JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Back bi day #2
Military bb press
105 one in front, one behind head rotating in set
3 sets 24
Lat swing downs wide grip
Felt like 120? Stupid machine had numbers
3 sets 12
Smith machine bent rows (thanks @Oregonstrong I fucking LOVE these. Excellent lat amd scapular activation when you dont have to concentrate on balance)
185 3 sets 12
Hammer strength pull backs
Two plates underhand
3 sets 12
Seated close grip rows
70lbs 7 sets 12- so fucking fast it was amazing we didnt puke
Wide grip pull ups
3 sets 12
Preacher curls
60lbs 3 sets 12
Jb "I have beast arms" boy was doing sets of ten ez curls in between sets.
Drop set db curls
30,25,20,15 fail sets
Jb did hammer curl drop sets (4)
I did one set hammer curls and then 6 fails sets shrugs walking around with 45 plates
Overhead cable curls
7 sets 12

then we hit pollo and I had a rack of ribs, half a chicken, rice and beans, double yucca. Fruit punch hi c. Nectar of the gods... I felt fucking great. I feel fucking great. Hit the scale just now at 263.

Now I am going to an AA meeting to keep my mind as right as my body. Get some.
God damn, I don't think I hit 43 sets total in a week of training...fuck, not even two weeks.
Mind you I train low sets and reps, all about that strength.

But either way, that shit is impressive guys. I'd be done after 10 sets and my lungs would give out on me on set 15.
Beast mode today.. I felt possessed after we took a few min once back was done. Started with the slow concentrated preachers and after 12 reps walked right over to the rack and grabbed the 50lb EZ bar for 12 more reverse curls, no thumbs around the bar, gotta squeeze it!! Kept this up for 2 more sets. Took a couple min while brutus was doing his dropset then grabbed the 40s, 35s, 30s, and finally the 20s or 25s, can't remember. One arm hammer curls with a 75 for 2 sets, right over to the 45s both arms at the same time and finally 35s on arm at a time. This couldn't have taken more than 15 min, totally drenched in sweat.. Felt primal.. 7x12-20 overhead cable curls, crazy pump!! Starting to feel "on" for sure..
Beast mode today.. I felt possessed after we took a few min once back was done. Started with the slow concentrated preachers and after 12 reps walked right over to the rack and grabbed the 50lb EZ bar for 12 more reverse curls, no thumbs around the bar, gotta squeeze it!! Kept this up for 2 more sets. Took a couple min while brutus was doing his dropset then grabbed the 40s, 35s, 30s, and finally the 20s or 25s, can't remember. One arm hammer curls with a 75 for 2 sets, right over to the 45s both arms at the same time and finally 35s on arm at a time. This couldn't have taken more than 15 min, totally drenched in sweat.. Felt primal.. 7x12-20 overhead cable curls, crazy pump!! Starting to feel "on" for sure..
Possessed is more like it alright, that workout holy smokes!
God damn, I don't think I hit 43 sets total in a week of training...fuck, not even two weeks.
Mind you I train low sets and reps, all about that strength.

But either way, that shit is impressive guys. I'd be done after 10 sets and my lungs would give out on me on set 15.
There's times I've come close to that many sets combined on all exercises and trying to jam all that into a 45 minute lunch break is batshit insane alright!

Maybe I am one crazy old man when I am in the gym banging out sets while listening to Nine Inch Nails or Five Finger Death Punch :D
Mash up Monday!!

Did shoulders a bit differently today, heavier on some exercises and no drop sets..

behind the neck paused shoulder press 135lbs 3x12

db shoulder press 110s 2x10, 100s 1x12, couldn't get the 110s up for the third set, only tried once, not interested in fucking myself up!!

db side lateral raises, 55s 4x10

exaggerated over head front raises with slow negative, 45lb bar 4x12, sounds easy but it's anything but

reverse fly machine for rear delts, 135lbs 4x15

side lateral machine, 70lbs 1x30reps

shoulder press machine, 120lbs 1x30reps

bb upright rows, 135lbs, 4x10

bb behind back shrugs, 135lbs 4x20

bb shrugs, 225lbs, 4x15, slow squeeze

db shrugs, 110lbs, 2x12

So 20sets delts, 15sets traps, about 1hr 15min. Cardio was 20min at 4.5 on treadmill with 7.5 incline, 15min stair master level 8, and 10min elliptical level 12...

I'm starting to feel the tren. Besides the strength bump I find myself getting mad at people in the gym and elsewhere for just existing on this planet. Not a fan of this feeling but once I get it it usually passes within 2 weeks..

Chest/tris with brutus in the morning!! Whoop whoop!! :)
Mash up Monday!!

Did shoulders a bit differently today, heavier on some exercises and no drop sets..

behind the neck paused shoulder press 135lbs 3x12

db shoulder press 110s 2x10, 100s 1x12, couldn't get the 110s up for the third set, only tried once, not interested in fucking myself up!!

db side lateral raises, 55s 4x10

exaggerated over head front raises with slow negative, 45lb bar 4x12, sounds easy but it's anything but

reverse fly machine for rear delts, 135lbs 4x15

side lateral machine, 70lbs 1x30reps

shoulder press machine, 120lbs 1x30reps

bb upright rows, 135lbs, 4x10

bb behind back shrugs, 135lbs 4x20

bb shrugs, 225lbs, 4x15, slow squeeze

db shrugs, 110lbs, 2x12

So 20sets delts, 15sets traps, about 1hr 15min. Cardio was 20min at 4.5 on treadmill with 7.5 incline, 15min stair master level 8, and 10min elliptical level 12...

I'm starting to feel the tren. Besides the strength bump I find myself getting mad at people in the gym and elsewhere for just existing on this planet. Not a fan of this feeling but once I get it it usually passes within 2 weeks..

Chest/tris with brutus in the morning!! Whoop whoop!! :)
That's one hell of a mash up while getting the mash ON! There's some days I feel schizophrenic and do something like that in the gym haha
That is a strong session. Fuck heavy dumbbell shoulder presses unless you've got a gang of guys to help you get them in position. It was always harder for me to get anything over 100's into position than it was to actually press them.

Nice work on the barbell shrugs. I read way too many guys listing doing 405 or more on these and there is no way that most are doing them with a full range of motion with that kind of weight. 225 for high reps with a slow squeeze is the right call.
That is a strong session. Fuck heavy dumbbell shoulder presses unless you've got a gang of guys to help you get them in position. It was always harder for me to get anything over 100's into position than it was to actually press them.

Nice work on the barbell shrugs. I read way too many guys listing doing 405 or more on these and there is no way that most are doing them with a full range of motion with that kind of weight. 225 for high reps with a slow squeeze is the right call.
Heavy db's are hard as fuck to get into position indeed, and had my share of wrist injuries because of that. For db shoulder presses I go with 55's for as many reps as I can.

Barbell shrugs I also go with 225 as well, just keeping things sane when I'm insane ;)
That is a strong session. Fuck heavy dumbbell shoulder presses unless you've got a gang of guys to help you get them in position. It was always harder for me to get anything over 100's into position than it was to actually press them.

Nice work on the barbell shrugs. I read way too many guys listing doing 405 or more on these and there is no way that most are doing them with a full range of motion with that kind of weight. 225 for high reps with a slow squeeze is the right call.
I was shrugging 405 two weeks ago and fucked up where my pec meets my neck over my collarbone. Still hurts and proves I wasn't using the right muscle group.
Too many guys make it look like a full body movement instead of trap isolation, leaning back, hitching the bar up their thighs, arms bending and probably four other things I'm forgetting.
Chest/Tri day one
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5 paused
300 x 7
300 x 6
300 x 5
Amaxing how weights drop when you are pushing light stuff for volume
Decline bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 10 paused 3 sets
Incline chest flys
Brutal slow 5 reps fast five reps
3 sets
Cable flys 7 sets 12
I only did 5 sets. Shoulder fucking with me and I am convinced it was decline bb bench.
Close grip bench
135 x 10
205 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 10
Cable pull downs
7 sets 12

And I had to walk. Shoulder agony from declines- feels better now but didnt want it to be worse. Know when to walk.

Weight is 265.5 this morning
Chest/Tri day one
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5 paused
300 x 7
300 x 6
300 x 5
Amaxing how weights drop when you are pushing light stuff for volume
Decline bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 10 paused 3 sets
Incline chest flys
Brutal slow 5 reps fast five reps
3 sets
Cable flys 7 sets 12
I only did 5 sets. Shoulder fucking with me and I am convinced it was decline bb bench.
Close grip bench
135 x 10
205 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 10
Cable pull downs
7 sets 12

And I had to walk. Shoulder agony from declines- feels better now but didnt want it to be worse. Know when to walk.

Weight is 265.5 this morning

Forgot the push-ups!! ^^

I was a fucking bitch today, just wasn't feeling it. Brutus with the shoulder and I had some weird pain in my lower bicep and inside of my elbows.. It wasn't something I was worried about but uncomfortable.

I pushed through though, oh yea... I pushed through.. I'll post more later.