have been avoiding the dopamine agonists, not really a fan of the prami, and don't have any cabergoline right now unfortunately
protocol has been this for a while now, copied from my sig:
"my current "trt/hrt/hot" protocol: every day approx 20mg test cyp, 15mg tren ace, 30mg mast prop.-- 5mg Cialis/day-- occasional pramipexole and or hydergine -- no AI-- no HCG-- Viagra 50mg before sex-- "
protocol modified slightly recently to this, copied from my new sig:
"my current "trt/hrt/hot" protocol: every day 20mg test propionate, 20mg tren ace, 20mg mast prop -- 75mg proviron -- 5mg Cialis/day -- no AI -- no HCG -- Viagra 50mg before sex--"
had some great sex today, funny to notice the contrast from when I was on the dopamine agonists a while back when I was noticing some rapid orgasms, today I had intercourse going hard for over half an hour and was easily not about to orgasm, finally pulled out and finished by hand on her breasts, which was cool, but even then I had to jack pretty hard and fast (remember back a big contrast a couple months ago the one particular incident where I came within a minute unvoluntarily with a particularly hot girl, but even with a condom on, the girl today that I lasted forever with was smoking hot too though, even more my type and amazing body to look at, enjoyed it immensely but reaching orgasm was a lot of work, I was blowing hard with aerobic exertion)
some feelings of malaise from the mix, maybe the proviron, which tends to give me a slight headache, maybe the Cialis/Viagra mix, which can tend to give a bit of acid reflux and back aches, maybe a bit of the overexertion from really an extreme aerobic sexual workout while on the tren and mast/proviron, hard to say for sure, I don't feel all too bad, and actually psychologically feel fantastic because it was such a fun successful time with a hottie, but all of the "supplements" do have a bit of an uncomfortable effect to them after the fact