JBallz and B79 gear up again!

That's reduced volume? You're not from this planet brother.
How many sets per exercise?
3 except the sevens... it gives me three rest days instead of one or two and I only hit each muscle group once a week instead of twice. Leg days almost dont count... I couldn't make my legs sore if my life depended on it.
What do you mean you cant make your legs sore?
I mean I spent many years skateboarding (halfpipe mostly), bmx, downhill mountain biking, skiing, mountain climbing, roofing, landscaping, running from police.... my legs are large and can take 50 sets of failure reps and forced negatives and although I will have an almost crippling pain that makes it hard to walk out of the gym I am rarely sore the next day. Very rare.
I mean I spent many years skateboarding (halfpipe mostly), bmx, downhill mountain biking, skiing, mountain climbing, roofing, landscaping, running from police.... my legs are large and can take 50 sets of failure reps and forced negatives and although I will have an almost crippling pain that makes it hard to walk out of the gym I am rarely sore the next day. Very rare.

Ditto. I have quite a few acquaintances that workout in one way or another and they're always limping around complaining that this or that is sore. I almost never experience that anymore. I lift, hike, mountainbike, I even did a tough mudder two years ago and I was fine the next day. I may be toast the day I exert but the next day I'm ready to grip it and rip it again. I believe it's the muscles ability to efficiently process out the lactic acid from years of consistent exertion. Long distance athletes develop this quality from years of consistent training.
brutus79 said:
I mean I spent many years skateboarding (halfpipe mostly), bmx, downhill mountain biking, skiing, mountain climbing, roofing, landscaping, running from police.... my legs are large and can take 50 sets of failure reps and forced negatives and although I will have an almost crippling pain that makes it hard to walk out of the gym I am rarely sore the next day. Very rare.
I was curious. Do you contract against the weight and squeeze or just power thru it? Im just sayin there is a difference between lifting a weight and working a weight. If not, try the other way see if things change.
I was curious. Do you contract against the weight and squeeze or just power thru it? Im just sayin there is a difference between lifting a weight and working a weight. If not, try the other way see if things change.
Depends which I am doing the 7 sets of 12 and I rotate it. The 7 set exercises are supposed to be done quickly for pump, the 3 x 12 are supposed to have exaggerated contractiins. I rotate what I do it with.

I can do a 10 x 10 squat with 250 and not be sore when I have been training legs consistently with 100 extensions and additional ancillary work.
Incline DB Fly

Incline Cable Fly 7 x 12

Redundant. Cables are worthless, IMO.

Close Grip BB Bench

Seated Cable Pullover

Skull Crushers

Tricep P/D drop set

Rope P/D 7 x 12

Too much volume. Pick two and not cables.

Cable Curls 7 x 12

Totally worthless.

BB Drop Set Curl

Hammer Curls

Seated Drop set DB

Preacher BB Curl

Cable Curls 7 x 12

Too much volume. Pick two and not cables.

My $0.2 only so take it FWIW.
Oi @CensoredBoardsSuck what is up with your hate for cable work? I am a big believer in dumbbell work when it comes to biceps but I often do cable curls and rope hammer curls because 1st it's a different movement for a small group which is anyway an iso target so why not? 2nd because you can progress on weight faster. Anyway all four exercises spider/incline curl/hammer are best option for me (I also pick 2 only per workout). How can anyone not like V-bar or rope PD when even Eric Spoto is using cables as accessory for his bench and he is... an experienced bencher (world record). Just asking.
Oi @CensoredBoardsSuck what is up with your hate for cable work? I am a big believer in dumbbell work when it comes to biceps but I often do cable curls and rope hammer curls because 1st it's a different movement for a small group which is anyway an iso target so why not? 2nd because you can progress on weight faster. Anyway all four exercises spider/incline curl/hammer are best option for me (I also pick 2 only per workout). How can anyone not like V-bar or rope PD when even Eric Spoto uses the former as accessory for his bench and he is... an experienced bencher. Just asking.

I guess I should have been more clear. I do like cable push downs and lat pull downs. I've never found cable flys and curls do anything.
Straight arm lat pulldowns are a must for this guy. Unless your lucky enough to have an old nautilus pullover machine in your gym :)
No clue our gym has one like these
I guess I should have been more clear. I do like cable push downs and lat pull downs. I've never found cable flys and curls do anything.
I have found nothing stimulates the inner edge of the chest like an incline cable curl.... obviously laying on the bench with the cables low. No? What is best for inner chest development?
I have found nothing stimulates the inner edge of the chest like an incline cable curl.... obviously laying on the bench with the cables low. No? What is best for inner chest development?
Flyes of any sort with a tight squeeze.
benching with a closer grip. Close grip really emphasize my inner pecs
Just put your arms straight out in front of you and squeeze. Youll realize you get a much stronger contraction when your arms are inside shoulder width. Find exercises that mimic this action bro