New Member
If you insist on taking 500mg of test a week then I would suggest splitting up your injections to at-least 3x week, ditch the arimidex and get test E. Most people can tolerate 300-400 test without an AI - which offer no benefit and only drawbacks other than for reducing estradiol. It is best to stack non-aromatising compounds on top of a test base with no AI. But aromasin is a better shout if you insist. Nevertheless, your test is at supraphysiological levels, so you estrogen will rise with it. Which isn’t always a problem as the t/e ratio should balance itself out.Morning people, I've been running approx 500mg test e for about 6 weeks now. I've just got my bloods back and as expected my Test looks high so obviously gear is working.
I have been taking 0.5mg arimidex EOD to keep my estrogen levels down but as screenshots show this is still high. To be honest I can't vouch for how good the AI is but I do have some aromasin from titan sitting that I could substitute in instead. Does this sound like a plausible plan and is there anything else I should be worried about.
I feel good and if anything have been over training, weight shot up about 12lbs pretty quickly but has now stabilised. Apart from a couple of drained days(which I'm now thinking could be the estrogen rising) I am really enjoying the cycle and see no other side effects.
Any advice and help is much appreciated.
Also only results I have before cycle where of my base test which at highest was about 15.
I’d say your “drained days” are more so the result of hormonal fluctuations that come when you get on cycle and since your estrogen is going up and down (from the jabs and the arimidex) instead of staying steady.
Also, instead of taking a test mix which has prop in, try enanthate. Your hormones will never be balanced and you are just gonna be fighting fluctuations. Prop needs injected every other day ideally - multi-ester compounds don’t work as well as people think in reality and even injecting them twice week isn’t enough.
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