The transformation thread

I started at 200mg/week of test cyp split into two pins. I got bloods at around five weeks and I was way over, so I dropped to 150mg/week, was still too high and finally went to 120mg/ week.

I cruised for I believe 18 weeks between the two cycles. Also added hgh in about halfway at 2-4iu/day so it'd be kicked in for this cycle.

I cut from 235-237lbs down to around 215lbs on the cruise. Lifts went from 500/370/600 to 465/365/585 squat/ bench/deadlift during the cruise.

I went up and down on TRT until I settled at 120mg/wk too . Anymore and my blood values and BP get too high....
Were you happy with such little loss in your lifts? Well, I see this a little loss talking those heavy ass lifts. Looking good and thanks for the info.

I mean I'm never happy with a loss, but I think overall the cut went well. I think I'll be able to make gains on this next cruise since it'll be a slow bulk back to 220lbs.

I went up and down on TRT until I settled at 120mg/wk too . Anymore and my blood values and BP get too high....

That's what I was trying to dial in. Almost everything was perfect at that dose except cholesterol and it was just barely out of range. BP was consistently 110's over 70's.
First pic left side, January 2015. I was 162 lbs got back in the gym. Was once a ripped 162 lbs. I'll post a pic if I can find one. Right side January 2016 184 lbs.

Next 2 pics are June 2016. Forgot weight but mid 190s I think.


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The image on the left was from summer 2014. I wasn't even my heaviest yet. That pic was probably about 280 ish. I reached 295 at my heaviest. The picture on the right is at the Bronx zoo this summer with the family. It's only been a year in the trenches, but now the real fun begins... Not much longer. Lost all the weight so far by simply lifting and dieting. I'm thinking I'm too the point that I'm plateauing and need to count / cut cals and start cardio.


And some back progress.. still not enough, but got some baby lats and some rear Delts coming in. Can pull 6 pull ups @ 240-245ish. Not horrible, I guess.

Oh edit: nice shit @Perrin Aybara ! I always picture you as you were in that first pic, haha. Real nice cut bro. Fucking shredded.
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Updated transformation pics. ... over the last year or so. ... 317 down to 221 so far. Literally 30 days left on this first real cycle and year long + cut. ..

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Really impressive. If I hadnt followed along I would think this is fake. Whats next after this cycle for you?
Going to Disney Land!!! Lol jk...
3 week vacation, visiting back home... then we start to build. And build big. Big strong.

But ideally that comes without a cycle for a long time.... it is hard pinning this much, easier now that I finally have 3cc syringes.... but still. .. I was running out of places to pin. And hopefully no more prop.... that sit crippled me the first few weeks lol, only the last two times haven't hurt like hell for days after.

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Thats the spirit of some one who was fed up. No offence but here comes the offence you were a lard ass! You had the fortitude to put yourself on a ridiculous diet and follow it thru. You had the gall to stick your middle finger in the air and take the road less comfortable. That is some seriously inspirational stuff. This is a guy you gotta watch out for. White knuckle death grip on his dreams. Is he fucking off? No. Is he skipping workouts? No. Is he tooo tired? Betcha he is. I betcha hes fucking exhausted and fucking hungry and probably pretty fuckin grouchy. VanillaG you got this. You deserve every bit of it. I expect big things from you. Bad fucking ass
Great job guys. Lots of very motivational transformations!
This is mine, two years ago on the left and recent on the right. I used to smoke two packs a day, never miss a wing night and binged hard on the weekends. Quit drinking minus the odd beer here, quit smoking, started eating right and found my passion for the gym. Now it's where I grind 6-7 days a week and love it. Still lots of growing to do!
Pic left weight-174lbs
Pic right weight-220lbs


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Updated transformation pics. ... over the last year or so. ... 317 down to 221 so far. Literally 30 days left on this first real cycle and year long + cut. ..

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

What a phenomenal transformation VG. you got my vote for bad ass transformation of the year. Great job and keep it up brother , very very impressive.
Keep it going buddy. Your journey has been a pleasure to follow since you arrived.

As our little friends south of the boarder like to say "gracias amigo"

Glad i found this place and all you guys, it helps tremondously having like minded and knowledgeable people to steer me in thenright direction and keep me on course.