Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

T-bagger I told you it wasn’t a few days ago ...
you’re such a trooper you just had to go find it ..
don’t bring that persons name up around here .
.fuckn love you guys what da heck..gosh I might have to go look myself ..
Bro, that was gold. Never heard someone blame Down syndrome for forgetting something lmao.
@Kim, how does it feel to have all this power in here?! You are the patron saint of the forums. You can do no wrong and everyone wants your attention. Every girls dream?
Trooper T-bagger must u bring up allegedly someone buying from another source..I got slammed there too..
Since I’m down with “Down”
I was thinking I couldn’t talk shit if I didn’t join everyone else who did...and “P” talked first timers get double right before he dipped out
Really it was a precautionary move so I had two just in case .
. I mean you don’t really truly know obviously for a long time how people at the end of the day will actually be and TGI has talked straight
and done exactly what he says
and he knew exactly what to expect when he first popped up
I even ask him later on how he was doing and I was happy to see that he survived but nothing new to him he knew the game where really I did not..
Your girl juices with you. I need a girl like that. I always tried to get my x too but she was never down. I need a female whose into it. Luck you.

You know I tend to be a extremist when it comes to anything. And that's not a good thing usually. So I started jucing about 8 years ago and I was abusing alot of things. So naturally I overdid the steroid dosage. Now I'm actually trying to cut back because for one I'm not even big enough to be doing large dosages. And honestly it's not even needed. I used to do tren e at 750mg and I'd be dieing from the side effects. Tren Ave at 500 was too much.
I am looking for a cutting cycle to do right after this. I blast and cruise. I've been in prison for 4 years and got out and I'm small but I wanna look good for summer.
You guys have any ideas for a cycle you like. I'm not as big as I would like to be but I'm more focused on getting ripped. I was thinking titanuims tren ace/mastron 150. Is 2 shots enough for that? I've never ran it at 300 is that too low. Plus I was gonna maybe add winny at 50mg but only do a 7 to 10 week cycle. Any help brothers would be appreciated.

I was just thinking that TGI’s TPP/NPP blend and his TrenA/MastP blend both run together would make a real nice cycle. Figure around 300-350 mg/week of the compounds.
Trooper T-bagger must u bring up allegedly someone buying from another source..I got slammed there too..
Since I’m down with “Down”
I was thinking I couldn’t talk shit if I didn’t join everyone else who did...and “P” talked first timers get double right before he dipped out
Really it was a precautionary move so I had two just in case .
. I mean you don’t really truly know obviously for a long time how people at the end of the day will actually be and TGI has talked straight
and done exactly what he says
and he knew exactly what to expect when he first popped up
I even ask him later on how he was doing and I was happy to see that he survived but nothing new to him he knew the game where really I did not..
It’s never bad to have a backup, just have to be wise with who you choose. I can’t wait for the next new domestic UGL to pop up here so we can see how they do and we will get to see if the community learns anything from last time. There will always be those who will go easy on the new source and try them out and never hold their feet to the fire. @TitaniumGear (TGI) has set the bar so high that anyone who comes here better have their A game in order.
It’s never bad to have a backup, just have to be wise with who you choose. I can’t wait for the next new domestic UGL to pop up here so we can see how they do and we will get to see if the community learns anything from last time. There will always be those who will go easy on the new source and try them out and never hold their feet to the fire. @TitaniumGear (TGI) has set the bar so high that anyone who comes here better have their A game in order.
It’s never bad to have a backup, just have to be wise with who you choose. I can’t wait for the next new domestic UGL to pop up here so we can see how they do and we will get to see if the community learns anything from last time. There will always be those who will go easy on the new source and try them out and never hold their feet to the fire. @TitaniumGear (TGI) has set the bar so high that anyone who comes here better have their A game in order.
IM READY ...TGI OR NOTHING ...we will send our troops out and annihilate for sure..
It’s never bad to have a backup, just have to be wise with who you choose. I can’t wait for the next new domestic UGL to pop up here so we can see how they do and we will get to see if the community learns anything from last time. There will always be those who will go easy on the new source and try them out and never hold their feet to the fire. @TitaniumGear (TGI) has set the bar so high that anyone who comes here better have their A game in order.

I was really excited opening Musclebond Source Intro but fuck that guy already.

It would be great to have another domestic source here with testing/anaboliclab contributions/fair pricing/good service. Maybe the new one could actually manage to get their labels on straight...
Trooper T-bagger must u bring up allegedly someone buying from another source..I got slammed there too..
Since I’m down with “Down”
I was thinking I couldn’t talk shit if I didn’t join everyone else who did...and “P” talked first timers get double right before he dipped out
Really it was a precautionary move so I had two just in case .
. I mean you don’t really truly know obviously for a long time how people at the end of the day will actually be and TGI has talked straight
and done exactly what he says
and he knew exactly what to expect when he first popped up
I even ask him later on how he was doing and I was happy to see that he survived but nothing new to him he knew the game where really I did not..
Eh don’t take anything personally bro. Keep some thick skin and some witty comebacks and you’ll be fine. Lol.
Btw your posts are so much easier to read. Glad you took the advice to breathe while you’re texting/typing lol!
#onddownsyside... lmao!
It’s never bad to have a backup, just have to be wise with who you choose. I can’t wait for the next new domestic UGL to pop up here so we can see how they do and we will get to see if the community learns anything from last time. There will always be those who will go easy on the new source and try them out and never hold their feet to the fire. @TitaniumGear (TGI) has set the bar so high that anyone who comes here better have their A game in order.
I was really excited opening Musclebond Source Intro but fuck that guy already.

It would be great to have another domestic source here with testing/anaboliclab contributions/fair pricing/good service. Maybe the new one could actually manage to get their labels on straight...
As soon as I read £50 I was tuned out.