Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

You guys run some decent doses. Currently running 250TestE_200MastE_200PrimoA weekly +25mgPrimoAce Daily before workout. This is pretty heavy for me, but I plan on going another 16 weeks right there. It’s just really sustainable. My last run was 4 months of 200TestE_200MastE_150TrenE for 4 months.
Currently 5’9.5” 183-185
5’3” 102-105
Both in our 30’s; deep.

She is Using 12.5PrimoA_10Var daily.

Your girl juices with you. I need a girl like that. I always tried to get my x too but she was never down. I need a female whose into it. Luck you.

You know I tend to be a extremist when it comes to anything. And that's not a good thing usually. So I started jucing about 8 years ago and I was abusing alot of things. So naturally I overdid the steroid dosage. Now I'm actually trying to cut back because for one I'm not even big enough to be doing large dosages. And honestly it's not even needed. I used to do tren e at 750mg and I'd be dieing from the side effects. Tren Ave at 500 was too much.
I am looking for a cutting cycle to do right after this. I blast and cruise. I've been in prison for 4 years and got out and I'm small but I wanna look good for summer.
You guys have any ideas for a cycle you like. I'm not as big as I would like to be but I'm more focused on getting ripped. I was thinking titanuims tren ace/mastron 150. Is 2 shots enough for that? I've never ran it at 300 is that too low. Plus I was gonna maybe add winny at 50mg but only do a 7 to 10 week cycle. Any help brothers would be appreciated.
T-bagger bestest friend ever ..my lady just looked over and said “ what da hell is wrong with u NOW” ...I’ve got friends!! ..feels like Rudolph when he got his first kiss and jumped in the air and learned to write sentences with paragraphs
You’re a good kid.
Your girl juices with you. I need a girl like that. I always tried to get my x too but she was never down. I need a female whose into it. Luck you.

You know I tend to be a extremist when it comes to anything. And that's not a good thing usually. So I started jucing about 8 years ago and I was abusing alot of things. So naturally I overdid the steroid dosage. Now I'm actually trying to cut back because for one I'm not even big enough to be doing large dosages. And honestly it's not even needed. I used to do tren e at 750mg and I'd be dieing from the side effects. Tren Ave at 500 was too much.
I am looking for a cutting cycle to do right after this. I blast and cruise. I've been in prison for 4 years and got out and I'm small but I wanna look good for summer.
You guys have any ideas for a cycle you like. I'm not as big as I would like to be but I'm more focused on getting ripped. I was thinking titanuims tren ace/mastron 150. Is 2 shots enough for that? I've never ran it at 300 is that too low. Plus I was gonna maybe add winny at 50mg but only do a 7 to 10 week cycle. Any help brothers would be appreciated.

The half life is too short for 2 shots a week (TrenA & MastP). M,W,F minimum. Some prefer eod or ed.

I would also consider NPP for that cycle. Short ester and kicks in fast for a shorter cycle. Hungry and horny with no Tren sides.

I ran it this winter and got more cut than I have been in 20 years. I had 2 different guys at the gym ask if I was getting ready for a competition (no)...
Your girl juices with you. I need a girl like that. I always tried to get my x too but she was never down. I need a female whose into it. Luck you.

You know I tend to be a extremist when it comes to anything. And that's not a good thing usually. So I started jucing about 8 years ago and I was abusing alot of things. So naturally I overdid the steroid dosage. Now I'm actually trying to cut back because for one I'm not even big enough to be doing large dosages. And honestly it's not even needed. I used to do tren e at 750mg and I'd be dieing from the side effects. Tren Ave at 500 was too much.
I am looking for a cutting cycle to do right after this. I blast and cruise. I've been in prison for 4 years and got out and I'm small but I wanna look good for summer.
You guys have any ideas for a cycle you like. I'm not as big as I would like to be but I'm more focused on getting ripped. I was thinking titanuims tren ace/mastron 150. Is 2 shots enough for that? I've never ran it at 300 is that too low. Plus I was gonna maybe add winny at 50mg but only do a 7 to 10 week cycle. Any help brothers would be appreciated.

Cyp/Tren A/Mast P is my favorite spring cycle. Usually only takes me about 8 weeks to get where i want to be.

EOD on the Ace and Prop to keep levels even. Although some get away with M,W,F.
Good morning fellow meatheads! What is on the agenda today? I got to watch a very small chick hit 460 on squats last night! INSANE. My top set being 465x3