Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

We make it a game. Get all the guys and her together with a blindfold for her. Game is called "who is in your mouth?"

Man I feel like I would have an unfair advantage over you guys since I’ve already sent @Kim so many dick pics. They must make her really happy too since she always since back a bunch of laughing emojis :confused:
T-bagger bestest friend ever ..my lady just looked over and said “ what da hell is wrong with u NOW” ...I’ve got friends!! ..feels like Rudolph when he got his first kiss and jumped in the air and learned to write sentences with paragraphs


That's the voice I'll be hearing everytime I read your posts from now on.

A step up from Corky though. :)

Man I feel like I would have an unfair advantage over you guys since I’ve already sent @Kim so many dick pics. They must make her really happy too since she always since back a bunch of laughing emojis :confused:

Laughing emoji or pointing and laughing?
Lol, they use punctuation.

They make paragraphs.

They proofread.

Just got that from looking at the format of your post :D
I see what you’re doing .. you’re trying to keep me hanging around talking well forget it .
. excuse me -but I need to push you aside
....kimmy Kim Kim I got that ..I’m trying

That's the voice I'll be hearing everytime I read your posts from now on.

A step up from Corky though. :)
LeoTC no ganging up on me ...

what’s up..?
ok your my friend too.
.T-bagger he’s going back to Walmart for an exchange
Man I feel like I would have an unfair advantage over you guys since I’ve already sent @Kim so many dick pics. They must make her really happy too since she always since back a bunch of laughing emojis :confused:
Must be nice!
I sent @Kim two butt pics!o_O

I’m not sure if she thought I was winking at her or what because she kept sending me the wink face emoji ;) like she was winking back at me? :oops:

Man I feel like I would have an unfair advantage over you guys since I’ve already sent @Kim so many dick pics. They must make her really happy too since she always since back a bunch of laughing emojis :confused:
Must be nice!
I sent @Kim two butt pics!o_O

I’m not sure if she thought I was winking at her or what because she kept sending me the wink face emoji ;) like she was winking back at me? :oops:


Your girl juices with you. I need a girl like that. I always tried to get my x too but she was never down. I need a female whose into it. Luck you.

You know I tend to be a extremist when it comes to anything. And that's not a good thing usually. So I started jucing about 8 years ago and I was abusing alot of things. So naturally I overdid the steroid dosage. Now I'm actually trying to cut back because for one I'm not even big enough to be doing large dosages. And honestly it's not even needed. I used to do tren e at 750mg and I'd be dieing from the side effects. Tren Ave at 500 was too much.
I am looking for a cutting cycle to do right after this. I blast and cruise. I've been in prison for 4 years and got out and I'm small but I wanna look good for summer.
You guys have any ideas for a cycle you like. I'm not as big as I would like to be but I'm more focused on getting ripped. I was thinking titanuims tren ace/mastron 150. Is 2 shots enough for that? I've never ran it at 300 is that too low. Plus I was gonna maybe add winny at 50mg but only do a 7 to 10 week cycle. Any help brothers would be appreciated.

I know it sounds like bro science. But just drop down to 250 a week test; for 4-6 weeks.

Then start another blast but milder, Winny for me, after 4 weeks of 25mg a day I have had enough. I would much rather run Masteron. But we are all different.

As far as the Tren/Mast mix......I found I prefer my Tren lower than my test and Mast; so I could never get down with that mix.

I’m telling you. You will manage your life better running things lower doses. You look forward to your meal prep; and your workouts when you aren’t battling fatigue from playing with an AI; and cholesterol problems.

I only get Tren sides when I run it above 200 a week. My sweet spot is 100-150 for a few months. I like Enanthate.
You know I’m kiddin. You’re my fave!

Oh that's just great. @Masters Power is going to be crestfallen.
Do you have any idea how many tranquilizer darts it's going to take to bring him down after he reads that?

i don't want to be anywhere near this place when that happens.
Have you ever watched the nuclear bomb footage from WWII?
Yeah, this is gonna be waaaaaay uglier! Good going, Kim.
1-14 test cyp 300
1-10 NPP 400
6-14 tren A 400-600
8-14 anadrol/winny 50mg


1-4 Dbol 50mg ED
1-16 test cyp 300
1-16 500/600 eq
1-16 NPP 100mg
10-16 anadrol 50mg ed
10-16 proviron 50mg ed

I am not sure on your cycle history, so I threw down some above beginner numbers.

That first cycle is looking more like something I had my ideas on I might sub out the oral with dbols since I aready have them and really loved my results from them this cycle . Good looking out I’m excited to see what the hype is for NPP
OMG ok ok I’ll keep you big baby.. no Walmarts.. I was just getting a little worried warranty is about to run out
Dang, demoted to a second class citizen :(

I see how you are. Get a few people who like you now and all of a sudden you’re Ronald Miller.