Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Earlier there was a lot of Deca and NPP talk.

I think Deca treats me different than NPP, but maybe that is due to the length of the cycle. Deca seems to give me more bulk, but has to be a longer cycle?

I see the TRT doc every 6 months. My favorite cycles are 6 -8 week cycles and I do 4 per year.

What is the shortest effective Deca cycles y’all have run? I don’t want to waste a cycle experimenting.
I prefer to drink my eggs also. However, after doing some research it is proven that you will have some added benefit by cooking them. But it’s not significant enough to lose sleep over. Egg whites and Mio.

I still eat 9 eggs for breakfast every morning on top of the 32oz of pasteurized egg whites. Lots of eggs and chickens missing around here.

I am starting to see why my wife and kids like to make fun of what I eat. No, there just jealous of my iron stomach.
Not cooking them - pasteurizing them. I think it’s like 140° for like 2-4 minutes and that will maximize the full nutrition of the egg. Eggs are funky - if they’re raw then I think you don’t get the full protein and some crazy crap like that.

I buy the pasteurized egg whites. Does that count? I haven’t read up on it obviously.
I've got a rice cooker and a tarp. I've been thinking of giving it a go.

Dudes been in the game.for years with a fucking pressure cooker and a camping hotplate? Took me 4 months to save capitol to get a brand new 16L clave. While buying raws and consumables. His shit is so full of flags...wow.
I think some people get different results from deca and npp forgetting the long half life of deca and still pinning twice a week. It would def build up in your system way more than npp.
Regarding the whole Deca/NPP topic - I always thought it was the same as the whole Test P/Cyp or Mast P/Mast E relationship, but my wife said she hates NPP, but she loves Deca. Makes me wonder if it’s more like the Tren A/Tren E relationship where people say that they experience completely different results. This will be my first run with NPP. I ran Deca before and loved the strength increase, so we’ll see how NPP treats me.
Dudes been in the game.for years with a fucking pressure cooker and a camping hotplate? Took me 4 months to save capitol to get a brand new 16L clave. While buying raws and consumables. His shit is so full of flags...wow.

He’s too dense and stupid to realize he’s missing out on a big opportunity. The little things must be way too hard to do. I tried giving him advice but he’s not hearing it. That thread will be dead by the weekend.

On the plus side at least his Dbol will come with free ecstasy residue!
As you may have guessed by our awesome big pharma and healthcare system, medicines are not created to cure diseases, but to create patients. There have been cures for cancer throughout the years and they’ve all be stifled by our lovely government. Cures don’t create billions of dollars.
You are 100% correct...i spent Dec thru the end of Feb in various Cancer Treatment facilities with my best friend.
I learned several things...
1) If you are ever hospitalized give someone you trust completely a power of atty.
2) Make sure you have someone willing to fight, question, chew ass, and be willing to go to jail fighting them over proper care for you.
3) Just because the person you are speaking to has Dr in front of his/her name doesnt mean they are worth a shit at their job.
4) There is no money for them in curing you or killing you.....the money is in keeping you barely alive...trying to coerce you into or demand you go into ever more expensive treatments while holding that carrot of curing you just outside your grasp.
3 days before he died his Cancer Dr told him he HAD to do targeted radiation on his brain tumors... He said no. Agitaded AF she went on, not quite yelling but but obviously pissed...that if he didnt do targeted radiation that
"YOU ARE GONNA DIE"...my buddy smiled looked that bitch in the eye and without missing a beat said "Well i dont know if you realize it Missy but.. We all are gonna die...including you" She never came back.
Its fucking disgusting.
I lost ALL respect for the medical community after those 3 months with him. From incompetent CNAs to fucked up pain med protocols....serving him foods he couldnt eat...then leaving it in frt of him knowing he couldnt feed himself. Giving him tylenol for 3 days 650mg every 4 hours AFTER being on Roxy 15s Dilaudid and 50mg morhine for a year prior. He was withdrawing so bad that alone nearly killed him before i found yes its the right protocol...wrong drugs tho.
They broke his right arm by grabbing it and tugging him up for a bone scan...(cancerous lesion)
on and on and on
I was nearly arrested twice...banned now from one hospital here...told a security guard i was gonna throw him thru a window behind me...we were on the 12th floor at the time...
My friend died Feb 22 at 3:52 A.M. in his room with just just he and i.
I was able to be with him morning thru night dec thru feb. up thru that time.
45 minutes before he passed i still got a faint grin out of him while cussing him out for bailing on me before he told me where to find the phone numbers for all his whores...lol
He died well ...1 minute here next second gone. Its like whatever made that body him just said fuck it...Im outta here.
He was 72.
He’s too dense and stupid to realize he’s missing out on a big opportunity. The little things must be way too hard to do. I tried giving him advice but he’s not hearing it. That thread will be dead by the weekend.

On the plus side at least his Dbol will come with free ecstasy residue!
Morning Bigbaldbeardguy,throwback,Kim,yes T-bagger,Dissident, and TGI and everyone else
You are 100% correct...i spent Dec thru the end of Feb in various Cancer Treatment facilities with my best friend.
I learned several things...
1) If you are ever hospitalized give someone you trust completely a power of atty.
2) Make sure you have someone willing to fight, question, chew ass, and be willing to go to jail fighting them over proper care for you.
3) Just because the person you are speaking to has Dr in front of his/her name doesnt mean they are worth a shit at their job.
4) There is no money for them in curing you or killing you.....the money is in keeping you barely alive...trying to coerce you into or demand you go into ever more expensive treatments while holding that carrot of curing you just outside your grasp.
3 days before he died his Cancer Dr told him he HAD to do targeted radiation on his brain tumors... He said no. Agitaded AF she went on, not quite yelling but but obviously pissed...that if he didnt do targeted radiation that
"YOU ARE GONNA DIE"...my buddy smiled looked that bitch in the eye and without missing a beat said "Well i dont know if you realize it Missy but.. We all are gonna die...including you" She never came back.
Its fucking disgusting.
I lost ALL respect for the medical community after those 3 months with him. From incompetent CNAs to fucked up pain med protocols....serving him foods he couldnt eat...then leaving it in frt of him knowing he couldnt feed himself. Giving him tylenol for 3 days 650mg every 4 hours AFTER being on Roxy 15s Dilaudid and 50mg morhine for a year prior. He was withdrawing so bad that alone nearly killed him before i found yes its the right protocol...wrong drugs tho.
They broke his right arm by grabbing it and tugging him up for a bone scan...(cancerous lesion)
on and on and on
I was nearly arrested twice...banned now from one hospital here...told a security guard i was gonna throw him thru a window behind me...we were on the 12th floor at the time...
My friend died Feb 22 at 3:52 A.M. in his room with just just he and i.
I was able to be with him morning thru night dec thru feb. up thru that time.
45 minutes before he passed i still got a faint grin out of him while cussing him out for bailing on me before he told me where to find the phone numbers for all his whores...lol
He died well ...1 minute here next second gone. Its like whatever made that body him just said fuck it...Im outta here.
He was 72.
Sorry for your loss bro. Man it’s tough to watch someone go through cancer. I had a friend who refused to do chemo and he just wasted away in one of his chairs in his living room. I visited him regularly, but the quality of life people tolerate for a chance at a “cure” isn’t worth it. I’ve heard countless people say if they had it to do over, they would have never bothered with chemo and just enjoyed the rest of their days without all the garbage they went through.
Funny that you brought that up, because i was just thinking about it minutes before i read this post.

i drink a shit ton of milk and i basically count everything that goes down my throat, liquid or solid ( fuck you and your jokes @T-Bagger ).

i was wondering. If i get 1/4 of my calories from liquid, am i short changing myself? Isn't a calorie a calorie?
Milk is actually good protein as it is slow acting.. it will feed your muscles over time. I think.. lol. I drink A LLOT of milk. Gallon every 2 days.