Time for some size!

I'm jealous of that size. You are doing well! Did you do any programming for your training?
Thanks, not a written program, but just doing an increase in intensity, then when my body feels over run, doing a light day or rest, if that doesnt help, a deload week. Which anytime something comes up, and i am away from my gym for 3-7 days. I treat it as a deload.

so just working in progressively overloading or tut. And making sure form is perfect, before anything else. So one week ill go heavier, the next time i hit the muscle ill do slow eccentric slow reps, then ill do a pump for that muscle next time. Repeat but heavier by the 3- 5 th set this go around.

i probably should write it down
Thanks, not a written program, but just doing an increase in intensity, then when my body feels over run, doing a light day or rest, if that doesnt help, a deload week. Which anytime something comes up, and i am away from my gym for 3-7 days. I treat it as a deload.

so just working in progressively overloading or tut. And making sure form is perfect, before anything else. So one week ill go heavier, the next time i hit the muscle ill do slow eccentric slow reps, then ill do a pump for that muscle next time. Repeat but heavier by the 3- 5 th set this go around.

i probably should write it down
Are you increasing the volume every week or you do a sort of "Jordan Peters like" with a range of reps per set, and when you can complete all the number of sets with the higher range of reps you increase the weight? Forgive my bad English lol maybe an example would be better
50 kg @ 3x 8-12
1st 12 reps
2nd 12 reps
3rd 12 reps
Increase weight
55 kg @ 3x 8-12
1st 12 reps
2nd 10 reps
3rd 9 reps
So no increase in weight but continue with this weight until you complete all the reps. I'll do my best x)
Are you increasing the volume every week or you do a sort of "Jordan Peters like" with a range of reps per set, and when you can complete all the number of sets with the higher range of reps you increase the weight? Forgive my bad English lol maybe an example would be better
50 kg @ 3x 8-12
1st 12 reps
2nd 12 reps
3rd 12 reps
Increase weight
55 kg @ 3x 8-12
1st 12 reps
2nd 10 reps
3rd 9 reps
So no increase in weight but continue with this weight until you complete all the reps. I'll do my best x)
Yes that is the simpliest way to do it. It works too. That is a great option. But its good to backdown sometimes, not trying to hit the goal reps every time you exercise. So if you hit a muscle 2x a week. That first time you hit that muscle keep some rir. Then the second time later in the week try and hit the new PR in reps with that weight. I usually even do the PR with reps every 4th time. Depending on what compounds used and if i am bulking. It will depend on your skill level, as well. Also dont do it with every exercise that day. I usually do it with the first 2 compound exercises i do, after a warm up. Maybe again on one assecory movement later in the session. Also throw in the occasion pump session only at the end of the session, or a superset circuit. To keep it interesting. Myself can do the same exercises everytime, i enjoy the monotony.

for me i hit a muscle 2x a week. So in 2 weeks i hit a muscle 4 times.
Are you increasing the volume every week or you do a sort of "Jordan Peters like" with a range of reps per set, and when you can complete all the number of sets with the higher range of reps you increase the weight? Forgive my bad English lol maybe an example would be better
50 kg @ 3x 8-12
1st 12 reps
2nd 12 reps
3rd 12 reps
Increase weight
55 kg @ 3x 8-12
1st 12 reps
2nd 10 reps
3rd 9 reps
So no increase in weight but continue with this weight until you complete all the reps. I'll do my best x)
I dont ever max out either. I have never gone under 6 reps in 2 years.
A little unsure whats causing my weight gain. I have forgot to take my synthroid like a dumbass for 7 days until 2 days ago.

i weigh 240 lbs. but my love handles are almost gone.

took today off, needed a break. Which i usually have a hard time doing. So at least tomorrow will be legs. Stopping mt RLS medication too.

a little nervous about the water retention. So will see what happens in a week, once i take synthroid and i stop all other medications besides test and tren and hgh.
Ok so i actually lost 10 lbs in water weight in the past 3 days. I feel much better.

did legs today,

legs are getting extremely vascular.

seems like even 4800 cals i am hardly gaining weight. Wow! Going to fine tune my diet even harder. Making sure to really stay under my fat intake of 100 preferably no higher then 80. 3 days have been right at 100. Which is ok.

one leg extensions
hammy curls
One leg extension
Close stance smith squat

legs are on fire.

cardio is starting to get pretty awful.

weight was at 233 lbs this morning.
Did shoulders today. In the PM.

pump shoulders

incline bench reverse flies
Seated lateral raises
Half arnold presses
Standing reverse flys
Chest and triceps

slight incline
Close grip
Rope extension
Skull crushers
Ez curl bar

walk in AM
I have heard people say that tren isn't a good bulking compound because your body just burns up all calories you put in. I can't seem to drop much weight on tren, I just keep getting leaner and beefier. I think I would be extra juicy and thick if I didn't pull out a bunch of calories.

Tren is great for bulking, but you really need to lower overall volume and eat a LOT of clean food. Eating dirty all the time is what weak/undisciplined people do and doing so when on tren is just asking for health problems imho.
Well upped the tren. Now at 700 test and 700 tren. I am tired of not getting huge. Will see how this goes. Eating 4500 cals still. Last night i ate 5000

Just curious how much thought you put into your long term health bro? Not being a dick here am genuinely curious :cool:
Tren is great for bulking, but you really need to lower overall volume and eat a LOT of clean food. Eating dirty all the time is what weak/undisciplined people do and doing so when on tren is just asking for health problems imho.
I agree, i have one fatty meal a day like, pasta with alfredo, and only a serving. The rest of the day is chicken and rice.

i am thinking going over 100 grams of fats is not good. But i have a hard time doing this. The best i ever looked my fats were at 100 grams. Is it worth lowering this? Eating at 4500 cals with 80 fats is tough. But like you said. Strong discipline.
Just curious how much thought you put into your long term health bro? Not being a dick here am genuinely curious :cool:
Zero. But every time i cease tren my bloods have recovered. I am at the point where i want to get to that next level in size. So a trenE run for 8 weeks is ok.

its not that bad, using just tren 700 and test 700.

if diet is truely excellent, for 8 weeks. And keeping on eye on bloodwork, is whats important. So i have gotten bloods every 3 weeks and my bloodwork is solid.

i will be cruising at 400 mg after for a bit
I agree, i have one fatty meal a day like, pasta with alfredo, and only a serving. The rest of the day is chicken and rice.

i am thinking going over 100 grams of fats is not good. But i have a hard time doing this. The best i ever looked my fats were at 100 grams. Is it worth lowering this? Eating at 4500 cals with 80 fats is tough. But like you said. Strong discipline.

I'm currently following an old school 80's low fat cutting diet and loving the results. I'm doing 3-chicken breast/rice meals per day with 3-66 gram protein shakes per day and nothing else aside from water and gum lol. Since dropping fats and tanning the little acne i had is completely gone and I'm dropping weight pretty good considering I'm not doing much cardio aside from walking. I know full well I'm in a dramatic deficit, but i don't care if I lose some muscle as long as I get down to 10% by mid summer.
I'm currently following an old school 80's low fat cutting diet and loving the results. I'm doing 3-chicken breast/rice meals per day with 3-66 gram protein shakes per day and nothing else aside from water and gum lol. Since dropping fats and tanning the little acne i had is completely gone and I'm dropping weight pretty good considering I'm not doing much cardio aside from walking. I know full well I'm in a dramatic deficit, but i don't care if I lose some muscle as long as I get down to 10% by mid summer.
Nice. Keep going! Cinsistancy is the only way these apects of training work. Which is the hardest part.

for the goals you have in mind, seems like you have a great idea of what to do.
Zero. But every time i cease tren my bloods have recovered. I am at the point where i want to get to that next level in size. So a trenE run for 8 weeks is ok.

its not that bad, using just tren 700 and test 700.

if diet is truely excellent, for 8 weeks. And keeping on eye on bloodwork, is whats important. So i have gotten bloods every 3 weeks and my bloodwork is solid.

i will be cruising at 400 mg after for a bit

If you're really looking for quality size I gotta recommend test/npp/primo/eq-cyp, I've seen that combo do WONDERS brudda ;)
Nice. Keep going! Cinsistancy is the only way these apects of training work. Which is the hardest part.

for the goals you have in mind, seems like you have a great idea of what to do.

I'm adding hgh-frag when it lands and will be doing half a vial per day along with 2iu hgh. Yes it's overkill with the frag AND expensive, but if it gives me results that's fine with me.
What's your training like?
My training is getting better. It would be alo to type. Here is a summary.

i do 4-6 exercises big muscle group, 3-4 exercises small muscle group. Hit every muscle 2x a week.

i lift for 1.5 hours. Now the first 1 hour hard, last 30 minutes a burn out/pump. Then at night ill do yoga and a pump of adding abs, or shoulders.

taking good rest periods 1-2 minutes during first hour. Then the pumps i take quicker rest periods.

eating pretty good.

rest day when i am not feeling good. Otherwise no rest. Usually every 14 days.