JBallz and B79 gear up again!

^^^ You had to be moving at a pretty good pace to get that done in 45 min. Good job!
I was honestly fighting vomit the back half of the workout.

I never really suffered from tren respiratory issues before but I sure am now- last three pins have felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I wouldn't call it tren cough- more like tren emphysema. I had a bad week anger-wise but that has been lifting last day or two as well. Kept dbol at 25 today- good choice. I ran hex/test before and I am noticing extra weight gain from the dbol instead of pure recomp or weight loss. Winning combo imo- maybe the dbol/tren combo is giving me the cough now that I think about it....
Wow that's amazing you pulled off that workout in 45 mins with that much volume. You must been so tired then haha
^^^ You had to be moving at a pretty good pace to get that done in 45 min. Good job!

That was actually 40min.. :eek:

Brutus didn't have time to finish bis but apparently had time for Pollo!!

I was feeling it today despite a slight cold.. I did the cable curls 7x15-20, real good warmup. Followed by:

Standing EZ bar curls dropset, 110, 90, 70, 50- 12 reps each

1 arm db preacher curls 35lbs 3x12

close grip EZ bar preacher 60lbs, 3x12

concentration curls 35lbs, 3x12

This^^ only took an extra 15min, slow controlled reps, minimal rest... Oh the pump!! Went kind of light, will go heavier Sunday..

45 min cardio then I went to Pollo too.. :)
I generally take 30-45 seconds between sets for a rest period, and at a minimum my workouts take 60-75 minutes or 90 mins max on a high volume day.

Bet B79's workout he must not take any breaks between sets in order to get it all done in 40-45 mins.
I generally take 30-45 seconds between sets for a rest period, and at a minimum my workouts take 60-75 minutes or 90 mins max on a high volume day.

Bet B79's workout he must not take any breaks between sets in order to get it all done in 40-45 mins.
I just wait for jb to finish his sets. 30 seconds or less.
I generally take 30-45 seconds between sets for a rest period, and at a minimum my workouts take 60-75 minutes or 90 mins max on a high volume day.

Bet B79's workout he must not take any breaks between sets in order to get it all done in 40-45 mins.

Unless we're doing squats, deads, or bench the only rest is really when the other one of us is doing their set. Thursday is definitely the fastest day as its a lunch break workout though.
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Today was just 16 sets of ab work followed by 45min cardio..

This is the 6th day in a row of 45min cardio sessions, gonna see how long I can keep this up!!
Today was just 16 sets of ab work followed by 45min cardio..

This is the 6th day in a row of 45min cardio sessions, gonna see how long I can keep this up!!
Just don't fade away!

45 mins of Stairmaster is the most brutal cardio workout ever, with legs feeling like rubber much like after heavy squats
Just don't fade away!

45 mins of Stairmaster is the most brutal cardio workout ever, with legs feeling like rubber much like after heavy squats

Yea man, it feels exactly like after squats!! I'm only up to 15min on it so far though, level 8.. 20min treadmill at 4.5 with 7.5 incline and the other 10min on elliptical level 12. I like to mix it up every few weeks but the stair master will definitely soon become the main part!!
Go get them abs man! Cardio is miserable and the fact your 6 days deep in it at 45 min a pop speaks of how much you want it. That is pretty awesome
Yea man, it feels exactly like after squats!! I'm only up to 15min on it so far though, level 8.. 20min treadmill at 4.5 with 7.5 incline and the other 10min on elliptical level 12. I like to mix it up every few weeks but the stair master will definitely soon become the main part!!
I usually go 20 mins at level 8 as well, but dumbass me had to go 45 at level 7 and was ready to fall off the thing haha

Stairmaster is my go-to cardio as it really feels like a workout. Other times I use the stationary bikes
Crispy tuna
Steak tartare
Baby kale salad
Pork belly Brussels sprouts
Giant scampi shrimp
Duck la'orange

All in 45 min. Sick pace for my lunch break. I know jb stayed to do full arm workout... I went to pollo and ate rack of ribs, tostones, rice, beans, chopi trip bowl. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh
The secret to getting to 260+? Busting your ass in the gym and eating like this ^^^
Fucking garbage day. I decided to take extra dbol since I wasn't "feeling" it, and promptly remembered why I was going low dose. Low dose with tren has netted me about 7lbs in 11 days- higher dose nets me crippling back pumps.

My kid shit herself in the gym daycare, girlfriend got her tax return seized for student loans and I left my phone at the pizza place.
Fuck this shit
Man that sounds like my week! A hippie girl friend of mine says everyone had a hard week because of the double black moon (two new moons in one month, I think she said). Whatever the fuck, it was .....irritating! Better days!
Chest tri day #2
Dips bw (next week weighted- I promise!)
3 sets 12
Incline db press
2 with 90's and 1 with 100's
Jb did all with 100's and I think he pulled 20 reps last set
3 sets 12
Decline db flys
35's 3 sets 12
Diamond push ups
3 fail sets
Cable flys
80's each side
7 sets 12
Triceps drop sets starting with 270 (hard to get the fuckers down when it weighs more than you)
5 sets 12 no rest between sets yanking a plate each set
Skull crushers
I used 90 jb used 110
3 sets 12
Behind the head d b raises
I used 75 jb used 90
3 sets 12
Reverse flys seated with a long chest negative using 20lbs
3 sets 12
Rope push downs 130 lbs
7 sets 12
Seated behind the head cable raise 2 sets and I finally had to run to five guys and take the shit I had been holding in and eat the burger I had been dreaming about.

@Millard Baker mentioned my diet so I will confess about yesterday. .. two mcgriddles, two hash browns and two milks for breakfast. A subway double meat pastrami foot long with double cheese for lunch. 2 xxl stuffed burritos and 4 Doritos locos tacos for dinner and 2 double bacon cheeseburgers for a snack at night. I also drank a gallon of milk, ate some apples and had a few protein shakes. Horrible... so while jb did 45 min cardio I spent easily that time chewing fast food. I think it fits 20 people's macros!

As a side note I feel fucking great
Hex @ 525 wk, dbol at 25ish a day, tne here and there, injected b12 complex every five days and alflutop daily... I am a lean (for me... 12% maybe?) 264 last night. Nothing hurts in an acute fashion and my body is taking to this volume. Chest and back are getting very broad, last are on full swole. My arms are getting some nice roadmaps and so would the rest of me if I could stay away from fast food.

Im hitting Sam's club today and prepping out the next three weeks of meals so no excuses! 40+ sets today amd no puke baby- how long it take us jb?
Chest tri day #2
Dips bw (next week weighted- I promise!)
3 sets 12
Incline db press
2 with 90's and 1 with 100's
Jb did all with 100's and I think he pulled 20 reps last set
3 sets 12
Decline db flys
35's 3 sets 12
Diamond push ups
3 fail sets
Cable flys
80's each side
7 sets 12
Triceps drop sets starting with 270 (hard to get the fuckers down when it weighs more than you)
5 sets 12 no rest between sets yanking a plate each set
Skull crushers
I used 90 jb used 110
3 sets 12
Behind the head d b raises
I used 75 jb used 90
3 sets 12
Reverse flys seated with a long chest negative using 20lbs
3 sets 12
Rope push downs 130 lbs
7 sets 12
Seated behind the head cable raise 2 sets and I finally had to run to five guys and take the shit I had been holding in and eat the burger I had been dreaming about.

@Millard Baker mentioned my diet so I will confess about yesterday. .. two mcgriddles, two hash browns and two milks for breakfast. A subway double meat pastrami foot long with double cheese for lunch. 2 xxl stuffed burritos and 4 Doritos locos tacos for dinner and 2 double bacon cheeseburgers for a snack at night. I also drank a gallon of milk, ate some apples and had a few protein shakes. Horrible... so while jb did 45 min cardio I spent easily that time chewing fast food. I think it fits 20 people's macros!

As a side note I feel fucking great
Hex @ 525 wk, dbol at 25ish a day, tne here and there, injected b12 complex every five days and alflutop daily... I am a lean (for me... 12% maybe?) 264 last night. Nothing hurts in an acute fashion and my body is taking to this volume. Chest and back are getting very broad, last are on full swole. My arms are getting some nice roadmaps and so would the rest of me if I could stay away from fast food.

Im hitting Sam's club today and prepping out the next three weeks of meals so no excuses! 40+ sets today amd no puke baby- how long it take us jb?

Awesome training today!! 44 sets in 1hour 20min?? I'm not positive but a little more of a leisurely pace since we had the time.

I could've done more than the 20 reps with the 100s on incline, I don't know why I stopped. I guess I was a bit shocked and didn't want to go too crazy. The fina must be starting to show itself!! Usually don't get a strength boost until the middle of week 2.

I haven't had ANYTHING to cheat in a week.. Going out tonight and I'm gonna cut it a bit loose with the diet. Need to to help keep my sanity and I'm sure my body can use the carbs so fuck it!! :)
Back bi day #2
Military bb press
105 one in front, one behind head rotating in set
3 sets 24
Lat swing downs wide grip
Felt like 120? Stupid machine had numbers
3 sets 12
Smith machine bent rows (thanks @Oregonstrong I fucking LOVE these. Excellent lat amd scapular activation when you dont have to concentrate on balance)
185 3 sets 12
Hammer strength pull backs
Two plates underhand
3 sets 12
Seated close grip rows
70lbs 7 sets 12- so fucking fast it was amazing we didnt puke
Wide grip pull ups
3 sets 12
Preacher curls
60lbs 3 sets 12
Jb "I have beast arms" boy was doing sets of ten ez curls in between sets.
Drop set db curls
30,25,20,15 fail sets
Jb did hammer curl drop sets (4)
I did one set hammer curls and then 6 fails sets shrugs walking around with 45 plates
Overhead cable curls
7 sets 12

then we hit pollo and I had a rack of ribs, half a chicken, rice and beans, double yucca. Fruit punch hi c. Nectar of the gods... I felt fucking great. I feel fucking great. Hit the scale just now at 263.

Now I am going to an AA meeting to keep my mind as right as my body. Get some.
Back bi day #2
Military bb press
105 one in front, one behind head rotating in set
3 sets 24
Lat swing downs wide grip
Felt like 120? Stupid machine had numbers
3 sets 12
Smith machine bent rows (thanks @Oregonstrong I fucking LOVE these. Excellent lat amd scapular activation when you dont have to concentrate on balance)
185 3 sets 12
Hammer strength pull backs
Two plates underhand
3 sets 12
Seated close grip rows
70lbs 7 sets 12- so fucking fast it was amazing we didnt puke
Wide grip pull ups
3 sets 12
Preacher curls
60lbs 3 sets 12
Jb "I have beast arms" boy was doing sets of ten ez curls in between sets.
Drop set db curls
30,25,20,15 fail sets
Jb did hammer curl drop sets (4)
I did one set hammer curls and then 6 fails sets shrugs walking around with 45 plates
Overhead cable curls
7 sets 12

then we hit pollo and I had a rack of ribs, half a chicken, rice and beans, double yucca. Fruit punch hi c. Nectar of the gods... I felt fucking great. I feel fucking great. Hit the scale just now at 263.

Now I am going to an AA meeting to keep my mind as right as my body. Get some.
Deff got some bro. Good shit brothers. Keep up the hard work. Yall are inspirations to us all. Killed that shit today;):D