Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Everyone says to stay away from dairy. But if you’re going to drink milk, get Fairlife - double the protein of regular milk.
I get it in where I can. Lol. This was yesterday.
4392K Cal.

Trying to put on what I can before this test Tren and mast in a bit.
@Throwback really sucks about your friend man. Sorry to hear that. It is unfortunate to hear you say you have lost all respect for the medical community. We in the medical field don’t go to work everyday wondering how we can fuck up somebodys life. As a matter of fact it is the exact opposite. Doctors can only treat patients based on what they have learned through trials and experience and schooling. To think there is some conspiracy to barely keep a human alive is fucking asinine. While I do agree that big pharma wants to keep as many meds in our body as humanely possible, I know for a fact that cancer doctors will do whatever they think is neccesary to give a patient the best quality of life they can. We don’t like to see anybody die on our watch. We have to live with that shit every time we close our eyes at night. For every person that had an absolute shit show going through cancer treatment, there are thousands more who have done the exact same thing, fought, and beat that nasty bitch.
No disrespect here bro, just giving a different perspective.
Hey what's everyone's favorite meal replacement/ mass/weight gainer shake?? Not talking just protein shake...

I have never used these products before as I am usually trying to cut fat ad keep weight down, however I am just not able to eat enough while on tren. Tren totally destroys my appetite and I took Eq with it this time as Eq boosts my appetite, but it's not helping as much as I hoped. The tren is overpowering the increased appetite that EQ normally gives me
Sorry for your loss bro. Man it’s tough to watch someone go through cancer. I had a friend who refused to do chemo and he just wasted away in one of his chairs in his living room. I visited him regularly, but the quality of life people tolerate for a chance at a “cure” isn’t worth it. I’ve heard countless people say if they had it to do over, they would have never bothered with chemo and just enjoyed the rest of their days without all the garbage they went through.
I agree...he and i discussed it in march 2017. I brought him out to the beach and he spent 3 weeks just hangin out.
He did 1 round radiation 3 types of chemo after he left the beach he had a final round of chemo and none of it did anything.
He stopped treatments and actually seemed to be doing better but cancer is a weird thing.
At a cellular leve initially i believe any of it can be eradicated caught early enough but at a rate of 2 cells becoming 4, 4 become 16, 16 become 256 and so on....there comes a tipping point where the disease is so prolific its unstoppable.
Thats where you see the massive weight loss and eventual death.
He was eating had a great appetite 3000 plus cals a day that last month.
Yet he lost 9 to 12 lbs a week.
There was no nutrient uptake by his body...
He was ready to go...thurs. morning before he passed on thurs night/fri mornin he had a huge breakfast visited with my wife a couple hours...i took her home at 11 then went back at 3pm.
Called my wife said i was staying over night....that fast his bp had dropped from normal to 70 over 40.
It happened very fast yet slow...he was in n out but not in pain.
Having seen alot of traumatic deaths this seemed really surreal to me.
Hey what's everyone's favorite meal replacement/ mass/weight gainer shake?? Not talking just protein shake...

I have never used these products before as I am usually trying to cut fat ad keep weight down, however I am just not able to eat enough while on tren. Tren totally destroys my appetite and I took Eq with it this time as Eq boosts my appetite, but it's not helping as much as I hoped. The tren is overpowering the increased appetite that EQ normally gives me

@eje1990 has a protein milkshake recipie. I think it was around 1000 calories
@Throwback really sucks about your friend man. Sorry to hear that. It is unfortunate to hear you say you have lost all respect for the medical community. We in the medical field don’t go to work everyday wondering how we can fuck up somebodys life. As a matter of fact it is the exact opposite. Doctors can only treat patients based on what they have learned through trials and experience and schooling. To think there is some conspiracy to barely keep a human alive is fucking asinine. While I do agree that big pharma wants to keep as many meds in our body as humanely possible, I know for a fact that cancer doctors will do whatever they think is neccesary to give a patient the best quality of life they can. We don’t like to see anybody die on our watch. We have to live with that shit every time we close our eyes at night. For every person that had an absolute shit show going through cancer treatment, there are thousands more who have done the exact same thing, fought, and beat that nasty bitch.
No disrespect here bro, just giving a different perspective.
No offense but...at 3 separate hospitals i consistantly ran into this shit.
He had 1 dr that was as you say...out of idk at least 25 to 35 specialists due to the cancer in his brain organs bones etc.
What i repeatedly witnessed was pass the buck liability wary drs intent on covering their asses over providing treatment or relief.
If i felt otherwise i would have said so but it was stunningly unbelievable to watch in 2019.
Hey what's everyone's favorite meal replacement/ mass/weight gainer shake?? Not talking just protein shake...

I have never used these products before as I am usually trying to cut fat ad keep weight down, however I am just not able to eat enough while on tren. Tren totally destroys my appetite and I took Eq with it this time as Eq boosts my appetite, but it's not helping as much as I hoped. The tren is overpowering the increased appetite that EQ normally gives me

Fairlife Chocolate milk and powder of your choice. Shit is a god send.
@eje1990 has a protein milkshake recipie. I think it was around 1000 calories
No doubt. I usually try to make one myself, load it with milk yogurt, peanut butter and bananas.. I just wanna buy something ready to mix for when I don't have time to really prep shakes.. was looking at the Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass shake