Nice to meet you doc- you are good people#
Getting close to my neck of the woods? Damn I gotta be on the lookout for a @brutus79 sighting haha