temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

have a bit of a glitch today...

I take my blood pressure often, and it has been sitting in the normal range almost always

today I didn't feel that good, a little hot and tired, and when I looked in the mirror I noticed my face was red, so I went to take my blood pressure and sure enough it was high, 140 over 74

came home right away and took a little bit of letrozole, hopefully that will do the trick, might skip working out tonight to give my body a rest until things normalize
felt pretty good today, took my blood pressure this afternoon and it was 130 over 69, which is still a little higher than it has been but much better than yesterday
lowered test dosage a bit, feeling pretty good on it, joints a little achy at times but that could be due to hitting the weights pretty heavy

balls are quite noticeably small, and ejaculate volume is not that large, but function is pretty good most of the time and occasionally libido is noticeable, overall ok

water retention here and there a bit resulting in a bit of a smooth look, and still a bit concerned about collagen issues as I feel my face looks older with more pronounced wrinkles and that could also be the reason for the achy joints at times, been thinking about the collagen issue a lot lately, maybe thinking of trying some new experiments to address this in the future

at the moment on about 125mg cyp e5d with a small amount of arimidex on injection day as needed
I'm going to end this thread and start a new one as I am going on a different route of experimentation that shifts things where I think a new thread might be a good idea, as this one is getting too long

but to summarize my experiences in this thread, and what I might have learned or changed opinions of after my experiments and changes, I think that moderation is a good thing, going too high with testosterone is a case of diminishing benefits vs. more problems to deal with, I feel better keeping the weekly dose under around the 200mg point compared to the higher doses I had experimented with which also means less AI necessary

masteron seemed to be a good thing but my hair line really changed in the time period since I started this thread, also I have been thinking that masteron might lead to some anxiety at times, but I am not certain of this, just a thought I have had recently in reflection

letting estrogen get higher when on higher doses is certainly a bad thing for me, tried this out many times to experiment and it is a consistent way to feel really bad
water retention here and there a bit resulting in a bit of a smooth look, and still a bit concerned about collagen issues as I feel my face looks older with more pronounced wrinkles and that could also be the reason for the achy joints at times, been thinking about the collagen issue a lot lately, maybe thinking of trying some new experiments to address this in the future

Had a full thyroid panel done lately?
there is no doubt in my mind that keeping e2 down is a key to having strong erections, but something happened that is making me choose a different path

a strange injury that feels like a hairline crack in a bone happened to me, that is something that should have never happened, and it has got me wondering if keeping e2 low has possibly had a side effect of weaker bone density? achy joints off and on were a side effect I noticed, but the erection quality thing was always so reliable that I stayed the course, but now I am going to go into a mode where erections and sex are not the most important thing to me, and try to rebuild bone and collagen strength as much as possible to youthful levels

will start a new thread soon on the protocol I am embarking on, but it will be attempting not to use any AI at all, at least for some months in hopes that bone quality will improve
I am also completely open to the possibility that the injury is completely unrelated to anything hormonal and is just a coincidence, but I am still going to try a different path
no but I probably should, this latest injury has scared me, as being able to walk around without limping is pretty high on the importance scale, if I had to choose between libido and being mobile the answer is obvious

I had a bone density test last year at the local hospital during their health fair and the charge was only $25. I believe they told me the normal cost was around $250.

I am glad I did it then. I have been on Anastrozole 0.5mg 3 times a week for about 3 months and the hospital has their health fair in September. I will have the BD test again to see if there is any change.
my latest protocol has exceeded my expectations and is working really well in all facets, much better than any time on the testosterone only/testosterone with AI/high dose/low dose protocols

I can't comment on it directly in this thread as due to the fact that it is using other AAS than testosterone that it is not allowed in this thread and must be in the Steroid Forum instead

unfortunately I do not feel as comfortable posting in the Steroid forum as I feel it reinforces stigmas that I do not agree with, so constant updates will not be coming from me
some interesting and unexpected observations:

ejaculate volume significantly increased, which is not what I expected at all, precum is significant as well

hairloss seems to have stopped, not sure if this is a matter of the receding got to where it wanted to recede and is done now, but it sure seems like the masteron protocol I noticed a lot of loose hairs falling where now it is not like that

libido is noticeably stronger, orgasm intensity is very strong, even average girls are looking more attractive

erection quality is extremely good when it is good, and other times not quite as hard even though libido is there and usually when I am expecting to be hard for extended period of time, this is pretty good though and reminds me of similar to when I was younger, I'm almost there again, much much closer than I believed would ever be possible again

some bad points..... a bit of an "alpha" streak is definitely there, and this has to be consciously controlled when you are not used to it for years, noticeable when someone wants to argue with you in a matter that you care about, it is easy to get a bit of a temper build up...... definitely more assertive in life though and this can be a good thing but can also be a bad thing
feel good

other surprising observations from what I was maybe expecting might be a worry:

no acne
blood pressure comfortably in normal range (I'm believing more and more that hcg may have been the real culprit in years past when I wasn't sure where to place the blame for horrible acne and high blood pressure)

mood is good, maybe at first was a bit of getting used to the change but feel confident and not really bothered or angry about anything

walk tall, posture is easily very good, seem to feel more respect from people, maybe it's my body language that results in that but definitely notice that

libido definitely stronger

I do notice that depending when during the week in relation to injection that I do feel warm easily, sit in my room with my shirt off now, and can go outside on a cool day with no jacket fairly comfortably
noticeable thing I just thought about, joints feel quite good, I had started to get used to having aches and pains on the old protocol, all of that is cleared up now and feel pretty good

libido good now, had sex last night then woke up 7 hours later with an erection that had the desire for attention this morning