Titan Labs (UK Domestic and EU)

What did you do to get those chinese cats? I didn't get a free gift in mine

I must have been the lucky 99th customer and they just slipped it in...

I'm playing, man. That's not a free gift, they're just mine. I used them as a prop when I posted an order confirmation reply in Liska's thread, so I just thought that I'd do the same here too.
Blues or orange, that is the usual in UK
As above.

I really don't get this current forum fashion for either tiny gauge needles, stupidly short needles for IM, fear over oil volume etc.

I've been jabbing for pushing 20 years. For the first 10, I used 23g exclusively. Since then it's been both 23g (blue) & 25g (orange).

I wouldn't dream of going shorter than 1' for delts, let alone quads. I always push the base of the needle firmly into the flesh to limit wiggling & to prevent changing the injection depth - you will not hit bone with 1’ unless you’ve just stepped out of Auschwitz.

I've never had a problem with up to 2ml in delts, 3ml in quads. That said, I prefer 1.5ml & 2.5ml respectively.

Guess what? In all that time I've never had a post-injection problem & I have no evidence of scar tissue, despite using only delts & quads.

@Johnylee - my advice, FWIW:

1: Use 2-3ml syringes over 1ml. The narrower the barrel, the higher the pressure the oil is being injected under - this in itself can cause trauma.

2: No need to go below 25g for IM, use 23g for really viscous oils. The narrower the needle bore, the higher the pressure - compounds the trauma issue with #1

3: Inject as slow as possible.

4: Avoid leur-locks. A correctly fitted slip-tip needle blowing off the end of a syringe is nature's way of telling you that there's too much pressure build up inside the barrel - again, a leur-lock being unable to blow off is a likely cause of trauma, compounded by both #1 & #2.
For the record, I've been injecting TITAN test E and deca into quads and delts. 1ml per shot, each site once per week, 26g 0.5" needle (I'm lean), no pip so far.

I prefer 1ml syringe as the increased length gives you more control over the rate at which you inject. With 2ml syringe I have to push with all my finger strength to get it to move, with 1ml I can be gentle and it helps with keeping the needle stable.
Update: After some pip issues with Test E I got some Test Cyp from Titian and have switched to that. I have done 2 jabs so far and have had no post injection pain afterwards.....nothing, its completley smooth.

Very good customer service from Titan sorting this aswell.
Thanks for all replies , ok I'm not saying anybody is wrong regarding the pins I'm using but iv been using them since January in delts with no issues at all it's only been since used Titan but if it's because of the oil used then maybe that's it

Possibly a daft question but with what's happening is it still being absorbed properly?

Just to clarify, I'm inclined to think you're right about the Titan gear at least contributing to the problem, particularly if you've been using that syringe / needle combo for a while without issues.

I wasn't saying you was wrong to use that combo either. Ultimately it's about what you prefer.

My post was more about showing that there are advantages to going (supposedly) "old skool" with injection kit choices, i.e. I'm pushing 20 years in the game & zero problems. Nowadays a lot of guys in forums with 1-2 cycles go around regurgitating to everyone that small gauge / short needles & 1ml leur-locks are the way to go & anything else is too big / too deep, unnecessary & will cause scar tissue.

Personally I think that's bollocks, with myself being living proof that it is. Up to you though if you fancy giving what I suggested a try.
Any update on MENT? Haven’t heard anything about it since late August. What concentration and esters are u planning to add? Thanks

This has to be the most popular email content i receive daily. Probably more questions about MENT than anything else i answer and i do wish it was out ready for sale now. However there is a slight update, we have manufactured both primo and MENT, we actually have a few of our regular customers running them now.

As they are a new product and its the first time we have manufactured them, i wanted to do a little bit of testing before i throw them out for general sale. So bare with me, i know its a broken record and i know every man and his dogs wants some MENT, but its close.

Primo - 100mg/ml
Trest Ace - 50mg/ml

@Johnylee When you get a chance i would highly recommend the above advice that @Zebedee suggested. If you drop me an email i can get you the relevant tools needed sent over.

My thoughts on it are, if we used a thinner carrier oil (MCT), it might be possible to inject this way consistently with no issues and i suspect this is what the other brand of oils you injected previously had. If you are dead set on doing this method i would probably try lower amounts of the oil in one injection.

Let me know your thoughts and if you want to give the ‘traditional’ method a go, drop me a message.
Thanks I'm in Croatia another week IL try grab some pins here today as my next injections are today so won't do them until iv got the bigger pins

What's your thoughts on EQ affecting gains due to lowering E2?

Iv made a separate post about this and in no way am I suggesting it's because Titan is underdosed but after 12 weeks I'm making next to nothing on gains , in to 3rd week on Titan and iv started getting more spots and itchy skin which for me is a sign of raised test so i know it's dosed right

Some are saying it's my diet a few point to lowered E2 which EQ does and suggest I drop it
Thanks I'm in Croatia another week IL try grab some pins here today as my next injections are today so won't do them until iv got the bigger pins

What's your thoughts on EQ affecting gains due to lowering E2?

Iv made a separate post about this and in no way am I suggesting it's because Titan is underdosed but after 12 weeks I'm making next to nothing on gains , in to 3rd week on Titan and iv started getting more spots and itchy skin which for me is a sign of raised test so i know it's dosed right

Some are saying it's my diet a few point to lowered E2 which EQ does and suggest I drop it
What’s your dosage of eq and test running at? I run eq at 2:1 and I don’t need an ai
are there any finished product tests for the mast200, or is it just the raws?

Just raws, if im honest i think we will move away from finished product testing and just do raw purity tests per batch. I know its nice to know the finished product results, but if we know the raws are 98+% pure and we are expecting a certain amount of product from that batch say 2L and we apply a +/- 5% tolerance. Id be confident that the final product would fall around the label claim, its open to discussion though so I’m keen to hear your thoughts?

I’m hoping the blind tests by customers will drive the finish product testing, the store credit might need to be increased though as more as an incentive
Just raws, if im honest i think we will move away from finished product testing and just do raw purity tests per batch. I know its nice to know the finished product results, but if we know the raws are 98+% pure and we are expecting a certain amount of product from that batch say 2L and we apply a +/- 5% tolerance. Id be confident that the final product would fall around the label claim, its open to discussion though so I’m keen to hear your thoughts?

I’m hoping the blind tests by customers will drive the finish product testing, the store credit might need to be increased though as more as an incentive

If as you say is correct I'm not managing to get in to the muscle deep enough does it affect absorption?
Just raws, if im honest i think we will move away from finished product testing and just do raw purity tests per batch. I know its nice to know the finished product results, but if we know the raws are 98+% pure and we are expecting a certain amount of product from that batch say 2L and we apply a +/- 5% tolerance. Id be confident that the final product would fall around the label claim, its open to discussion though so I’m keen to hear your thoughts?

I’m hoping the blind tests by customers will drive the finish product testing, the store credit might need to be increased though as more as an incentive
Honestly, if its not final product tested, then its gonna be a tough sell against someone who does. There's a large uk based online lab, that is quite happy to send some tests of their raws but then then ended up with a final product that was 177mg/ml instead of 200. Orals are especially finicky and every good intention to make it properly can be followed only for the top half of the batch to be overdosed and the bottom half dosed.

Outside of being a good sell for consumers, its just best practice for me. Takes one user test to show a batch of gear is shit for your entire rep to crash. I think @Liska is a perfect example of how meticulous testing, then results in ruler flat consistent products and an absolutely impeccable reputation as a result.
Honestly, if its not final product tested, then its gonna be a tough sell against someone who does. There's a large uk based online lab, that is quite happy to send some tests of their raws but then then ended up with a final product that was 177mg/ml instead of 200. Orals are especially finicky and every good intention to make it properly can be followed only for the top half of the batch to be overdosed and the bottom half dosed.

Outside of being a good sell for consumers, its just best practice for me. Takes one user test to show a batch of gear is shit for your entire rep to crash. I think @Liska is a perfect example of how meticulous testing, then results in ruler flat consistent products and an absolutely impeccable reputation as a result.

Sorry i wouldn’t include orals within that, was only for oils. I wasn’t clear with that.

Yeah i understand both points in regards to raw testing and finished product testing and I’m not saying we wouldn't do finished product testing anymore its just something we have thought about.

If i give you an example when we manufacture Test E, this is a huge batch. So for the product to be out by more than 5% it would be fairly obvious as we would end up with a few non-conformances, the main one being that we are expecting X amount of filled vials and we end up with many more or many less.

Its an open discussion and I’m quite happy to have it as its all about transparency.

Cheers for the input,

PS, No cats allowed
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Sorry i wouldn’t include orals within that, was only for oils. I wasn’t clear with that.

Yeah i understand both points in regards to raw testing and finished product testing and I’m not saying we wouldn't do finished product testing anymore its just something we have thought about.

If i give you an example when we manufacture Test E, this is a huge batch. So for the product to be out by more than 5% it would be fairly obvious as we would end up with a few non-conformances, the main one being that we are expecting X amount of filled vials and we end up with many more or many less.

Its an open discussion and I’m quite happy to have it as its all about transparency.

Cheers for the input,

PS, No cats allowed
yeah, so you the source will probably be alerted reasonably early that there has been a fuck up in the process, but what are you then doing? if you're producing 1000 units but you've got the equivalent of 100 vials of product left over, something has gone pretty wrong. are you gonna scrap the 1000 units? probably not, you're gonna want to put them on sale. whoever brewed them might not even own up to the fuck up and you've got underdose gear on the market. then you've got a potential issue of a 3rd party test coming in and showing it has gone wrong. you're then going to have to offer some sort of fix. you can't really swap out with the same product so you'd have to offer credit or a different one. the cost of a test is lost in new swapped products after 4 unhappy customers. i've already said i'm cool with buying gear that is "underdosed" providing i know what it is and it comes with a discount. sentiment is shared by others too.

you've gone online which has opened you up to a massive potential revenue stream, but it has also opened you up to a massive potential rep hit, especially from other labs trying to shit on you. so for the cost of 70 euros to test the final product, it seems completely mad not to do it as it covers your rep. takes a couple of negative reports for it to be thrown around all the online forums and you've ruined your chance. see iron anabolics for a perfect example of how to fuck yourself. if you've got your tests to show that batch 11111 is X mg/ml, its easy enough to silence the lab shills.

your test e comes in at £20.
a 3rd party reseller is selling test e at about £30.
next biggest direct sale lab test e is about £25.

you could literally up your prices across the board by £5 on the basis that every single batch is tested and you've just separated yourself from the rest of the UK domestic field by having the better QC. its the reason why i've used pharmacom for a fair while despite them carrying a 30% premium. they do what they say on the tin. I am picking the lab, every time, without fail, that shows me exactly what im buying for a big blast and i guarantee a huge amount of others will also.