Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

You got me with “the voices” LMFAO..
.I thought I was the only one whom they spoke to.
.T-bagger....morning (do u even sleep) zzzzz
I sleep probably 4.5-5 hours a night. Wake up early for work and go to bed late. One of these days I’ll get to sleep earlier, but I doubt it.
I sleep probably 4.5-5 hours a night. Wake up early for work and go to bed late. One of these days I’ll get to sleep earlier, but I doubt it.
So last night woman was bouncing on me demanding sex..
.I stated “I’m good for right now”
I was on meso at the time..she kept up and it was cute to see how excited she was to get something straight between us .
. so I laid her back & executed my mouth action like a vet..
she squirted all over my face and I was soaked..
my God what da hell.. for the next 30 minutes she just mumbled how happy I make her ...while I practiced my proofreading & ondarun sentences from occurring
So last night woman was bouncing on me demanding sex..
.I stated “I’m good for right now”
I was on meso at the time..she kept up and it was cute to see how excited she was to get something straight between us .
. so I laid her back & executed my mouth action like a vet..
she squirted all over my face and I was soaked..
my God what da hell.. for the next 30 minutes she just mumbled how happy I make her ...while I practiced my proofreading & ondarun sentences from occurring
LMFAO... dude, you make me laugh.
I know you were running tren, but were you also running NPP?

I ask because my winter bulk cycle based around NPP got me seriously cut? I feel great on NPP, but I can’t quite figure out how to bulk with it.
You have trouble eating with npp?
“You down with OPP yeah you know me!”
Naughty By Nature
Yea...... thax joedaddy !!!! everyone here @ my house has no clue what I’m talking about..”You down with.....??? Yes ...”you down wit NPP ;yea do me, I’m n to NPP can’t u see” naughty by MTV
Thought you were all about the hood rats. You’re awfully picky for a ridge headed mfer.
Don’t get me wrong I dig the hoop earrings but the attitude that comes along with them is no good for me. Those types of women (I’ll use the term loosely) are the kind that get me a ride to jail
Yea...... thax joedaddy !!!! everyone here @ my house has no clue what I’m talking about..”You down with.....??? Yes ...”you down wit NPP ;yea do me, I’m n to NPP can’t u see” naughty by MTV
other people’s, hmmm.... property. You’re not the only one in here born before 1990
Don’t get me wrong I dig the hoop earrings but the attitude that comes along with them is no good for me. Those types of women (I’ll use the term loosely) are the kind that get me a ride to jail

other people’s, hmmm.... property. You’re not the only one in here born before 1990
“WORF WORF” as he chased the pussy cat..
damn I forgot what I was going to say wtf
Felt like telling everyone how the gears been treating me. I'm on the npp/tpp 500mg week superdrol 20 to 30mg a day.
Been a week and I was sick with the flu but got to work out yesterday and felt like a strait savage. Literally was out of control. Sex drives up. I have no blood work but it feel good!
Thanks titaniumgear! Well pleased!
Felt like telling everyone how the gears been treating me. I'm on the npp/tpp 500mg week superdrol 20 to 30mg a day.
Been a week and I was sick with the flu but got to work out yesterday and felt like a strait savage. Literally was out of control. Sex drives up. I have no blood work but it feel good!
Thanks titaniumgear! Well pleased!

You guys run some decent doses. Currently running 250TestE_200MastE_200PrimoA weekly +25mgPrimoAce Daily before workout. This is pretty heavy for me, but I plan on going another 16 weeks right there. It’s just really sustainable. My last run was 4 months of 200TestE_200MastE_150TrenE for 4 months.
Currently 5’9.5” 183-185
5’3” 102-105
Both in our 30’s; deep.

She is Using 12.5PrimoA_10Var daily.