Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Ms.Kim if you go back through the threads there’s probably a half a day of talking about T3 and DNP
and iceman having a conflict of interest with the Geek I think
over helping a person out and how....the compounds all though different ,have great repercussions when poorly used ;Unless people are knowledgeable about it is what it all sums up to ..that’s the inside part- I don’t know calling that out is necessary the point your trying to imply my dearest...

.....what in the actual fuck. Mind=blown.
People often get a significant proportion of their daily calories from beverages. Although caloric beverages, such as juices and sodas, have been associated with weight gain, medical researchers don't all agree on the reasons for this. Some people believe that liquid calories aren't as filling as calories from solid food, but this may be too simplistic of an explanation because other factors may also be involved.
Look at the professor coming in at the last few days of Titter’s public run
Sounds gold man. Any particular reason for deca over NPP?
Deca is NPP. When people say deca holds water it usually has more to do with E2 or diet. I have personally ran deca and npp. I absolutely love npp. I have been an advocate of it simply because it’s better for people who cycle. IF you blast and cruise deca is what I blast. It’s about recovery. After TRT less injections the better. I can run it real dry. All I need is 400mg to get what I need out of it. I usually stack it with primo, adrol, or mast.
Deca is NPP. When people say deca holds water it usually has more to do with E2 or diet. I have personally ran deca and npp. I absolutely love npp. I have been an advocate of it simply because it’s better for people who cycle. IF you blast and cruise deca is what I blast. It’s about recovery. After TRT less injections the better. I can run it real dry. All I need is 400mg to get what I need out of it. I usually stack it with primo, adrol, or mast.

This will be my first blast with NPP. Also at 400mg.

I guess what I’m trying to find out is , what is the advantage to Deca vs NPP? Just the fact of less pinning?
This will be my first blast with NPP. Also at 400mg.

I guess what I’m trying to find out is , what is the advantage to Deca vs NPP? Just the fact of less pinning?
Deca will and can be detectable for up to 18 months. NPP is the short ester of deca so it’s detectable for about half that time. Just consider it tren a and e. People say one treats them better but we all know tren a is nice if shit hits the fan. Deca and npp is the same amount of gains for me. Npp if you cycle. Fuck I’ve added deca on a cut cycle and was amazed by the results and everyone told me I would just be a big water balloon. One thing I have learned is every compound has its place. I prefer running 3-4 compounds per cycle than high doses. It just works for me and I have no proven scientific data so really it’s just Broscience really. Don’t take it to the bank and try to cash it. Just my experience bud.
Deca is NPP. When people say deca holds water it usually has more to do with E2 or diet. I have personally ran deca and npp. I absolutely love npp. I have been an advocate of it simply because it’s better for people who cycle. IF you blast and cruise deca is what I blast. It’s about recovery. After TRT less injections the better. I can run it real dry. All I need is 400mg to get what I need out of it. I usually stack it with primo, adrol, or mast.

Love my deca (or NPP but I B&C/TRT). Staple drug.
Deca will and can be detectable for up to 18 months. NPP is the short ester of deca so it’s detectable for about half that time. Just consider it tren a and e. People say one treats them better but we all know tren a is nice if shit hits the fan. Deca and npp is the same amount of gains for me. Npp if you cycle. Fuck I’ve added deca on a cut cycle and was amazed by the results and everyone told me I would just be a big water balloon. One thing I have learned is every compound has its place. I prefer running 3-4 compounds per cycle than high doses. It just works for me and I have no proven scientific data so really it’s just Broscience really. Don’t take it to the bank and try to cash it. Just my experience bud.

No, personal experience is what I throw value on. I can learn more off what a few trusted people tell me about a compound, than 14 other sites trying to sell me their bullshit

Appreciate the information man