Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

One of the main reasons I don’t do Tren is the crazy flip in lipid profile. I work damn hard at staying healthy with diet and don’t want a drug negating my efforts. I know that all AAS can affect lipids negatively, but Tren is a special bitch.
Do you find that (personally) your lipids stay okay running it at 200 and below?
To be honest with you towards the end of the 3 month run, I was feeling bad. If I did it all over again. I would just go 8 weeks. But I only want to do that twice a year. And I used up one of those runs.

Yeah when I get fatigue sides I just taper down slightly. The key is not to hit the panic button and fluctuate. Having a lot of the same product is crucial too.

To be able to know exactly how much things are.
I just don't know if I am ready for the ole prostate tickler yet. Ole lady has never expressed interest. Stick to the normal throat poundings and fishhooks..