MESO-Rx Sponsor THEPROVIDER GH ONLY USA , EU and rest of world int. and dom service

Trying to explain mental fortitude in a way people who struggle with it may understand:

Imagine your mind is like a superhero that helps you stay strong and brave, especially when things get a little tough. We call this superhero 'mental fortitude.' It's like having a powerful shield that protects your thoughts and feelings.

Just like how you practice and train to become better at games or activities, mental fortitude is like training your superhero mind. It helps you keep going even when something is challenging or when you feel a bit scared.

For example, let's say you have a big puzzle to solve. Instead of giving up, mental fortitude helps you stay calm, think clearly, and keep trying until you figure it out. It's like telling yourself, 'I can do this!'

Sometimes, things might not go the way we want them to, but having mental fortitude means you don't let those moments bring you down. You bounce back, learn from them, and keep moving forward.

So, mental fortitude is like your inner strength that helps you be brave, stay positive, and handle whatever comes your way. Remember, just like any superhero, your mental fortitude gets stronger with practice and believing in yourself.
@tp2013 L'hgh del fornitore è LEGIT, è un ragazzo famoso..... È IL FOTTUTO UOMO DI HGH....
Ottima fonte, bravissimo ragazzo...
ho visto in passato, janoshik del suo hgh, su piani color malva o dorati.... tutto è dosato e senza dimero, per il nuovo sistema di purezza di janoshik 94,95,96 purezza di hgh del fornitore...

Ho perso le analisi del siero del sangue, ma il risultato era molto ALTO, non ricordo forse 35 o più...

Igf1 dipende da altri steroidi nel ciclo, dall'uso dell'IA e dalla dieta.
Quando uso solo test trt e 3ui hgh igf1 è 400/450... molto alto, se uso altri steroidi, o arimidex o LOW CARB... igf1 scende, come 80-100-150... .
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bro no offense taken eiher way. I hardly visit ths forum let alone keep abreast of what is going on here. Just sometimes pop in to post off and on
Thank you for the clarification, I was only hoping to answer your question and explain anything I have said.

Honestly wish you only the best.
but seems like this polish lab has potential lab4max does not do hplc testing for gh so it is not of interest to us. Will look into this polish lab and see how it goes
there was a post of meditrop tested by jano and the purity was only 93-94%

how old is are those batches...
Where are the actual hplc reports? You ever going to use a credible source for testing?
yeah anyone could of just typed those numbers on the pricelist...

i wanna see verified testing buy either jano or lab4tox
but seems like this polish lab has potential lab4max does not do hplc testing for gh so it is not of interest to us. Will look into this polish lab and see how it goes
just send it to jano like all the other sources on here so its a fair comparison
Probably because it won’t show 99% purity like the shit Chinese lab tests.

Genotropin have 97% purity on jano
Hgh of provider is little less, but for me the best generic in the world.
I like so much. Many people like hgh of the providers from another page of the another forum, and in the group.
Relax, hgh of the provider is SUPERLEGIT.
Genotropin have 97% purity on jano
Hgh of provider is little less, but for me the best generic in the world.
I like so much. Many people like hgh of the providers from another page of the another forum, and in the group.
Relax, hgh of the provider is SUPERLEGIT.
Yes we’re all aware how much you love driada and TP. There’s no need to remind us.
Janoshik In the past have done lab test on hgh of provider... tp is very very old source, high reputation. If Turkish pharma is the source of pharma grade Turkish..... tp is the source of generic hgh.... HIGH REPUTATION.
dude in every thread you talk about TP, like a vendor in a market, your funny af
Because I don't know that tp, are in meso rx.

Before tp, only in professional muscle. Yes, i write this, not because I sell , or for money hahah, because in this forum there are people like me, that want REAL LEGIT SOURCE.
Don't lose money, for underdosed, or fake product... in my life i buy fake product.... for this I write good for tp, because it's good
Because I don't know that tp, are in meso rx.

Before tp, only in professional muscle. Yes, i write this, not because I sell , or for money hahah, because in this forum there are people like me, that want REAL LEGIT SOURCE.
Don't lose money, for underdosed, or fake product... in my life i buy fake product.... for this I write good for tp, because it's good
Bruh...enough. There are plenty of legit sources. Sources that actually, you knonw, test their shit.

The days of having to worry about getting fake GH are all but over. I'm sure 5-10 years ago it felt good to "know a guy". As such, I can kind of understand the loyalty certain people have... but TP is behind the times now with zero reliable testing. I don't care what your track record is, "just trust me bro" is simply unacceptable, especially since some 3rd party tests have shown his purity and iu's to be all over the place from batch-to-batch.

Side note: It's also quite funny to me that after all this time and a brand new website, he's still using that insanely convoluted "price list" that looks like a fucking serial killer's manifesto.

There are many better options these days and anyne with an IQ above room temperature isn't going to be influenced by your retarded shilling. You're actually probably hurting TP.

I look forward to your google translate response with lots of CAPS.
Bruh...enough. There are plenty of legit sources. Sources that actually, you knonw, test their shit.

The days of having to worry about getting fake GH are all but over. I'm sure 5-10 years ago it felt good to "know a guy". As such, I can kind of understand the loyalty certain people have... but TP is behind the times now with zero reliable testing. I don't care what your track record is, "just trust me bro" is simply unacceptable, especially since some 3rd party tests have shown his purity and iu's to be all over the place from batch-to-batch.

Side note: It's also quite funny to me that after all this time and a brand new website, he's still using that insanely convoluted "price list" that looks like a fucking serial killer's manifesto.

There are many better options these days and anyne with an IQ above room temperature isn't going to be influenced by your retarded shilling. You're actually probably hurting TP.

I look forward to your google translate response with lots of CAPS.

In this forum there are too many people frustrated, perhaps with personal problems. Androgens are neurotoxic, or maybe it's tren. If a person writes something, immediately against it, without any reason. Lots of frustrated people, maybe you don't fuck, what is problem?. ''trust me'' instead of buying gh, fuck more and relax.
Because I don't know that tp, are in meso rx.

Before tp, only in professional muscle. Yes, i write this, not because I sell , or for money hahah, because in this forum there are people like me, that want REAL LEGIT SOURCE.
Don't lose money, for underdosed, or fake product... in my life i buy fake product.... for this I write good for tp, because it's good
No Manzo , QSC is better

100ui 65/70€ (tu abiti in italia quindi non ci sono problemi spediscono da germania) , ti ricordo però che in passato elogiavi solo DEUS dicendo che era il top del top , ora driada ; io ad esempio draida ho sentito tanta gente lamentarsi di PIP e altro con buona parte dei prodotti , non so che olio usino , non penso MCT perchè se uso MCT di un brand senza problemi , e un altro mi da PIP probabimente c'è qualche problema di filtraggio/pulizia