temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

Jesus lol

Sounds like you have a full out nympho.

My ex came very easily and would cum x2-3 from just sex np. I would usually "go down" get her off a few times and then bang so she would cum like 5x in a session and i was usually good for a few hours maybe we would bang again later cums a few more times and im good. Then i might bang her in the morning sometimes yes, sometimes no.

I doubt i could keep up with your girl lol

Doesnt viagara keep it UP so you are good to go after the foreplay?

It sounds like you get her off a lot which is good. I think you are doing everything right.
"Ten minutes later, she wants it all over again. If I can't perform, I go to toys on her. She will go like this all night if I am there."

I think that's the way to go. Start with mouth, hands, toys ... get her off a bunch... then fuck her really good... then go back to toys and mouth and hands.

I never thought i would say this but.... i dont envy you. lol

Tyler, this and your other post, sound advise, but not really applicable to my current GF. She is not the usual young woman. She has the sex drive of a 18 year old man. But in a very feminine and female way. She likes to be dominated and "taken" and is into bondage and having sex "forced" on her. We use every kind of toy there is. I am more than skilled at oral and using my fingers. All any of that does, is just make her want to fuck more. She loves fucking.

A typical average session with her is me grabbing her pinning her down, telling her dirty things I want to do to her, she starts getting turned on. Sometimes I'm hard about this time. I go down on her and she cums 3,4 times right away, clitoral orgasms. (she had different kinds) Then I slide two fingers in her, alternating my arms as they tire. I vigorously finger her G spot until she starts gushing and cuming even more, maybe 3 to 4 more times. By now, from the hard arm stimulation I get a little tired. It's a workout, trust me and I am built. lol. So now she is screaming "fuck me, I want your cock inside me, fuck me" my erection is gone, total limp dick. I feel like shit and sometimes we stop sex right there. I can get it right up if she goes down on me, but the intense moment is now lost. She thinks I don't want her, or she puts it, "I am going to have to work for it" she wants me to go from getting her off to just fucking her.

So then she starts sucking me, gets me hard, during this time, I'll use toys on her and she cums over and over. Sometimes a vibrator on her clit and a Gspot vibrator inside her. Two at the same time.Other times she will rub her own clit as she sucks me. From there we will fuck, she cums all over me. I fucker her missionary, then doggy. Sometimes after 5 minutes of this, I start losing my erection. The frustration sets in again. It's often mental related. We get more intense and the fucking gets harder and she keeps cuming, then I might finally cum. I'm sucking air hard, just fucking her with all my might for maybe 10-15 minutes, its like running wind sprints. She wants to be fucked hard and I mean hard... She's probably at 15 plus orgasms by now.

I grab her, kiss her and way lay in each others arms making out hard dripping sweat. Ten minutes later, she wants it all over again. If I can't perform, I go to toys on her. She will go like this all night if I am there.

This is not the typical wham bam girl, get it over already. She is crazy about sex. I do not fully keep up with her. That is my dilemma.
You can buy a vibrator that she puts inside her pussy and it has a remote control (you have the remote control. So you can turn the remote control on and off when you are out with her. So you could go out to dinner with her and turn it on and off and get her off a bunch and by the time you get back to the bedroom she has cum a lot already...

Gotta get creative and think outside the box lol
What goes up, must come down. She can't have this amount and level of drive forever. What happens then? Female Viagra?
Jesus lol

Sounds like you have a full out nympho.

My ex came very easily and would cum x2-3 from just sex np. I would usually "go down" get her off a few times and then bang so she would cum like 5x in a session and i was usually good for a few hours maybe we would bang again later cums a few more times and im good. Then i might bang her in the morning sometimes yes, sometimes no.

I doubt i could keep up with your girl lol

Doesnt viagara keep it UP so you are good to go after the foreplay?

It sounds like you get her off a lot which is good. I think you are doing everything right.
"Ten minutes later, she wants it all over again. If I can't perform, I go to toys on her. She will go like this all night if I am there."

I think that's the way to go. Start with mouth, hands, toys ... get her off a bunch... then fuck her really good... then go back to toys and mouth and hands.

I never thought i would say this but.... i dont envy you. lol

You know it's kind of funny because I tell my buddies, I think every man should have a girl like this at least once in his life. When you first get with a girl like her, it makes you feel really good. Making a girl cum over and over all day and night. After a few months, the novelty wears off, trust me and it becomes work. If we go a few days without sex, then that, "king of the sexual world" feeling creeps back. But day after day of it and you start having images of letting another dude take over for a break. I'm not into sharing one speck, but I mean, work is work. haha.

Also, I have analyzed her history and before me she went through quite a few partners. And judging from knowing who some of these guys were, they were likely pretty sexual. So my theory is, when you first get with a new girl, the dynamics are very different. Fucking all day and night and crazy sex is the norm. It usually tappers off after the initial newness wears off. But if a girl is used to getting it like this because she spent a year or so jumping around, she will just assume every guy will be like that forever. VERY few are. I know even in my prime, after consecutive days of marathon sex, I wanted a few days to recharge and let the feeling come back fully.

I absolutely have to find ways to melt her and shut her up and shut her down. Or we won't last.
So my theory is, when you first get with a new girl, the dynamics are very different. Fucking all day and night and crazy sex is the norm. It usually tappers off after the initial newness wears off. But if a girl is used to getting it like this because she spent a year or so jumping around, she will just assume every guy will be like that forever. VERY few are. I know even in my prime, after consecutive days of marathon sex, I wanted a few days to recharge and let the feeling come back fully.

I absolutely have to find ways to melt her and shut her up and shut her down. Or we won't last.

Yup i think you are right on the money here.

In my last relationship the first year or so we would bang like rabbits. I remember banging (with cialis) like 4-5x in a weekend. My dick hurt after and i needed like a week to recover. But that tappered off after a year or so and it became more reasonable.

If she expects the rabbit banging forever..... i dunno if ANY dude can sustain that.

Gluck! It's a high quality problem but like i say, i dont envy you lol
actually that is one of many reasons why I think this kind of age difference, older guy younger girl is perfect, because women will reach menopause and slow down once they hit 40 or so, and that puts the guy mid 60's so even though chemical assistance will help him perform it won't be an urgent thing and you can then slow down a bit together

but at this stage of the relationship when you are late 40's and she is mid 20's, I think we need to give her as much sex as possible
What if you are in your 40s on chemical assistance and your wife, who is approaching 40, starts having desire problems?
What if you are in your 40s on chemical assistance and your wife, who is approaching 40, starts having desire problems?

It's a double standard where if women arent satisfied they question your masculinity. But if men arent satisfied we are just horny bastards. She wont even give you a blowjob if she isnt in the mood. You either jerk off or have an affair.
What if you are in your 40s on chemical assistance and your wife, who is approaching 40, starts having desire problems?

i really think the norm for serious relationships should be women significantly younger than their man. I know when i was in my twenties I wasnt mature enough to have the great quality relationship i am able to have now
i really think the norm for serious relationships should be women significantly younger than their man. I know when i was in my twenties I wasnt mature enough to have the great quality relationship i am able to have now

As I age, I have more ease with women in general. Especially younger women, much younger. I've always been a gym rat, worked out hard and had a nice body all my life. In my twenties, I battled to gain the attention of women my age, even though I was good looking and had my basic shit together. At 40 though about 46 where I am now? The skies started literally raining young beautiful women. So many women in their twenties prefer mature these days. For a variety of reasons. Now I might be 46, but I probably look maybe 36-38, got all my hair, a six pack and am fairly ripped, blue eyes, tan and lean body mass. I just need to damn prick to catch up here and I'll be good to go.

Point being, I could never ever go back to dating women my age. And why should I? I find many women my age just to scared and jaded and demanding. Younger women are fresh, full of life and want you, the older man to mentor them and care for them in ways they will never find from some guy 20 years old. It's everywhere these days. I go out to the clubs and it's not the 35 plus women hitting on me, it's the 22-30. And I love it. As of right now I am madly in love with my girl and am remaining fully faithful to her, but if I don't get myself back to being able to fuck hard three times a day, we might be done. It's that serious.

Sorry just rambling.
I am at the maturity level now that I can treat a good woman properly and responsibly and have a proper relationship with a woman that is ready to give her whole heart to you, I don't think most guys in their 20's can really do that (I know I wasn't ready to do that in my 20's). I think women (most good ones anyways) are different than guys, and are ready to properly give themselves and their heart to a man they love if he treats her right, guys in their 20's are still too immature and selfish and after a while too worried about every other hot girl that comes into their view, or what their buddies think or are doing that week, etc etc....
Point being, I could never ever go back to dating women my age. And why should I? I find many women my age just to scared and jaded and demanding. Younger women are fresh, full of life and want you, the older man to mentor them and care for them in ways they will never find from some guy 20 years old. It's everywhere these days. I go out to the clubs and it's not the 35 plus women hitting on me, it's the 22-30. And I love it. As of right now I am madly in love with my girl and am remaining fully faithful to her, but if I don't get myself back to being able to fuck hard three times a day, we might be done. It's that serious.

I agree with all of this. Older women past 30 are typically jaded about life. I'm in my 30's and i still like girls in their 20's. I dont think that will change as I get older. I am sure in my 40's i will still like girls in their 20's.

I also agree that an older man is attractive to these girls. Younger men are immature and dont really know anything about life. I think women gravitate towards older men due to their life experience/maturity/world views etc
but if I don't get myself back to being able to fuck hard three times a day, we might be done. It's that serious.

That's a tall order for any man. If anything you enjoy her while you can and then let her go. There are many fish in the sea. You might meet a girl with a more reasonable sex drive. Not all women are THAT horny and need to get fucked three times a day lol
well I'm back on track again, I even had a double last night with 2 orgasms and my girl was extremely content and satisfied after, feel pretty good overall except for being overheated most of the time and sweating way too much. currently 50 mg test cyp, 25mg tren, 30mg masteron e4d. no AI at all. viagra 100mg for sex, often.
well I'm back on track again, I even had a double last night with 2 orgasms and my girl was extremely content and satisfied after, feel pretty good overall except for being overheated most of the time and sweating way too much. currently 50 mg test cyp, 25mg tren, 30mg masteron e4d. no AI at all. viagra 100mg for sex, often.
Forever are you still running this protocol?
Inspired by foreveryoung, I've tried a couple mini-"cycles" of a month or so microdosing 35mg tren/week. It sends my libido through the roof, gives me insomnia, makes me break out in body acne, gives me night sweats, and makes me a prick. After a few weeks, some of that goes away, including the libido boost, unfortunately. I'm surprised at how strong this drug is.

My next plan is to start with .01ml EOD and, every two weeks, boost it by another .01ml until I hit .10ml. I'm hoping to stay ahead of the dopaminergic downregulation, so maybe I can get a couple months of good libido at a time, then take a one month break.
well I'm back on track again, I even had a double last night with 2 orgasms and my girl was extremely content and satisfied after, feel pretty good overall except for being overheated most of the time and sweating way too much. currently 50 mg test cyp, 25mg tren, 30mg masteron e4d. no AI at all. viagra 100mg for sex, often.
Inspired by foreveryoung, I've tried a couple mini-"cycles" of a month or so microdosing 35mg tren/week. It sends my libido through the roof, gives me insomnia, makes me break out in body acne, gives me night sweats, and makes me a prick. After a few weeks, some of that goes away, including the libido boost, unfortunately. I'm surprised at how strong this drug is.

My next plan is to start with .01ml EOD and, every two weeks, boost it by another .01ml until I hit .10ml. I'm hoping to stay ahead of the dopaminergic downregulation, so maybe I can get a couple months of good libido at a time, then take a one month break.
wow those sides come from only injecting 35/mg week!?? Do you use tren A or tren E? I have both and I am wanting to throw it in the mix with my TRT. I also have some primo. I'm looking to do very low dose for both.

