temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

good luck tyler, my protocol is in my signature, although this week or so I am shorting the masteron and cabergoline part of it as I am in between supply

it's strange how the whole hormone thing works, sometimes you might have the pieces but somehow it doesn't seem to want to come together right, but then other times when it does start to click it is amazing, lately I have been almost too strong of a libido (although I don't really believe there is such a thing, the more the better :P )
starting to get some acne, chest shoulders and back, might have been going a little high in the dosages as my supply of syringes was limited to 5cc syringes so accurate measuring of dose was difficult, and I have probably been erring on the side of higher, hate acne because once it starts it seems like it is impossible to go back to no acne no matter what adjustments you make
I'm all out of cabaser for a few weeks, and the prami kicks the hell out of me so avoid taking that, need to get more cabaser because I think I like it, although with the once a week dosing it is hard to be sure.

anyways, had three strong orgasms yesterday with decent ejaculate volume, and woke up this morning with strong morning wood, so that's still good.

noticing a bit too much body heat, probably a good thing for getting lean, six pack noticeably visible, but I am uncomfortably warm unless the temperature is low 60's, sweat easily with work and aerobic endurance is not so great, strength endurance is very good though but leaves me out of breath with heart pounding after a vigourous set like full hanging pull ups for a rapid perfect form 10 reps, haven't been working out much though due to being too busy with work so that could be part of it and maybe aerobic endurance would improve with consistent exercise
ended up taking a prami and a hydergine today, sure enough the prami made me ridiculously sleepy, but the other effects were a good substitute for cabaser, had two orgasms tonight, within an hour of each other. one strange thing that I have noticed before is that the orgasm kicked in quite unexpectedly, one stroke too many and it came on fast, almost like the prami is helping cause a bit of "premature" ejaculation, which in a way can be thought of as a move in the right direction as this is more a phenomenon seen in young males, not guys that are half a century old. orgasm quality was very strong

this would be a good combination if it wasn't for the debilitating desire for sleep when on it

edit note: was thinking about how some others have said prami did nothing for them, which made me think of how we might brush off very effective medications due to the fact that everything hormonally must be in synch or a really good medication might completely fail due to something else not being optimized. I've noticed this many times in the past with many things
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have been avoiding the dopamine agonists, not really a fan of the prami, and don't have any cabergoline right now unfortunately

protocol has been this for a while now, copied from my sig:
"my current "trt/hrt/hot" protocol: every day approx 20mg test cyp, 15mg tren ace, 30mg mast prop.-- 5mg Cialis/day-- occasional pramipexole and or hydergine -- no AI-- no HCG-- Viagra 50mg before sex-- "

protocol modified slightly recently to this, copied from my new sig:
"my current "trt/hrt/hot" protocol: every day 20mg test propionate, 20mg tren ace, 20mg mast prop -- 75mg proviron -- 5mg Cialis/day -- no AI -- no HCG -- Viagra 50mg before sex--"

had some great sex today, funny to notice the contrast from when I was on the dopamine agonists a while back when I was noticing some rapid orgasms, today I had intercourse going hard for over half an hour and was easily not about to orgasm, finally pulled out and finished by hand on her breasts, which was cool, but even then I had to jack pretty hard and fast (remember back a big contrast a couple months ago the one particular incident where I came within a minute unvoluntarily with a particularly hot girl, but even with a condom on, the girl today that I lasted forever with was smoking hot too though, even more my type and amazing body to look at, enjoyed it immensely but reaching orgasm was a lot of work, I was blowing hard with aerobic exertion)

some feelings of malaise from the mix, maybe the proviron, which tends to give me a slight headache, maybe the Cialis/Viagra mix, which can tend to give a bit of acid reflux and back aches, maybe a bit of the overexertion from really an extreme aerobic sexual workout while on the tren and mast/proviron, hard to say for sure, I don't feel all too bad, and actually psychologically feel fantastic because it was such a fun successful time with a hottie, but all of the "supplements" do have a bit of an uncomfortable effect to them after the fact
maybe the proviron is getting the unjustified blame here, I always want to keep an open mind to all considerations, I endup sleeping nearly 12 hours last night, I might just be fighting off a flu or something who knows, but it did feel to me like the proviron dose got too high and started to build up to an uncomfortable feeling that I haven't been experiencing lately

I think today I will drop the proviron and see how the rest goes

woke up with some extreme morning wood just now

maybe 30 minutes of intercourse doesn't sound like much but when I go hard I go very hard, feels more intense than running on the treadmill or stair climber at full intensity, my heart is pumping like crazy and other than quick position changes I take no breaks, by her fingernails grabbing me and her pushing her pelvis hard into me I know she was into it extremely too, part of it is I don't want to stop and lose the intensity of the erection and also the fact that the condom takes away sensation and I was able to go absolute breakneck full speed without going over. way more intense than any aerobic workout I've had in the gym. left me somewhat collapsed on the bed breathing hard and completely spent but on another level psychologically as we cuddled and layed there recovering

hormones must be in a not too bad place when I feel like doing it all over again right now
been getting compliments consistently on my body with women when I take my shirt off, carrying a six pack all the time now, back fat and oblique fat gone, lines of physique up and down the abs and torso, I'm lighter in weight than I have been, but muscles look better. I don't even work abs directly at all in the gym, they might get some work from core parts of exercises like pull ups, etc... but the real key is hormonal optimisation AND even more important an extremely disciplined diet.
decided I needed a break today from taking too many different things, after the high dose of proviron and feeling a little lousy after it, so today only did a small 25mg injection of cypionate, no masteron/tren/proviron today, need a break from the furnace for a change
just had a thought that part of my "malaise" may have been a bit of "test flu" due to the switch from test cyp to test prop? possible, or might just have been too much proviron, not sure
was just thinking I should update some observations that might have been happening in earlier posts that seem to have resolved or moderated... acne went away mostly, maybe one or two little pimples here and there, but when I had posted that before I was worried that an outbreak was going to begin that wouldn't want to leave, I wish I had kept more detailed log at the time to see what triggered that, because now it is not looking to be a problem..... I have tanned since, that might have helped, not sure

hair loss has really not gone much further than the initial shedding, so that is a relief, I have a higher hairline than years back, but still a full head of hair and hopefully the hairloss won't get any worse
why are you pumping away like crazy with quick position changes? do you have difficult maintaining wood? how old are you?

this is something i have never had issues with even with low "libido".... my physical wood seems to be fine when im with a girl especially if shes hot and naked. i can leisurely flip her over or difficult positions even if im not that horny and still maintain wood. when im horny obviously it's even easier.

why the breakneck speed yo? lol it's not a race [:o)]

maybe 30 minutes of intercourse doesn't sound like much but when I go hard I go very hard, feels more intense than running on the treadmill or stair climber at full intensity, my heart is pumping like crazy and other than quick position changes I take no breaks, by her fingernails grabbing me and her pushing her pelvis hard into me I know she was into it extremely too, part of it is I don't want to stop and lose the intensity of the erection and also the fact that the condom takes away sensation and I was able to go absolute breakneck full speed without going over. way more intense than any aerobic workout I've had in the gym. left me somewhat collapsed on the bed breathing hard and completely spent but on another level psychologically as we cuddled and layed there recovering

hormones must be in a not too bad place when I feel like doing it all over again right now
decided I needed a break today from taking too many different things, after the high dose of proviron and feeling a little lousy after it, so today only did a small 25mg injection of cypionate, no masteron/tren/proviron today, need a break from the furnace for a change

all that stuff might catch upto you dude. body always seeks homeostatis so you can't be superman forever. the best is to find a protocol that is longterm sustainable. whether that's just T only or T and one other thing i don't know. but with masteron/tren/proviron i dunno man that's just nuts. Like do you really need masteron and proviron? aren't they the same thing?

it seems you are doing well i just hope you dont crash at some pt bc you are overdoing it.