Time for some size!

I woke up at 240 and going to bed at 245, then tomorrow ill be 240 again, how is it possible to fluctuate that much?
Took a week hiatus, i am 236 lbs. legs today.

I was getting overwhlemed so needed a break. I didnt exercise for 7 days, and ate just enough.

Now back in it, past two days ate 4300 cals easy all meals in my macro ratio.

Just cruising too, nothing else. Taking a moment for a bit will cruise for a while.

Not going heavy, lifting with slow control movements, i was getting nagging injuries and want them to go away and stay away, and this is how i did it last time.
Back and shoulders today, 236 still

Taking this period to stay at 240 i am still much bigger 240 then i was previous, a big difference. So growing slow now, since i packed on mass and letting my body rest.

Still eating 4300 cals.

My workouts are not as hard, so doing more slow eccentric movements and supersets.

As the strength from tren is gone, but still stronger then before, so solid. But so much calmer, not feeling so overstimulated all the time.
Using this time to stop all the preworkout crap, because in the end it is hindering my workouts. I am just going to use an energy drink. But no more preworkout orals or anything, because then my workouts without then feel crappy. So i want to learn how to lift as heavy without them, so i continue progressing without these peaks and valleys. But instead more steady and maintainable

And i dont need to be killing myself like i was, i want to take it a bit more easy, and since i work now its not as easy to be like i was. Since i was doing nothing, so i want to learn how to use the instensity i was but with a full tike schedule, and that might mean a rest day or two.
Been off and on for a week need to work harder and keep on the path that actually works, the only path, and i really am having a crappy time, does anyone else have experience with substance abuse?
Been off and on for a week need to work harder and keep on the path that actually works, the only path, and i really am having a crappy time, does anyone else have experience with substance abuse?
Yeah man lots of us

Are you currently using?
Yeah man lots of us

Are you currently using?
I am over it, i was able to stop. So working whats needed to stay this way. But it seems i go for a stretch and then relapse. It ruins all the progress i made. And then i lose all muscle and also relationships, and have to always keep buillding back. In all catergories of life.

I am trying everything. So this time maybe it. So tired.

I am using the AA, and so many avenues.

I was able to keep my job, which i really like, so glad for that.
Ok well back at it.

Crusining for a bit

200 mg test cyp taken this week.
100 mg yesterday
100 mg today.

Last week took nothing, and maybe week before? Dont remember.

Did legs today
how is it possible to fluctuate that much?

When I ended my bulk last month I kept the diet the same, but cut carbs in half roughly. Figured it would be a good place to start finding my “maintenance” again. I dropped 15lbs in 3 days. I’m assuming a little glycogen, and lots of food just sitting in my body. It blew my mind how much weight from (what I’m assuming) food I was carrying. Only thing looks wise that changed was I didn’t appear as bloated. The human body is a weird creature.
If you had success, what made you able to do it?
Man I truly don’t know, It’s so complicated, but I just simply haven’t used since the last time. And tomorrow I will choose to not use once again

I will continue to make the choice to listen to my true self, and discern my false rationale that tries to lead me astray. The longer I go the further that foe is away and cannot recognize that voice. But every once in a while he get close, this is when I have to CLING to my true self for dear fucking life because if I don’t I do not know if it would be the end of mine or my loved ones.

You have to be able to become monk like at the flip of a switch, because that’s how fast the temptation can arise.

Good luck brother
I am over it, i was able to stop. So working whats needed to stay this way. But it seems i go for a stretch and then relapse. It ruins all the progress i made. And then i lose all muscle and also relationships, and have to always keep buillding back. In all catergories of life.

I am trying everything. So this time maybe it. So tired.

I am using the AA, and so many avenues.

I was able to keep my job, which i really like, so glad for that.
I'm really sorry to hear this from you. I have a cousin who had these issues and attempted suicide two times, I'm very close to him because he was nice to me when I was little (he is older than me), shared passion for games etc. And knowing and seeing him going down does hurt me like anything else. Now he is okay, married.

By the way mate, you don't need them. Life won't get better with them, you already heard this and you know it too, I just wish you to get better and have some peace.
Did chest and arms today

Pinned left bicep I pin ED, which i may change to make it easier.

Or when i get prop switch to prop.

Pinning the test cyp .2 mL and npp for joint relief .2 mL