Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Thought you were all about the hood rats. You’re awfully picky for a ridge headed mfer.
Ruffles have rigdes. Worf is a pringle.

Felt like telling everyone how the gears been treating me. I'm on the npp/tpp 500mg week superdrol 20 to 30mg a day.
Been a week and I was sick with the flu but got to work out yesterday and felt like a strait savage. Literally was out of control. Sex drives up. I have no blood work but it feel good!
Thanks titaniumgear! Well pleased!
Just doing what i do. Glad you're feeling "on"!
That's what i like about Titter. He can be blunt when it comes to people telling him how to run his business, but when it comes to just messing around, he doesn't take shit personal.

Much like @T-Bagger / @HIGHRISK / @penche and many others. i can talk mad shit to them and they know it's all good, i'm just being Meso's joker.

Good group of guys, for the most part, that we have on Meso.
That's why i come here every day. So if you don't see me for a long time, i'm either banned, dead or incarcerated. :D
Is it funny I talk to myself and tag all my other handles ? I even like my own post by my alter egos. I really like these guys because I am these guys :cool:

Shit signed into wrong handle again.
Back to @MisterSuperGod
When @ONDRUN blamed having Down syndrome (for whatever reason it was) in another thread a few days ago cracked me up! I’ve pretty much liked his style ever since lol!!:D
Hey hey your going to get me in trouble.
.it was way before I got ripped apart
since then I’ve stay right here
-just for you guys.
..thax for the lift good buddy bolder bestest friend ever
That had me frickin rolling!
T-bagger bestest friend ever ..my lady just looked over and said “ what da hell is wrong with u NOW” ...I’ve got friends!! ..feels like Rudolph when he got his first kiss and jumped in the air and learned to write sentences with paragraphs
You have trouble eating with npp?

Not at all. Makes me super hungry actually. I think my diet was maybe too clean if that is possible.

I am currently easing up on my diet and added a lot of peanut butter and one of the 1500+ calorie shakes every day after breakfast.

My abs are starting to hide a little so we will see if the scale starts to move.