JBallz and B79 gear up again!

So- chest tri.
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 1
365 X 1
400 x 1. Finally.
315 x 8
Incline dB bench wrists facing
3 sets 10
Incline dB fly 45's
2 sets 10
Incline cable flys
7 sets 12
Close grip bench
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
Trice push down drop set
5 plates
4 sets 12
Seated cable pullover
7 sets 12

I then ate 2 five guys double bacon cheeseburgers. Another pr.
the way I have screwed my shoulders the last year (unrelated to lifting) I be happy with 2 in a quarter! lol.
Nice job fellers!
I am officially done with the tren... headache every time I pin for about 24 hours... no. More. Feeling. Poisoned! I will do one more cyp pin of 500 saturday and then cruise at 200 for about 8 weeks with 5iu ed serostim. Looking forward to it.
I am officially done with the tren... headache every time I pin for about 24 hours... no. More. Feeling. Poisoned! I will do one more cyp pin of 500 saturday and then cruise at 200 for about 8 weeks with 5iu ed serostim. Looking forward to it.
Damn. Every pin?

If you dont mind when you start jabbin tren when do you NOTICE it?
That's what I'm talking about Brutus holding down for the long limbed. 400 ain't no punk, did u feel those vessels on the side of ur head pulsing, oh shit making me want to pick up my snap on tool box and slam that shit.
I am officially done with the tren... headache every time I pin for about 24 hours... no. More. Feeling. Poisoned! I will do one more cyp pin of 500 saturday and then cruise at 200 for about 8 weeks with 5iu ed serostim. Looking forward to it.
Never come over on this side of meso and wandered into your thread. Have u given any blood bro?
Never come over on this side of meso and wandered into your thread. Have u given any blood bro?
My crit never gets high on tren... my BP skyrockets though. Week 8 is usually when I have to tap out running ace at 6-700ed. Good to see you on this side my friend.