temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

been a few days off the tren now, feeling pretty depressed tonight actually, might be the girl fucking with my mind, still have a bit of a lump in my heart, maybe being off the tren is leaving me vulnerable, I don't like the feeling, haven't felt depressed like this in a long long time, women will drive a guy nuts

will see how it goes and maybe add the tren back in soon if I don't shake out of this, almost wish I had never met her in the first place because I was doing fine just being casual and non-attached
brief experience of ED last night and kind of feeling in a sad way recently, the no-tren experiment is not working it seems, so today back on the tren
introduced a new substance into the mix today in the grand experiment and path to optimisation

did a small testing injection subq of gnrh today and since this went well so far will try a larger dose tomorrow, and still going over some different theories in how to use this in a trt/hrt type protocol, as it is still pretty uncharted waters

felt pretty good a few hours later, might be unrelated though
sitting here with a random erection about 5 hours after the gnrh shot, maybe completely unrelated, but making note of it regardless for future reference
6 hours and unmistakeable horniness right now, again not sure if it has anything to do with the gnrh or might be something else meshing well in my protocol, recording for future analysis
...but then gone just as quickly, still requires stimulation

there has to be a way to return to the "stroke it a few times any time any place and it gets hard" mode that one had for so many years as a younger man
there has to be a way to return to the "stroke it a few times any time any place and it gets hard" mode that one had for so many years as a younger man

Here ya go:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVuY842jteE]TV Trailer for The Time Tunnel, 1960s - YouTube[/ame]
about 6 hours later not feeling much of anything, a little depressed maybe

can't wait to get some caber, or at least hoping for some luck with ropinirole which I will have sooner
went away just as fast and haven't really been thinking about it since, but in the back of my mind I think function is there if I were to try and use it with a bit of foreplay, but the urge to bother is not really there at the moment
had some thoughts about it and starting to wonder if too much e2 might be a cause of the ED problem the other day, not the other way around

I am so lean that it is hard to notice water retention like in the past

trying an experiment, just took a small dose of letrozole to see what effect it might have on things

as far as the gnrh goes, not sure, libido comes and goes which might be unrelated, function feels like it could be better, erection a little bit fickle lately, strong for a while then rapid softening, so this reminds me of high e2 times in the long past, hence my reason for a quick letrozole experiment
dropped the test completely from this morning's injection, took some arimidex and letrozole and a miniscule dose of prami

had an earth shaking orgasm tonight, knocked me back and I laid there in spasms of pleasure, girl I was with was giggling at me I was so intense

conclusion and theories as to the ed the other day, too much testosterone, too much e2

don't really want to get in the necessity of AI's, so will bump up tren and masteron dose a little and cut back the testosterone dosage and see how that goes from now on
woke up with extreme wood

was just thinking how invaluable a forum like this is and keeping a log is, with the ed episode last week and overall bad hormonal situation, I was feeling despair and starting to panic and having thoughts of failure in my mind that might continue..... I poured over this entire thread from the beginning, and tried to see where I was at in protocols through good and bad, which helped me get back on track now, even though the protocol is slightly different, it prodded me in the right direction again

feel very optimistic for the future now
this is so encouraging, I feel like all my experiences and recording of progress is really taking me to another level of understanding and problem solving