The transformation thread

Both of those transformations are incredible. Both coming from different directions. Both required dedication, but more than that, the belief that it could be done. No goal will be reached, no transformation truly made, unless the unwavering belief that it will be accomplished is present.

Ain't that the truth!!! @Whoremoans and myself were/are COMPLETE opposites. Lol I was over 125lbs in the 3rd grade. I couldn't carry the ball in football, they would put black tape down the middle of your helmet....lineman only. Lol
Oldest to newest. Post cycle, septemebr.

First cyclle Deca and EQ, sept 18-feb 4 , then took 2-3 month cruise.pic 123.jpg

Tren Mast Test Phynl PCOM 2 April 25 to june 9... 6 weeks.
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cant for get about legs.


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Thanks @rutman Been sitting at 242-245lbs for a while now with a little recompense still taking place. Working on slowly dropping the body fat without dropping weight.
Alright guys, I dug up a few old pictures and have some new ones for comparison. I compete in powerlifting, by the way and I'm 5'10".

This pic I was about 18, I believe. Not sure on the weight, probably 140ish.
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This one I think I was about 22. I know the picture sucks, but you can see I was crackhead skinny. This was in the first few years of nearly a decade of opiate addiction.
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This one was a few years later, I'd been going to a methadone clinic for awhile here and ballooned up to around 260lbs.
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This one was almost exactly two years ago. I'd been out of prison about six months and was right before I got into powerlifting. I'd just got done cutting while on house arrest. Been lifting about a year and a half here plus almost a year of calisthenics before that. I was around 170lbs.
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These I just took recently. I'm about 235lbs in these. A bit bloated and higher bodyfat than I'd like, but I've made some killer gains in strength. Planning an epic cut in the spring.
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Here's an update on my ongoing transformation with my original post being quoted for reference. Still doing strictly powerlifting, but I've really put a lot of effort into diet this year. Gotten a lot leaner and maintained my numbers.

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Took these a few days ago. My camera sucks and the mirror is kind of dirty, lol. Anyway, sitting around 215-218lbs most days at 5'10". No idea on bf%. Under two months out from my next meet and I'm looking for 1550+ total at 220lbs if all goes well. Working with a coach and that's going great. Doing my own diet and that's been going pretty well also.
Here's an update on my ongoing transformation with my original post being quoted for reference. Still doing strictly powerlifting, but I've really put a lot of effort into diet this year. Gotten a lot leaner and maintained my numbers.

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Took these a few days ago. My camera sucks and the mirror is kind of dirty, lol. Anyway, sitting around 215-218lbs most days at 5'10". No idea on bf%. Under two months out from my next meet and I'm looking for 1550+ total at 220lbs if all goes well. Working with a coach and that's going great. Doing my own diet and that's been going pretty well also.
Looking big and solid man.
Took these a few days ago. My camera sucks and the mirror is kind of dirty, lol. Anyway, sitting around 215-218lbs most days at 5'10". No idea on bf%. Under two months out from my next meet and I'm looking for 1550+ total at 220lbs if all goes well. Working with a coach and that's going great. Doing my own diet and that's been going pretty well also.

Rule #1 in taking selfies in the mirror...make sure the mirror is clean.

I think there's abs under that furry looking thing. Lol Lookin' impressive!!
Thanks, it's been a good year for gains. Good to see you back, too.
It's good to be back bro. And I agree, it has been a good year for gains. I'll never quite have abs like you I think tho, I just kinda hang around the 15-18 % bf range. And I wonder, are we strong because we are hairy, or are we hairy bc we are strong? My girl has me keeping mine a little more tamed lately IMG_20160707_153215~2.jpg
It's good to be back bro. And I agree, it has been a good year for gains. I'll never quite have abs like you I think tho, I just kinda hang around the 15-18 % bf range. And I wonder, are we strong because we are hairy, or are we hairy bc we are strong? My girl has me keeping mine a little more tamed lately View attachment 46258

I just have to lose that last little bit of fat, I've got veins showing below it.

I think there's a direct correlation between our strength and our beards and body hair. Can't be a coincidence.
Here's an update on my ongoing transformation with my original post being quoted for reference. Still doing strictly powerlifting, but I've really put a lot of effort into diet this year. Gotten a lot leaner and maintained my numbers.

View attachment 46251 View attachment 46253 View attachment 46254

Took these a few days ago. My camera sucks and the mirror is kind of dirty, lol. Anyway, sitting around 215-218lbs most days at 5'10". No idea on bf%. Under two months out from my next meet and I'm looking for 1550+ total at 220lbs if all goes well. Working with a coach and that's going great. Doing my own diet and that's been going pretty well also.

It's good to be back bro. And I agree, it has been a good year for gains. I'll never quite have abs like you I think tho, I just kinda hang around the 15-18 % bf range. And I wonder, are we strong because we are hairy, or are we hairy bc we are strong? My girl has me keeping mine a little more tamed lately View attachment 46258

Shit ya!! More powerlifter rockin the 6 pac. Perrin man it's been an insane year for gainz for you can't believe how much you've leaned out and remaining just as strong if not stronger!
I am sitting around 205 morning weight and 207-208 night weight.
