Titan Labs (UK Domestic and EU)

Morning people, I've been running approx 500mg test e for about 6 weeks now. I've just got my bloods back and as expected my Test looks high so obviously gear is working.

I have been taking 0.5mg arimidex EOD to keep my estrogen levels down but as screenshots show this is still high. To be honest I can't vouch for how good the AI is but I do have some aromasin from titan sitting that I could substitute in instead. Does this sound like a plausible plan and is there anything else I should be worried about.

I feel good and if anything have been over training, weight shot up about 12lbs pretty quickly but has now stabilised. Apart from a couple of drained days(which I'm now thinking could be the estrogen rising) I am really enjoying the cycle and see no other side effects.

Any advice and help is much appreciated.

Also only results I have before cycle where of my base test which at highest was about 15.
If you insist on taking 500mg of test a week then I would suggest splitting up your injections to at-least 3x week, ditch the arimidex and get test E. Most people can tolerate 300-400 test without an AI - which offer no benefit and only drawbacks other than for reducing estradiol. It is best to stack non-aromatising compounds on top of a test base with no AI. But aromasin is a better shout if you insist. Nevertheless, your test is at supraphysiological levels, so you estrogen will rise with it. Which isn’t always a problem as the t/e ratio should balance itself out.

I’d say your “drained days” are more so the result of hormonal fluctuations that come when you get on cycle and since your estrogen is going up and down (from the jabs and the arimidex) instead of staying steady.

Also, instead of taking a test mix which has prop in, try enanthate. Your hormones will never be balanced and you are just gonna be fighting fluctuations. Prop needs injected every other day ideally - multi-ester compounds don’t work as well as people think in reality and even injecting them twice week isn’t enough.
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If you insist on taking 500mg of test a week then I would suggest splitting up your injections to at-least 3x week and ditch the arimidex. Most people can tolerate 300-400 test without an AI - which offer no benefit and only drawbacks other than for reducing estradiol. It is best to stack non-aromatising compounds on top of a test base with no AI. But aromasin is a better shout if you insist. Nevertheless, your test is at supraphysiological levels, so you estrogen will rise with it. Which isn’t always a problem as the t/e ratio should balance itself out.

I’d say your “drained days” are more so the result of hormonal fluctuations that come when you get on cycle and since your estrogen is going up and down (from the jabs and the aromidex) instead of staying steady.
Thanks for the advice mate.

I have been splitting the test into 2 inj per week. But to be honest I could easily drop this down a bit if it has better benefits with regards to having to take AI.
What would be an ideal non aromatising compound? And is it best to wait till next cycle rather than adding into this one which is half way through?
Thanks for the advice mate.

I have been splitting the test into 2 inj per week. But to be honest I could easily drop this down a bit if it has better benefits with regards to having to take AI.
What would be an ideal non aromatising compound? And is it best to wait till next cycle rather than adding into this one which is half way through?
Honestly, it has to be primo if money isn’t an issue as it is the safest compound aside from testosterone, shortly followed by mast e. Then beyond those, nandrolone is the most studied and the cheapest out of these three - but 19nors can lead to prolactin and erectIle problems for some people. Your joints feel great on it mind! Ideally you want to create the least oxidative stress so you can stay on cycle for longer - slow and steady is the best way. Increase mast or primo everytime your plateu and keep your test the same. Start low and use the dose as a tool overtime & don’t use all your cards at once.

Personally I’d drop the test right down to 250-300 a week jabbing twice a week and then taper down the AI. You may feel nipple sensibility but it is just your hormones changing, it settles down. I get it when I change the dose by a certain amount. Then after 4-6 weeks you could try taper up your test from 300 to 400 and beyond. But as you get higher I’d recommend jabbing more frequently. I’d recommend taking as much test as you can tolerate without an AI with the injection frequency you can sustain (more frequent means lower peaks and higher troughs vs 1 big peak and a small trough).
Honestly, it has to be primo if money isn’t an issue as it is the safest compound aside from testosterone, shortly followed by mast e. Then beyond those, nandrolone is the most studied and the cheapest out of these three - but 19nors can lead to prolactin and erectIle problems for some people. Your joints feel great on it mind! Ideally you want to create the least oxidative stress so you can stay on cycle for longer - slow and steady is the best way. Increase mast or primo everytime your plateu and keep your test the same. Start low and use the dose as a tool overtime & don’t use all your cards at once.

Personally I’d drop the test right down to 250-300 a week jabbing twice a week and then taper down the AI. You may feel nipple sensibility but it is just your hormones changing, it settles down. I get it when I change the dose by a certain amount. Then after 4-6 weeks you could try taper up your test from 300 to 400 and beyond. But as you get higher I’d recommend jabbing more frequently. I’d recommend taking as much test as you can tolerate without an AI with the injection frequency you can sustain (more frequent means lower peaks and higher troughs vs 1 big peak and a small trough).
Thanks for the advice mate, excellent stuff. It won't be any big change for me to drop down on the test so I'll start with that and see how I go. Like I said I don't have any bad side effects just now anyway so it shouldn't be too much hassle. And I'll drop the AI if my body probably doesn't need that if my Test amount is lower.

I has been reading the life out of shit before I started and I like to get things ready before making a jump. And most places had mentioned to run AI along with test hence the reason why I was taking half an arimidex EOD. I have been going a lot on how I feel and I felt/feel really good so I couldn't tell if this was hindering me at all.. Certainly didn't feel like it but if I can remove the need for another med to be involved I'll go for that. I'll research the other compounds and see about adding 1 into my next cycle.
Thanks for the advice mate, excellent stuff. It won't be any big change for me to drop down on the test so I'll start with that and see how I go. Like I said I don't have any bad side effects just now anyway so it shouldn't be too much hassle. And I'll drop the AI if my body probably doesn't need that if my Test amount is lower.

I has been reading the life out of shit before I started and I like to get things ready before making a jump. And most places had mentioned to run AI along with test hence the reason why I was taking half an arimidex EOD. I have been going a lot on how I feel and I felt/feel really good so I couldn't tell if this was hindering me at all.. Certainly didn't feel like it but if I can remove the need for another med to be involved I'll go for that. I'll research the other compounds and see about adding 1 into my next cycle.
Arimidex isn’t great for your lipids and like you say it is best to remove the need for extra pharmaceuticals. Managing estrogen is just something else you don’t want to have to think or worry about. Remember it will take 2-4 weeks for your test levels to drop so don’t stop taking the AI right away. Slowly taper it down! You don’t want estrogen rebound - which is a problem with artificially controlling it. The fluctuations are worse than the levels in terms of sides.

Have a look at VictorBlackMasterClass on Instagram - he is very knowledgeable.
Thanks for the advice mate, excellent stuff. It won't be any big change for me to drop down on the test so I'll start with that and see how I go. Like I said I don't have any bad side effects just now anyway so it shouldn't be too much hassle. And I'll drop the AI if my body probably doesn't need that if my Test amount is lower.

I has been reading the life out of shit before I started and I like to get things ready before making a jump. And most places had mentioned to run AI along with test hence the reason why I was taking half an arimidex EOD. I have been going a lot on how I feel and I felt/feel really good so I couldn't tell if this was hindering me at all.. Certainly didn't feel like it but if I can remove the need for another med to be involved I'll go for that. I'll research the other compounds and see about adding 1 into my next cycle.
Using an AI alongside test is outdated. The whole 500mg for a first cycle is outdated. No one even needs that amount of total androgens when you first start, never mind 500mg of test.

Like 300 test and 200 primo will yield the same gains but with less sides and you get the benefit of Primo which is its nutrient partitioning, it’s anti estrogen properties and it can help you grow muscle in a deficit (you would need a lot mind haha). What I’m saying is, start at 300 test and you can make gains for ages, use food as a tool to gain size. Then add in primo in like 50-100 increments every time you plateu. Get as many gains as you can from the smallest dose and don’t get lazy and impatient. This way, you can safely stay on for months on end because you’re not blasting a stupid amount and effecting your health. Coming off does more damage as long as you aren’t being reckless on cycle, so stay on longer and use low doses is what I recommend. Your only worry then is restarting your HPTA and fertility but there ways to get it all started when you come off!!
That's invaluable info for me. Thank you. I am more of a "as little as I need" person. So what you have detailed here makes sense for me. I had started on weeks 1 and 2 on approx 300mg before moving up a little. But to be perfectly honest I didn't really feel much more of a difference physically/mentally in the higher dose. For me I think the lower level will keep me at a maintable level and be less harmful for my body. I think I'll run the lower test, taper the AI out and do another blood test. See how I feel before considering adding any other stuff in. But I will defo read up on the primo, mast e.
That's invaluable info for me. Thank you. I am more of a "as little as I need" person. So what you have detailed here makes sense for me. I had started on weeks 1 and 2 on approx 300mg before moving up a little. But to be perfectly honest I didn't really feel much more of a difference physically/mentally in the higher dose. For me I think the lower level will keep me at a maintable level and be less harmful for my body. I think I'll run the lower test, taper the AI out and do another blood test. See how I feel before considering adding any other stuff in. But I will defo read up on the primo, mast e.
Just so you know all of the advice alabolic1996 just gave to you is regurgitated garbage from mpmd types. 500mg is absolutely fine for a first cycle.
Lol, think I'm being way too gullible to take advice as I'm relatively new to this especially when everyone has different advice. Suppose the best way forward is to suck and see. Trial and error without going overboard.. Which I won't do anyway.
Lol, think I'm being way too gullible to take advice as I'm relatively new to this especially when everyone has different advice. Suppose the best way forward is to suck and see. Trial and error without going overboard.. Which I won't do anyway.

You wont go wrong adding some primo or mast e into the cycle imo.

High est isnt the end of the world, if your feeling good and making good progress then its all good. 500mg Test E is a good steady cycle
Just so you know all of the advice alabolic1996 just gave to you is regurgitated garbage from mpmd types. 500mg is absolutely fine for a first cycle.
500mg is not fine if you need an AI?! Take as much as you can tolerate or just take anti cancer drugs to control estrogen haha.

You’re talking nonsense you don’t need 500mg for a first cycle. Start low and work up to it overtime if you want longevity in this game. Work hard and use drugs as tools. If you can grow off 300 why would you go straight to 500. It’s 2022 we don’t need bro logic anymore. Exhaust every dose you take. The days of the whole 20 weeks cycles of high stress followed by coming off to get your health markers in check are over. We know better now.

I said take as much test as you can tolerate without an AI. His estrogen is high even though he is taking arimidex EOD. So he is taking more that he can tolerate.

Remove the AI, drop the test and use a non aromatising compound. I’m not saying using 500mg of androgens is too much though, like 300 test 200 primo or mast would be a better cycle design than 500mg of test for this individual to prevent estrogen problems
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Morning people, I've been running approx 500mg test e for about 6 weeks now. I've just got my bloods back and as expected my Test looks high so obviously gear is working.

I have been taking 0.5mg arimidex EOD to keep my estrogen levels down but as screenshots show this is still high. To be honest I can't vouch for how good the AI is but I do have some aromasin from titan sitting that I could substitute in instead. Does this sound like a plausible plan and is there anything else I should be worried about.

I feel good and if anything have been over training, weight shot up about 12lbs pretty quickly but has now stabilised. Apart from a couple of drained days(which I'm now thinking could be the estrogen rising) I am really enjoying the cycle and see no other side effects.

Any advice and help is much appreciated.

Also only results I have before cycle where of my base test which at highest was about 15.
Try 12.5 Aromasin 3 times a week for the first 2 weeks then drop to 6.25mg 3 times a week and pull bloods after 2 weeks to see where you are at, estrogen drives prolactin so don’t be overly worried about the high number but do add in 300mg a day of Vitamin b6 P5P version which will get it down to a respectable level (Don’t use caber)
Lol, think I'm being way too gullible to take advice as I'm relatively new to this especially when everyone has different advice. Suppose the best way forward is to suck and see. Trial and error without going overboard.. Which I won't do anyway.
You seemed to be using an ai based purely off bloodwork and said you didn't have any actual estrogenic sides, correct? You don't need to keep e2 in normal reference range while on cycle, you just need to keep bloat and gyno at bay. Try backing off on the ai gradually, you may not even need it. I can use just shy of a gram of test a week before requiring an ai for instance.

Lots of dunning-kruger types think they're knowledgable about steroids from watching YouTube videos, whilst having very limited actual experience with running gear and will come out with all kinds of crap about using these pointlessly low dosages.
You seemed to be using an ai based purely off bloodwork and said you didn't have any actual estrogenic sides, correct? You don't need to keep e2 in normal reference range while on cycle, you just need to keep bloat and gyno at bay. Try backing off on the ai gradually, you may not even need it. I can use just shy of a gram of test a week before requiring an ai for instance.

Lots of dunning-kruger types think they're knowledgable about steroids from watching YouTube videos, whilst having very limited actual experience with running gear and will come out with all kinds of crap about using these pointlessly low dosages.
Yeah I don't seem to have any sides just using AI as precautionary. Which may be the wrong thing to do. Think it was seeing the higher estrogen that made me think I should keep taking it.. But then again this is the first time I've seen my est levels on test cycle, so this could be normal for me.

Anyway what seems logical to me and was mentioned above would be to wean of the AI over next week or so(add some more vitamins) and check bloods again later.
None of this seems out of my control and will just be me learning how my body reacts to cycle. I do like the idea of primo/mast but I will probably just see this one out and consider that for next ine

Apart from that I feel good, more motivation, better moods(although the Mrs may argue.. Lol.

I do really appreciate the feedback as an old newbie. It is difficult to ascertain what is generally good advice as everyone has their own opinion and is willing to argue they are right. Anyone who has a methodical approach to cycles sits better with me more than just take more stuff and it'll sort itself out.

Have a nice day I'm off to the gym
You seemed to be using an ai based purely off bloodwork and said you didn't have any actual estrogenic sides, correct? You don't need to keep e2 in normal reference range while on cycle, you just need to keep bloat and gyno at bay. Try backing off on the ai gradually, you may not even need it. I can use just shy of a gram of test a week before requiring an ai for instance.

Lots of dunning-kruger types think they're knowledgable about steroids from watching YouTube videos, whilst having very limited actual experience with running gear and will come out with all kinds of crap about using these pointlessly low dosages.
If you are going on cycle for 20 weeks then coming off fully then I get that you wanna maximise the cycle. What I’m saying is, if you start low and slowly taper up over 6-12 months you will do a lot less damage and get more gains from less so it isn’t pointless
If you are going on cycle for 20 weeks then coming off fully then I get that you wanna maximise the cycle. What I’m saying is, if you start low and slowly taper up over 6-12 months you will do a lot less damage and get more gains from less so it isn’t pointless

