Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

@titaniumgear Just read a ton of posts on and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I saw something about sign up for once private. Is this something I need to do in order to remain a customer once private?

Sorry if this has been answered and I'm not seeing it but still very green here.
@titaniumgear Just read a ton of posts on and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I saw something about sign up for once private. Is this something I need to do in order to remain a customer once private?

Sorry if this has been answered and I'm not seeing it but still very green here.
Email him my dude.
Apparently with the type of grease they use on the goosenecks ya need mayo to get off, instead of dish soap.

EDIT: least that’s how we do shit in the south
I don’t want to be that guy but...your mom made you believe soap wouldn’t work and covered you in mayo for fun.
@titaniumgear Just read a ton of posts on and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I saw something about sign up for once private. Is this something I need to do in order to remain a customer once private?

Sorry if this has been answered and I'm not seeing it but still very green here.

Over here being a complete meathead trying to figure this out as well! I big... Gear good... must get more gear...
1. Be ready to transfer coin when you order. Fucking this up can make things difficult for me. If you need to know how/why then email me.

2. Order format. Your orders don't need to be fancy. Just simple. Keep oils and orals together. No dollar signs. No milligrams needed unless it is cialis. Please use GSO or MCT when ordering oils.
1 x Test E MCT= 30
2 x T-400 = 35
1 x Cialis 10mg = 25
1 x Viagra = 25
Ship = 10
Total = 115
If you follow this example you can't go wrong. Please don't order caps by count. If you want 120 caps of anavar use 4 x anavar not anavar 120 caps.

3. Min order remains at 250. If you have an emergency please let me know.

4. Dropping from my list. I can and will drop people for not using protocol. Being private should ensure i have clients that are easiest to work with. The best of meso.

5. Security. Please do not share my private email with anyone. Or your pin number/zipcode combo.

6. Meso thread. I will still monitor and participate on meso. To include posting testing data and making quarterly donations to AL.

7. Addresses. Write the address the way it appears on a parcel. Example:
Name name
1234 street
Gainsville, FL
Without a name i will use current resident.
1. Be ready to transfer coin when you order. Fucking this up can make things difficult for me. If you need to know how/why then email me.

2. Order format. Your orders don't need to be fancy. Just simple. Keep oils and orals together. No dollar signs. No milligrams needed unless it is cialis. Please use GSO or MCT when ordering oils.
1 x Test E MCT= 30
2 x T-400 = 35
1 x Cialis 10mg = 25
1 x Viagra = 25
Ship = 10
Total = 115
If you follow this example you can't go wrong. Please don't order caps by count. If you want 120 caps of anavar use 4 x anavar not anavar 120 caps.

3. Min order remains at 250. If you have an emergency please let me know.

4. Dropping from my list. I can and will drop people for not using protocol. Being private should ensure i have clients that are easiest to work with. The best of meso.

5. Security. Please do not share my private email with anyone. Or your pin number/zipcode combo.

6. Meso thread. I will still monitor and participate on meso. To include posting testing data and making quarterly donations to AL.

7. Addresses. Write the address the way it appears on a parcel. Example:
Name name
1234 street
Gainsville, FL
Without a name i will use current resident.
Will price list remain here, or given through email?
1. Be ready to transfer coin when you order. Fucking this up can make things difficult for me. If you need to know how/why then email me.

2. Order format. Your orders don't need to be fancy. Just simple. Keep oils and orals together. No dollar signs. No milligrams needed unless it is cialis. Please use GSO or MCT when ordering oils.
1 x Test E MCT= 30
2 x T-400 = 35
1 x Cialis 10mg = 25
1 x Viagra = 25
Ship = 10
Total = 115
If you follow this example you can't go wrong. Please don't order caps by count. If you want 120 caps of anavar use 4 x anavar not anavar 120 caps.

3. Min order remains at 250. If you have an emergency please let me know.

4. Dropping from my list. I can and will drop people for not using protocol. Being private should ensure i have clients that are easiest to work with. The best of meso.

5. Security. Please do not share my private email with anyone. Or your pin number/zipcode combo.

6. Meso thread. I will still monitor and participate on meso. To include posting testing data and making quarterly donations to AL.

7. Addresses. Write the address the way it appears on a parcel. Example:
Name name
1234 street
Gainsville, FL
Without a name i will use current resident.
I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t use my actual address.