Titan Labs (UK Domestic and EU)

Where did he say he didn't feel good? Lol. Wouldn't be throwing around a random low dose AI protocol and insane amounts of toxic p5p at slightly elevated e2 with 5k plus total t, and high prolactin. 50-100 more reasonable but that's if you're symptomatic..

As for the AI, this dude could feel amazing at that level, if he felt real bad with high e2 then you're dose is a good start but unless he feels shit I wouldn't do anything. Ain't broke don't fix.

I.e my total was similar on another labs 500, and my AI had me at 200 pmol and I felt NUKED it was horrendous. Took 2 weeks to feel good again off adex. Normally you'd think 50 odd is a great number for the cycle, but I did not feel good at all it was bad. Had the fear
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I am looking to put an order in with these guys UK Domestic - how does everyone find the gear? I order a lot from UK sources already but prices are beginning to get a bit silly where as these guys look great. Are they GTG? :)
I am looking to put an order in with these guys UK Domestic - how does everyone find the gear? I order a lot from UK sources already but prices are beginning to get a bit silly where as these guys look great. Are they GTG? :)
I can only comment on my own but 2 orders so far. Excellent delivery times, good communication and bloods and results shows the gear is working well. I will definitely use again.
I am looking to put an order in with these guys UK Domestic - how does everyone find the gear? I order a lot from UK sources already but prices are beginning to get a bit silly where as these guys look great. Are they GTG? :)
Used them twice. Running my trt bloods with their test this month to see if my doc can tell the difference... Nothing but positive from both orders so far though.
I am looking to put an order in with these guys UK Domestic - how does everyone find the gear? I order a lot from UK sources already but prices are beginning to get a bit silly where as these guys look great. Are they GTG? :)

Good source atm bro but proceed carefully coz they are still quite new and only at the stage of trying to impress everyone and do everything the right way cheaply.

Same modus operandi of all UGLs until they get a core client base and standards start slipping :rolleyes: