JBallz and B79 gear up again!

I DID have one!! I returned it at Walgreens because I couldn't get an accurate reading with it because the XL band wouldn't fit my arm!!
Suuuuuuuure- when in doubt blame the biceps! I have to put my forearm in the stupid machine and when I get a high reading I blame the forearm and pin more tren. Not recommended folks!
Every time he hears that manual blood pressure pump he starts looking for those magical doctor fingers. It would be an awful letdown.
Shit I been doing it wrong? Imagine the shoppers faces when they walk by me and see me feeding the machine sleeve my cock. That would explain a few things...
@brutus79 dont you use gold standard or some thing like that?

My little nutrition shop is closed for the weekend and I need a pinch hitter for the coming week. If so I believe sams sells it?
Sooooooo im hopping off for a week or two. I crashed the shit out of my e2 in my gyno panic. Flares have subsided but not disappeared and I want to concentrate on feeling better and stabilizing. Training was good saturday and tomorrow I will resume per usual chest day before work. I pinned 300 test e saturday and will do another 300 this saturday. I always have my best numbers lift wise when just getting off so I am hoping for 390 tomorrow if jb shows up; just talked to him and he doesn't sound well. If he doesn't make it I will do a lower weight, ultra slow hypertrophy esque version of the same workout and shoot for 400 saturday. Life has been super busy and way too much to have a cycle making me feel ill. When I resume in two weeks it will be tren a 50ed, winny 30ed and test at 250 wk for 60 days. I will then blast the tren at 100ed for the last 20.

I am continuing the log- diet is switching to a cut as well. I am looking to drop a little fat over the next two weeks and go super shred with the tren test winny stack. I have been bulking for years and it's time to slim up. Wish me luck and I will be truthful diet wise in the posts... it keeps me honest.

I feel human today. Tomorrow will be great in the gym.
Sooooooo im hopping off for a week or two. I crashed the shit out of my e2 in my gyno panic. Flares have subsided but not disappeared and I want to concentrate on feeling better and stabilizing. Training was good saturday and tomorrow I will resume per usual chest day before work. I pinned 300 test e saturday and will do another 300 this saturday. I always have my best numbers lift wise when just getting off so I am hoping for 390 tomorrow if jb shows up; just talked to him and he doesn't sound well. If he doesn't make it I will do a lower weight, ultra slow hypertrophy esque version of the same workout and shoot for 400 saturday. Life has been super busy and way too much to have a cycle making me feel ill. When I resume in two weeks it will be tren a 50ed, winny 30ed and test at 250 wk for 60 days. I will then blast the tren at 100ed for the last 20.

I am continuing the log- diet is switching to a cut as well. I am looking to drop a little fat over the next two weeks and go super shred with the tren test winny stack. I have been bulking for years and it's time to slim up. Wish me luck and I will be truthful diet wise in the posts... it keeps me honest.

I feel human today. Tomorrow will be great in the gym.

Good Luck B,
Hopefully the short break will rejuvenate you. The better your diet, the better you will feel my friend...
Good Luck B,
Hopefully the short break will rejuvenate you. The better your diet, the better you will feel my friend...
I fell off hard diet wise... no time and/or desire to prep- you ain't fucking kidding diet dictates how you feel. Headaches, trouble sleeping- not just the hormones I am injecting for sure.
I fell off hard diet wise... no time and/or desire to prep- you ain't fucking kidding diet dictates how you feel. Headaches, trouble sleeping- not just the hormones I am injecting for sure.
I do the same shit. Every few weeks, I fall the Fuck off with the diet. You definitely feel it too. Heal up bro, get the mind right. Haha y'alls log is my motivation, so make it quick
Sooooooo im hopping off for a week or two. I crashed the shit out of my e2 in my gyno panic. Flares have subsided but not disappeared and I want to concentrate on feeling better and stabilizing. Training was good saturday and tomorrow I will resume per usual chest day before work. I pinned 300 test e saturday and will do another 300 this saturday. I always have my best numbers lift wise when just getting off so I am hoping for 390 tomorrow if jb shows up; just talked to him and he doesn't sound well. If he doesn't make it I will do a lower weight, ultra slow hypertrophy esque version of the same workout and shoot for 400 saturday. Life has been super busy and way too much to have a cycle making me feel ill. When I resume in two weeks it will be tren a 50ed, winny 30ed and test at 250 wk for 60 days. I will then blast the tren at 100ed for the last 20.

I am continuing the log- diet is switching to a cut as well. I am looking to drop a little fat over the next two weeks and go super shred with the tren test winny stack. I have been bulking for years and it's time to slim up. Wish me luck and I will be truthful diet wise in the posts... it keeps me honest.

I feel human today. Tomorrow will be great in the gym.
Do you think the cycle is making you sick or the training regime? Or all the above with life's daily toll?
I fell off hard diet wise... no time and/or desire to prep- you ain't fucking kidding diet dictates how you feel. Headaches, trouble sleeping- not just the hormones I am injecting for sure.
Sounds like classic over-training symptoms to me. I would add some herbs to the mix; astragalus and licorice root tinctures is what I take when feeling run down. Nourish the adrenals.
@brutus79 if you fall off the wagon you get yourself back onto the wagon ;)

Hope everything gets better for you big boy...a break can do you some godly good!