JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Chest tri day felt good
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
235 x 5
315 x 6
335 x 2
355 x 1
315 x 3
Weighted dips w 45
3 sets 10
Chest flys w 40's
3 sets 10 slow
Push up
3 fail sets
cable flys
7 sets 12
Close grip bench
135 x 10
205 x 10 - 3 sets
Cable pullover
3 sets 12
Rope pull downs
7 sets 12

Felt good.

Nips are less sore... 50 mg aromasin, 120 mg ralox and 80 mg nolva yesterday and I will be doing 40 nolva and 60 ralox with e3d aromasin all pharm until it is long gone.
Chest tri day felt good
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
235 x 5
315 x 6
335 x 2
355 x 1
315 x 3
Weighted dips w 45
3 sets 10
Chest flys w 40's
3 sets 10 slow
Push up
3 fail sets
cable flys
7 sets 12
Close grip bench
135 x 10
205 x 10 - 3 sets
Cable pullover
3 sets 12
Rope pull downs
7 sets 12

Felt good.

Nips are less sore... 50 mg aromasin, 120 mg ralox and 80 mg nolva yesterday and I will be doing 40 nolva and 60 ralox with e3d aromasin all pharm until it is long gone.
Glad to see you're feeling better. Anytime after being sick, that first workout is like a good blow job! blows the rest of the shit out the system.
@johnnyBALLZ adjusted his bench a bit and saw some better movement too. Great day.

Yes!! Brutus watched me from the front as I warming up and caught the problem.. Feels much better and I'm not fighting the weight going down nearly as much.

I did 6 more sets for tris so ended up ~22 sets chest 20 sets tris.. Awesome day..
Yes!! Brutus watched me from the front as I warming up and caught the problem.. Feels much better and I'm not fighting the weight going down nearly as much.

I did 6 more sets for tris so ended up ~22 sets chest 20 sets tris.. Awesome day..

^^^ Thats why I need a workout partner ----Kill it :mad:!!
So who can explain to me how I can run well over a gram of test a week multiple times, high dose tbol, anadrol, high test with high tren some times with no ai or seem just because I forget but I run 25 mg ed of dbol with 500 tren and 300 test a week and get fucking gyno? I can run grams of gear and have e2 in the hundreds with no issues and 25mg of fucking dbol (never ran legit before) gives me gyno. Im using an ai and now pumping obscene amounts of nolva in me... can some explain this?
What mechanism would make this happen?

I never see notifications when you tag me. Very strange because I can't recall it ever happening with anyone else. @Millard Baker?

Who knows? Since it's your first time using Dianabol, maybe you're sensitive to it. Some people are able to run a few cycles without problems and then BOOM! They get gyno. Look at Franco Columbo - he went through the 1970's without getting gyno but he had it bad at the 1981 Olympia.

Contrary to the bro lore, AI will not prevent gyno. There are thousands of cases of gyno in people using AI.

Stay on the Nolva 20 mg QD. You don't need obscene amounts.
How will no AI NOT prevent gyno? Its purpose is to lower estrogen. Estrogen causes gyno
See @Michael Scally MD's castle analogy:

This is not the best analogy, but it is the best I can come up with to dispel the myth that an AI is better than a SERM for gynecomastia. This is not to say an AI is not useful to treat gyno, but it is far from the first choice. As in any choice, clinical context is paramount.

Here is the analogy. Actually, there are studies that basically use this paradigm. Imagine there is a castle with 100 gates to enter. And, you have the job of protecting the castle against marauders. The marauders in this case is E2! There are two options: (1) Protect ALL of the gates (SERM); or (2) Protect NONE of the gates, but kill 50+% (even say 90%) of the marauders (AI). Which of these options will best protect the castle?

Source: https://thinksteroids.com/community...nhibitors-gyno-and-pct.134335334/#post-864731
Chest tri day felt good
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
235 x 5
315 x 6
335 x 2
355 x 1
315 x 3
Weighted dips w 45
3 sets 10
Chest flys w 40's
3 sets 10 slow
Push up
3 fail sets
cable flys
7 sets 12
Close grip bench
135 x 10
205 x 10 - 3 sets
Cable pullover
3 sets 12
Rope pull downs
7 sets 12

Felt good.

Nips are less sore... 50 mg aromasin, 120 mg ralox and 80 mg nolva yesterday and I will be doing 40 nolva and 60 ralox with e3d aromasin all pharm until it is long gone.

Glad your back at it. Looks like a really good session.
Yes!! Brutus watched me from the front as I warming up and caught the problem.. Feels much better and I'm not fighting the weight going down nearly as much.

I did 6 more sets for tris so ended up ~22 sets chest 20 sets tris.. Awesome day..

Cool. Form definitely impacts bench numbers. Now we need to do the same thing when your deadlifting because I know you can pull more.
Cool. Form definitely impacts bench numbers. Now we need to do the same thing when your deadlifting because I know you can pull more.
We both need you to come to FL m.p.! Ill put you up in a spare bedroom- gym, bench, gym, beach. I need someone to look at my big three brother... I learned how from a book and YouTube.
After driving a total of 7 hours in a combination of freezing rain, sleet, snow yesterday I'm ready for some beach action.

I'll send you the requirements of the hot 20 something female you have to find for me to share the spare bedroom with later.
After driving a total of 7 hours in a combination of freezing rain, sleet, snow yesterday I'm ready for some beach action.

I'll send you the requirements of the hot 20 something female you have to find for me to share the spare bedroom with later.
I think you need a chauffeur (yes, I am volunteering)!
Leg day!
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
425 x 1
505 x 1
505 x 0 (tried a different/quicker set up. Didn't like it)
405 x 1 with 12 shrugs at the top
315 x 1 with 15 shrugs at the top
Leg press drop set
12 plates for 10, pull two plates, 10, down to four plates 6 sets
Leg extensions 100lbs
10 sets of ten
Standing leg curls 70lbs
10 sets 10 each leg (7 for me. pip quad cramps)
Seated calf raises 3 plates
10 sets 10

40+ sets. Brutal, brutal quad pumps and good dead totals for not pulling over 500 in about 6 weeks.
Hurt my groin trying to pull my old PR of 425, ouch... 315 for reps felt great and good form. I seem to just be psyching myself out lately when I'm approaching the 425 and I start doing shit the wrong way. Last time we did deads 3 weeks ago I tweaked my back on 425, only lasted a few days.. Gotta get outta my freaking head!!

Other than this groin issue great workout.. Doesn't feel like it's that fucked up, hopefully it won't last long..
Hurt my groin trying to pull my old PR of 425, ouch... 315 for reps felt great and good form. I seem to just be psyching myself out lately when I'm approaching the 425 and I start doing shit the wrong way. Last time we did deads 3 weeks ago I tweaked my back on 425, only lasted a few days.. Gotta get outta my freaking head!!

Other than this groin issue great workout.. Doesn't feel like it's that fucked up, hopefully it won't last long..

IMO deadlifting is by far the most mental lift there is. Have Brutus video you on the 315 and again on the 425 next time. I'm guessing we will be able to figure some things out based on the videos.