Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Morning tough guy I mean bald guy with beard I mean bigbaldbearguy I mean BIGBALDBEARDGUY tahhhh dahhhhhh...or as The Indian say “bear with beard on Big Bald mountain i

What’s up Mouth Keeps Running I mean ReRun I mean OnlyFun I mean RUNON ( that was the best @Worf)

How’s piglet? I thought of it while I was cooking up bacon for the family this morning.

You are doing much better with paragraphs and stuff. You got 4 gold stars this week!
I sense Kim is around ??!!! Kimmy
come out
Come out
Where ever you are ....pitter patter
Your thirst is unreal dude. She's just a female. There's like 50 gajillion more just like her.. nothing special about it. She will divorce you and take half your shit, call the cops on you, play the victim, and use her gender to her advantage just like the rest of them. Wise up.
What’s up Mouth Keeps Running I mean ReRun I mean OnlyFun I mean RUNON ( that was the best @Worf)

How’s piglet? I thought of it while I was cooking up bacon for the family this morning.

You are doing much better with paragraphs and stuff. You got 4 gold stars this week!
Don’t give him a big head or he’ll start slacking. 1.5 gold star
Your thirst is unreal dude. She's just a female. There's like 50 gajillion more just like her.. nothing special about it. She will divorce you and take half your shit, call the cops on you, play the victim, and use her gender to her advantage just like the rest of them. Wise up.
Hard to find a chick to do gym stuff and talk peds though. Hell even those types are probably more likely to fuck a guy over
What’s up Mouth Keeps Running I mean ReRun I mean OnlyFun I mean RUNON ( that was the best @Worf)

How’s piglet? I thought of it while I was cooking up bacon for the family this morning.

You are doing much better with paragraphs and stuff. You got 4 gold stars this week!
Off the wall
Need advice...
so I helping a family out by doing some God awful work ...ummmm brain stump

.... never mind I’ll probably get beat up because it would be too long as in a book ...
I don’t think so
but I made some poor calls wit my down syndrome and all and
and my heads are fiNALLY above water so I think i better play safe -sad face...u guys don’t deserve my enhanced story
FUCK @balco