temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

I am now 10000000% sure that arimidex is extremely important to my protocol, without it all would fail.

I tried an experiment to go an extra day without arimidex, taking a 25mg proviron instead, libido went to terrible, couldn't reach orgasm.

finally I decided enough of that and took a big dose of arimidex, 1 mg, and here within 8 hours extreme hard morning wood came back and libido too

more and more I am becoming convinced that the erring on the side of too little or no arimidex is a terrible idea for me
not sure yet but thinking of doing an experiment to settle for me the whole concept of "too low estrogen" killing libido or not, I might try 1mg of arimidex every day for a short run and see what happens, still deciding but I'll post if I do
Although i never needed an AI on transdermals, i definetly noticed E2 symptoms after doing my first injection. Water retention, bloating, and hot flashes. So i can see why guys talk about needing an AI with injections.

I think for some people, the large dose of hormones from an injection can be dumped/converted into E2. The body sees all the hormones and says "whoah too much!" and alot of it aromatizes. I found that that wasnt the case with gels (even tho people say it is) because the peak levels are much lower since you apply daily and I was doing 5g in two doses NOT 10g in one dose.

I believe every person has a "peak" T where the body says "ok thats enough" and dumps the rest of it into E2.

Gels were good for me because i dont have much body fat and i never had to use an AI. It seems with injections I might have to use an AI :(

I am now 10000000% sure that arimidex is extremely important to my protocol, without it all would fail.

I tried an experiment to go an extra day without arimidex, taking a 25mg proviron instead, libido went to terrible, couldn't reach orgasm.

finally I decided enough of that and took a big dose of arimidex, 1 mg, and here within 8 hours extreme hard morning wood came back and libido too

more and more I am becoming convinced that the erring on the side of too little or no arimidex is a terrible idea for me
not sure yet but thinking of doing an experiment to settle for me the whole concept of "too low estrogen" killing libido or not, I might try 1mg of arimidex every day for a short run and see what happens, still deciding but I'll post if I do

I've done quite a bit of aromasin by my standards the past few days. About 20-30mg at least. My body feels soft and chest puffy and i feel E2 symptoms which is why i am doing that.

The most pronounced low E2 symptom will be "creaky" joints. If you get creaky joints then you know you have tanked your E2 too much.

What i like about aromasin is that it kills the aromatize enzyme. The trick tho, is for me to not do too much because it takes time for E2 to come back up.

E2 is important for libido and mood even tho guys think it's the devil.

I have a question about arimidex and Ai's in general.

After you take it, does it take time for the anti-E2 effect to be felt? IA few hours? Or is it instantaneous?


I have a question about arimidex and Ai's in general.

After you take it, does it take time for the anti-E2 effect to be felt? IA few hours? Or is it instantaneous?


this is hard to be sure about, but my feelings are that it starts to be felt within 8 hours and even better by the next morning
kind of depressed feeling today, and really depressed this evening

wonder if someone I was reading put the idea in my head :o j/k

I stopped with the cabergoline a week ago, I wonder if that is the cause, kind of a withdrawl? or who knows.... I don't like the feeling though, I should probably take a proviron because that is very often a reliable mood pickup, but I've noticed a little bit of shoulder and chest acne start when I take proviron for a few days in a row, so I've been staying away from it more often, although tomorrow morning I might take some because I have a lot I need to do tomorrow
funny thing is, even with the arimidex I have been taking (maybe too sparingly?) I feel really estrogenic today

just took 1mg arimidex to see how I feel from it by tomorrow morning
funny thing is, even with the arimidex I have been taking (maybe too sparingly?) I feel really estrogenic today

just took 1mg arimidex to see how I feel from it by tomorrow morning

Two injections in, and i feel like alot of the T from the injections are being dumped into E2. My body feels soft all over (not "hard") and my chest/breasts feel more puffy and when i was running on the treadmill yesterday i looked in the mirror and it looked like i had tits and they were bouncing up and down :(

Fucking injections. I hate them.

No mood consistency. No libido consistency. And now this,.
fuck my ass. oh u can't get hard ... Joke .. not me ur soft . Fucking Period.. God why continue to post shit.. U and half the people that bothered feeding ur shit post... UR FUCKING PROBLEM IS IN UR HEAD.. FUCK.. post mourning wood. Really, Fuck.. I say this only after 300 + posts of stupid. Fix ur noodle. or ur dicks done............ and if u read half of there thread Start fixing ur NOODLE.........
fuck my ass. oh u can't get hard ... Joke .. not me ur soft . Fucking Period.. God why continue to post shit.. U and half the people that bothered feeding ur shit post... UR FUCKING PROBLEM IS IN UR HEAD.. FUCK.. post mourning wood. Really, Fuck.. I say this only after 300 + posts of stupid. Fix ur noodle. or ur dicks done............ and if u read half of there thread Start fixing ur NOODLE.........

who are you talking to??
been feeling better, just took some more arimidex, might try .5mg every day and see how that goes, I find that I feel worse if I go too many days between arimidex or if my dose is too low
well libido has cooled right off recently, maybe too much arimidex? hard to say though because I feel better keeping the estrogen controlled, feel more even and not stressed, and progress in the gym is really good lately, and my physique is looking way better too, six pack abs are coming in quite nicely...... funny thing about the libido is I don't even care about it, like it is not a concern really with all the other stuff going well,especially the gym I could try to take the proviron more if I wanted to try to get the libido up but trying to minimize that due to the dht type sides
Forever young!! Will you be staying on this dose indefinitely? Will you be getting regular bloodwork?

well I lowered my dose frequency this week, that might have changed things a bit, instead of my usual every 4 days injection I stretched it out to 6 days this week, maybe going back to every 4 days would be better

will get some bloodwork when I can afford it
experiment time....

did 1.25 mg of letrozole last night

strong morning wood this morning, but it has passed as I type this, will see how the day goes
I am oh so surprised you weren't getting 20+ boners a day on 300mg T week. I think you really need to get dialed in with T and E2. The reason I've not started TRT yet is because I can't afford bloods. Without bloods it's just guesswork.

Fuck knows how long it's going to take me to find a job because without one, there is no bloods and without bloods you can't correct any hormonal issues.