Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Your thirst is unreal dude. She's just a female. There's like 50 gajillion more just like her.. nothing special about it. She will divorce you and take half your shit, call the cops on you, play the victim, and use her gender to her advantage just like the rest of them. Wise up.
look LOOK keep it at fun ...I am wise and “all knowing” and the truth sits with you my son ..
What are you running the mast/tren blend at per week, and what kind of test & dose are your running with it?
Not too crazy ..I was on t-ball too
but had to back off a bit
I’d say at first 1cc every third day
now it’s 4th day slowing down and test cyp 250 once a week and hgh ...
no bloods yet but this week I will
Not too crazy ..I was on t-ball too
but had to back off a bit
I’d say at first 1cc every third day
now it’s 4th day slowing down and test cyp 250 once a week and hgh ...
no bloods yet but this week I will
So you're on trt dose of cyp and pinning the blend @ 150mg E4D? That's a long break for short esters dude.
So you're on trt dose of cyp and pinning the blend @ 150mg E4D? That's a long break for short esters dude.
I had to im feeling it out something was starting to make me nauseated 24 hours a day but I’m also on some peptides so I’m not exactly sure which area it was and I just couldn’t do it everything had to slow down but yeah that does concern me so either I figure it out or get straight or shut down .. i’d like to stay at three days or even 2 put something was kicking my fucking ass
I had to im feeling it out something was starting to make me nauseated 24 hours a day but I’m also on some peptides so I’m not exactly sure which area it was and I just couldn’t do it everything had to slow down but yeah that does concern me so either I figure it out or get straight or shut down .. i’d like to stay at three days or even 2 put something was kicking my fucking ass
You running all that new stuff at one time?

Smart method is adding ONE new addition so you can see it's effects/sides.
You running all that new stuff at one time?

Smart method is adding ONE new addition so you can see it's effects/sides.
Yeah you’re right it’s even slightly worse than that if you add creatine and a powdered RD-140 ect I got ran over but none of my dosage is eally large but damn son talk about a rocket ride
38) don’t shout out every third post
I CAN DO THIS. over&over
Your right as always just keep me in line I appreciate it ..
Hate to break it to you but it doesn’t look like you’re on @Kim list of favorites... sorry man.

I got put on @Urgentfury12 list o_O, and I didn’t even wanna be on it!
Maybe @Urgentfury12 and @Kim can trade me out on their lists :oops: or something?
I don’t wanna die :(

Yeah you’re right it’s even slightly worse than that if you add creatine and a powdered RD-140 ect I got ran over but none of my dosage is eally large but damn son talk about a rocket ride

I really have no idea what you are ever talking about , but
The tren/mast blend needs to be injected EOD
I had to im feeling it out something was starting to make me nauseated 24 hours a day but I’m also on some peptides so I’m not exactly sure which area it was and I just couldn’t do it everything had to slow down but yeah that does concern me so either I figure it out or get straight or shut down .. i’d like to stay at three days or even 2 put something was kicking my fucking ass
You felt like shit because your blood levels were out of whack. Pin that bad boy ED or at the LEAST EOD. Pinning tren A every 4d is going to have you feeling like shit end the third day.