Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

No, personal experience is what I throw value on. I can learn more off what a few trusted people tell me about a compound, than 14 other sites trying to sell me their bullshit

Appreciate the information man
Don’t think I’ll use Deca ever again, TPP/NPP blend is treating me very well right now. Sad I have one week left:( going to start Cyp again tonight to have it back in me for TRT. Did I mention I’m sad my cycle is ending :(
Don’t think I’ll use Deca ever again, TPP/NPP blend is treating me very well right now. Sad I have one week left:( going to start Cyp again tonight to have it back in me for TRT. Did I mention I’m sad my cycle is ending :(

Yeah I’m still sold on NPP. I was really wondering if there was any reason for Deca, because to me NPP is Deca with added value to it.

That’s really what I was trying to get at
Um...same shit diff ester. I love both. Same time. Like a mom and daughter 3 way. Even sexier if they go at it a little. Then again, i live under the porch in a half as wide.
It’s terrible when you get done and the daughter needs to wait for her dad to get home for her allowance to go to the county fair...
Funny that you brought that up, because i was just thinking about it minutes before i read this post.

i drink a shit ton of milk and i basically count everything that goes down my throat, liquid or solid ( fuck you and your jokes @T-Bagger ).

i was wondering. If i get 1/4 of my calories from liquid, am i short changing myself? Isn't a calorie a calorie?

I am very interested what others have to say about this also.

I have a hard time eating a ton of food.

I drink 3 - 4 protein shakes a day. I also drink 100 grams of egg whites a day. About 1 month ago I added a 1500 calorie shake from the site I saw posted here per day.

I basically eat all that I feel comfortable eating and then top myself off later with one of the above.

The addition of the shake seems to have put me where I need to be. I have started gaining, but my abs are slowly getting covered up.
I am very interested what others have to say about this also.

I have a hard time eating a ton of food.

I drink 3 - 4 protein shakes a day. I also drink 100 grams of egg whites a day. About 1 month ago I added a 1500 calorie shake from the site I saw posted here per day.

I basically eat all that I feel comfortable eating and then top myself off later with one of the above.

The addition of the shake seems to have put me where I need to be. I have started gaining, but my abs are slowly getting covered up.
I prefer to drink my eggs also. However, after doing some research it is proven that you will have some added benefit by cooking them. But it’s not significant enough to lose sleep over. Egg whites and Mio.
I prefer to drink my eggs also. However, after doing some research it is proven that you will have some added benefit by cooking them. But it’s not significant enough to lose sleep over. Egg whites and Mio.
Not cooking them - pasteurizing them. I think it’s like 140° for like 2-4 minutes and that will maximize the full nutrition of the egg. Eggs are funky - if they’re raw then I think you don’t get the full protein and some crazy crap like that.