Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I’m raising a little boy right now. Hopefully two not too long from now. Self esteem and being told youre a winner when you lose are not mutually inclusive. It’s ok to lose, never OK to be complacent and happy with losing. The lack of breeding a competitive nature in a generation is why half the population is worthless now.

Amen. Well said.
Not sure. It isn't in MyFitnessPal. i just count it as 10 calories.
People often get a significant proportion of their daily calories from beverages. Although caloric beverages, such as juices and sodas, have been associated with weight gain, medical researchers don't all agree on the reasons for this. Some people believe that liquid calories aren't as filling as calories from solid food, but this may be too simplistic of an explanation because other factors may also be involved.
Meso fucking made me. Before meso, i was a busted adding machine in a tax office trash can. Now I'm optimus prime. Thanks meso.
Wait ....T-3 and DNP comb liquid!!... vastly different but they do the same thing ..FUCK U UP if not well educated on their pros and cons ....taaaa dahhhh
People often get a significant proportion of their daily calories from beverages. Although caloric beverages, such as juices and sodas, have been associated with weight gain, medical researchers don't all agree on the reasons for this. Some people believe that liquid calories aren't as filling as calories from solid food, but this may be too simplistic of an explanation because other factors may also be involved.

[emoji23] I love you man! The writing style change! Punctuation. You’ve come a long way in a couple weeks.
Somewhere deep inside your head you didn’t notice that that was sort of was intentional just for you knowing you’d feel that way ??!! That shits a week old since God for bid I might call out Kim a couple times big fucking deal
A couple? I’m not the only one trust me. I simply said give it a rest. So if you’d like to continue this let me know.
People often get a significant proportion of their daily calories from beverages. Although caloric beverages, such as juices and sodas, have been associated with weight gain, medical researchers don't all agree on the reasons for this. Some people believe that liquid calories aren't as filling as calories from solid food, but this may be too simplistic of an explanation because other factors may also be involved.